Chapter 51:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 51:

Chapter 51

Seo Gangrim surveyed the people of Zone One. There were about ten of them he could see.

Seeing Seo Gangrim's reaction, Hong Daehoon smirked and said, "Why? Are you waiting for your comrades to arrive?"

Seo Gangrim stared at him silently, which made Hong Daehoon grin widely when he said, "Don't worry about your life. If you bring out another fruit, I'll let you go unharmed."

Seo Gangrim sighed briefly, saying, "I thought you were stupid, but you're even more foolish than I expected."


Ignoring the irritated Hong Daehoon, Seo Gangrim jumped down from the tree. He pointed at the tree and said, "If you want, take it. Help yourself."

Hong Daehoon looked dumbfounded that Seo Gangrim had just given it away after being cursed at. He made a mocking face and said, "Kid, now back off peacefully... I'll let you off this once."

Hong Daehoon then addressed his comrades, "The nimble ones, go up and pick the fruit. The rest, make sure Seo Gangrim doesn't escape!"

At once, several people surrounded Seo Gangrim. He didn't resist and waited quietly. After all, he just needed to wait a little longer. The people picking the Ten Thousand Fragrance fruit were smiling, like farmers who had a bountiful harvest.

"Wow, we've finally found this."

"We've suffered a lot looking for it, but now we can finally go back."

"Hong Daehoon! You'll split the money fairly once you get it, right?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Everyone was excitedly picking the Ten Thousand Fragrance fruit until someone who was holding a fruit suddenly dropped it. Hong Daehoon, who saw this, shouted in frustration, "Hey! Be careful with it!"

"Uh, um... I, my body suddenly... felt..."

While he was trembling and explaining, they heard a thud. It was someone sitting on the opposite tree branch. He was foaming at the mouth and trembling.

"Hey, why are you..."

"Get a hold of yourself!"

"Why on earth is he...?"

People who were attending to the ill individuals began to stagger. It appeared to start now. Slowly but surely, notification windows started appearing in front of them.

[The toxicity of 'Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit' is beginning to spread.]

If one were to mix too many scents together, it wouldn't create a pleasant fragrance but rather dizziness, just like when one smells too many perfumes at once.

Amid the overwhelming fragrance of the Ten Thousand Fragrance fruit, Seo Gangrim noticed a flower garden nearby. It was hard to spot as it was hidden by the flowers, but there were skeletons scattered throughout. They were the corpses of those who had succumbed to the scent of the Ten Thousand Fragrance fruit. If Seo Gangrim hadn't raised his 'Toxin Resistance,' he would have ended up like that too.

[Due to 'Toxin Resistance,' the effects of the 'Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit' have been nullified!]

Behind this beautiful paradise lay a hidden hell. Hong Daehoon also seemed to be affected by the poison as he clutched his head and staggered.

"Damn... What's going on... Why...?"

While others were collapsing one by one, Hong Daehoon was still holding on. Perhaps it was because of his superior stat or maybe he didn't even know that he had accumulated toxin resistance by eating the Hundred and Thousand Fragrance fruits.

The easiest way to conquer this place was to consume large amounts of Hundred and Thousand Fragrance fruits to build up toxin resistance and enter here. It took time, but it was the most certain method. Hong Daehoon, with bloodshot eyes, glared at Seo Gangrim and said, "Seo Gangrim... Why are you unharmed...!"

"It's a trade secret."


As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Daehoon rushed at him with his weapon in hand. Hong Daehoon was holding a uniquely shaped spear Seo Gangrim had never seen before. The tip of the blade glowed, shining so brightly that it seemed to pierce the eyes.

[Item] Heavenly River Roaring Strike (Replica)

[Grade] Dragon Third-class

[Description] A long-range weapon that can be used for thrusting, slashing, and striking, among other purposes. It possesses formidable attack power.

Heavenly River Roaring Strike? Even if it's a replica, it was a weapon not easily obtained at their current level. Seo Gangrim wondered if Hong Daehoon had received it from a god, but even if that were the case, it was excessive.

Hong Daehoon smiled maniacally with a face smeared with blood. He pulled something out from his chest - a lighter.

"You will also burn to death here!"


Without any warning, Hong Daehoon set fire to the Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit tree. The flames seemed to eagerly spread to the tree, igniting in all directions.

Seo Gangrim knew Hong Daehoon was foolish, but he didn't expect him to go this far. If that tree burned down, it would cause various problems. Seo Gangrim hadn't collected enough Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit yet.

Seo Gangrim rushed to extinguish the fire, but Hong Daehoon, despite in his last strength, blocked him. He was even laughing as he shed blood.

"Hahaha! Look at you, so desperate...!"

"If you keep this up, you'll die too."

"Well, if I'm going to die anyway, it's better to die together!"

Seo Gangrim tried to use Invisibility to subdue Hong Daehoon, but even while receiving his attacks, Hong Daehoon didn't budge.

In no time, the fire was spreading rapidly, and flames began to bloom like flowers on the branches. As the Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit caught fire, its fragrance became even stronger.

[The poison aroma of 'Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit' has been enhanced!]

[The poison aroma is starting to erode beyond the value of 'Toxin Resistance!]

Seo Gangrim's legs suddenly wobbled. The once sweet fragrance now surpassed his resistance and was becoming overpowering. As the fire burned, the fragrance intensified.

【Wow, Hong Daehoon is insane.】

【Is he just going to set fire and die here?】

【Hey hey, get yourself together, Gangrim!】

【Ahh, the Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit is burning completely!】

Even if Seo Gangrim wanted to escape, his body wouldn't listen because of the poison and the smoke. The Ten Thousand Fragrance Fruit tree had become a giant flame. Even with Toxic Resistance, Seo Gangrim couldn't withstand the strong fragrance of the fruit. If this continued, Seo Gangrim wouldn't be able to move his hands. With these thoughts in mind, Seo Gangrim tremblingly took an item from his inventory.

Hong Daehoon asked, seemingly puzzled, "What is that... that egg?"

Seo Gangrim dropped an unfamiliar egg and his weapon on the ground. He then used the last of his strength to pick up the egg and brought it close to the sword.


The egg began to devour the weapon as if it were starving. Soon, its heartbeat sounded like it was echoing in his ears. Then, an alert popped up in front of his eyes.

[The '??? Egg's' Earth Element has increased by 1.1%.]

[Growth Status: 100%]

As the growth status reached 100%, the egg began to tremble. Now was the time for it to hatch.

【Wow, it's finally hatching!】

【What's coming out?】

【Hey, but isn't it useless to hatch it now?】

【No! If it's a Black Tortoise, Seo Gangrim can turn off the fire and survive!】

【Stupid, but didn't it eat too much Earth Element now?】

The identity of the creature hatched from the egg depended on the attributes of its diet. For example, if it ate only Fire Element, it would become a Vermilion Bird (Zhuque); if it ate Wood Element, it would become a Azure Dragon (Qinglong); if it ate Metal Element, it would become a White Tiger (Baihu); if it ate Water Element, it would become a Black Tortoise (Hyeonmu); and if it ate Earth Element, it would become a Yellow Dragon (Huang Long).

[The '??? Egg' begins to hatch!]

Slowly, the egg began to emit a golden light. Along with the light, the silhouette of a creature appeared before Seo Gangrim. It wasn't the shape of a bird, a dragon, a tiger, or a turtle.

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