Chapter 68:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 68:

Chapter 68

Shin Sooah's eyes were shimmering with a green light. The tree branches she had grown coiled around Steel's hind legs and tail like ropes, firmly restraining him.


Steel struggled to break free, but as soon as he severed one set of tree branches, new ones sprouted in their place. Flames would have burn them all down, but he had no more fuel left. His body was immobilized, and he flailed desperately. Then someone leaped forward.

"Haha, this turned out to be more fun than I expected!"CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

Dokgo Jun swung his sword and relentlessly attacked Steel. Steel attempted to use his legs to stomp on Dokgo Jun, but his movements were sluggish. With Shin Sooah holding him from the front and Dokgo Jun attacking from behind, Steel was caught in a tight spot.

'They're planning to weaken him before the finishing blow,' Gong Joo thought to himself.

Everyone trying to subdue Steel was from Zone Two, and Gong Joo was satisfied with that. But he didn't forget about punishing Seo Gangrim. As he watched over the scene, Annaby urgently approached him.

"Team Leader, Team Leader."

"Yeah, did you confirm it?"

"Well... there's Jeon Eodo."


Gong Joo looked at Annaby as if to ask what she meant. Annaby's voice was small but clear.

"Seo Gangrim only brought out two weapons, a sniper rifle and a great bow."

Gong Joo was taken aback by this unexpected report.

"He didn't bring the Jeon Eodo? He didn't know it was a sword to kill a dragon?"

He had naturally assumed that Seo Gangrim had taken the Jeon Eodo. Gong Joo thought he would at least be aware of it, but if he didn't know about the true value of the sword, it wasn't surprising.

'Perhaps I overestimated him.'

If he did, he thought, Gong Joo would know about the sword. At the very least, Gong Joo thought, his patron god would have told him.

'But, even if he didn't know about the dragon-slaying sword, why did he take those weapons?'

The sniper rifle and great bow were powerful weapons, but he didn't use them.

'Why did he give such valuable weapons to others?'

Gong Joo couldn't understand.


Steel's cries were now mixed with pain instead of anger. Dokgo Jun leaped around him, preventing him from moving his front legs. Gong Joo felt frustrated watching their actions.

"Why aren't they killing Steel? They're just attacking him or defending themselves."

Starting with Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul, everyone seemed to be only threatening or defending against Steel. Dokgo Jun also deliberately avoided vital spots and inflicted only minor injuries. No one seemed willing to kill Steel.

"Hey, up there! Someone's on top!"

An agent shouted, and Gong Joo looked up into the sky. Above Steel's head were Shin Sooah and Seo Gangrim. While Dokgo Jun distracted Steel and blocked his movements, the two of them had moved above him. Instead of approaching from the front or below, it seemed they had planned to make contact from above.

Thanks to their circling approach, they hadn't been noticed yet. Holding onto Seo Gangrim, Shin Sooah positioned himself above Steel's head. She could see his head ten metres below.

She spoke to Seo Gangrim, "Seo Gangrim-ssi. Are you ready?"


His hair and clothes fluttered in the poisonous wind. Shin Sooah seemed to hesitate, but then nodded.

When he received the message, Seo Gangrim struggled and managed to lift his body, holding the Seven Branches Sword he had taken out from the scabbard on his waist. Gong Joo's face brightened slightly as he thought that Seo Gangrim was finally going to kill Steel. However, the moment Seomun Yongneo saw that, she urgently reached out and activated her ability.

[Ability 'Lightning Strike' is activated!]

Lightning fell from the dry sky, tearing through the heavens and the earth and striking Steel. It was incomparable to the previous attack that had only destroyed one of Steel's legs. Gong Joo, shocked and appalled, grabbed Seomun by the collar.

"Are you insane? Seo Gangrim is still down there, and you're using lightning?"

"Oh my, you're so violent. I know how to control it. It was right next to him; he wouldn't have died."

She swatted away Gong Joo's hand that was clutching her collar and grinned.

"Well, he might have gotten a bit toasted, but that can be treated. Now that we've dealt with Steel, let's focus on Seo Gangrim, the trainee..."

As Seomun was speaking, Steel suddenly turned his attention. Amidst the thick smoke generated by the lightning, Steel could be seen sustaining damage, but he was not dead. And in front of Steel stood Seo Gangrim, holding a strange weapon and planting it on the scales. Crackling sounds echoed from the sword imbued with lightning energy.

With a raised eyebrow, Seomun said, "Did he use that sword as a lightning rod?"

The sword had previously been struck by lightning, giving it both the ability to attract and resist lightning attacks. Some of the lightning strikes aimed at Steel were redirected towards the sword instead.

Seo Gangrim stared at Lady Seomun and Gong Joo and said, "No one can kill Steel."

As he spoke, he showed them what he was holding. It was a Token of Friendship.

"This is mine."

He limped towards Steel, who was lying on the ground, gasping for breath. Both Steel and Seo Gangrim were in a sorry state. Seo Gangrim used his hand to move Steel's still head, tying the Token of Friendship to one of his horns. Blood trickled from Seo Gangrim's hand onto the Token. At that moment, a notification appeared before them.

["Token of Frienship" equipped!]

[The target's hostility has diminished!]

With the notification, a glimmer of life gradually returned Steel's eyes as he blinked slowly, as if recognizing Seo Gangrim. Steel calmed down, shocking the onlookers.

"What... What just happened?"

"Did he subdue Steel?"

"To think that he would actually calm Steel down..."

People were staring in astonishment. In the midst of their shock, Gong Joo stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Seo Gangrim! It's over now! Steel is calmed down, so kill Steel!"

In response to Gong Joo's cry, Seo Gangrim slowly turned his head and looked at them. By now, the agents were close to Steel.

"Steel has calmed down. There's no need to kill him."

"Don't mistake Steel for being tamed! Because of the toxins and heat emanating from his body, this realm will collapse!"

As Gong Joo had stated, Steel's aggressiveness had diminished, but he was still emitting flames from his body. Even though he appeared docile, his very presence caused destruction. Seo Gangrim knew this as well, so he spoke calmly, "Understood. I'll deal with Steel, but I'll do it my way."

Gong Joo looked at him, questioning his intentions. Seo Gangrim turned to look at Yoon Geoul and Yoon Bom, who were standing nearby.

"Linnie, I'm counting on you."


Linnie approached Steel confidently, and with brisk steps, she reached Steel. Then, she placed her horn on Steel's head. A faint white light began to emanate from it.

[The Ability 'Purification' is activated!]

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