Chapter 76:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 76:

Chapter 76

[Ability 'Poison Resistance' has been activated!]

Seo Gangrim expected she had pulled off some trick. Fortunately, he had 'Poison Resistance,' and Linnie had 'Purification,' so most poisons wouldn't work on him.


Before Seo Gangrim could finish speaking, Ju Hyereong aggressively kicked the table in front of him and tried to overpower him. But she was too slow. He immediately turned around, grabbed her by the hair, and forced her to kneel on the floor.


"Hye, Hyereong-ssi!"

"Everyone, don't move."

With one hand, Seo Gangrim twisted Ju Hyereong's arms behind her back, and with the other hand, he held her head. She struggled, but it was futile.

"Poisoning an innocent, isn't that too much?"

"But... you're too strong! I had no choice!"

She screamed as if she were going to vomit. Seo Gangrim silently looked at her and then glanced at the others. He could deal with them, but he couldn't afford to waste time. However, he couldn't just let her go either.

"You said you're right-handed, didn't you?"



【Kya, look at Gangrim's temperament!】

【Breaking the right arm of a right-handed person!】

He snapped Ju Hyereong's right arm, making her scream. The people rushed toward them with weapons and Seo Gangrim stared them down, making them hesitate.

"Do you want to turn one broken arm into two?"


"I think one arm is a cheap price for attempted poisoning."

He wanted to cut off one of her legs as well, but that might cause excessive bleeding, so he refrained. Seo Gangrim then lifted Ju Hyereong to her feet.

"I'll take Ju Hyereong-ssi for a while. I won't kill her. Come find us in 30 minutes."

"What, you're insane!"

Seo Gangrim didn't wait for their response and opened the door to the next room which looked like a meeting room. He examined the room, but there were no traces in there either. There were occasional bloodstains, which he considered as clues, and decided to follow them.

As Seo Gangrim dragged Ju Hyereong into the next room, she glared at him and asked, "Did you kill Nam Yoojun? Is that what happened?"

It was a valid question, and he couldn't give her an unclear answer. After entering one more room, he sat Ju Hyereong in a chair and tied her up with some cloth. There was plenty of torn cloth nearby.

"If you wait here, people will come soon."

"What? You're just leaving me like this? What if the monsters come?"

"I don't know about that."

Although the drum sounds were irregular, it wouldn't ring for at least another hour or two. The risk of people from other areas coming in to harm Ju Hyereong was higher than that of the demons. But that wasn't Seo Gangrim concern.

Ignoring Ju Hyereong's screams, he followed the bloodstains.

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'There are no traces here, so tracking would be difficult,' he thought. Among the five doors, he pondered which one to choose and decided to open the northern door. Once inside, he instantly felt an inexplicable breeze.

"Is this... a stable?"

The newly constructed building appeared empty, devoid of any animal smells. However, there was something familiar on the floor.

【What's that?】

【Isn't it a necklace?】

【Idiot, don't touch it. Don't call out to any gods here.】

【Then what is it?】

【It's a rosary, haven't you been to a cathedral?】

【Damn it! How can you just enter another god's house?】

Seo Gangrim picked up the rosary from the floor. It had a shape that might be mistaken for a necklace by someone unfamiliar with it. Black beads were strung together like a necklace, with a cross hanging at the end.

'Could this be the rosary Father Yohan used?'

Seo Gangrim recalled seeing Father Yohan with something similar in the past. The design of the rosary wasn't unique, so it could belong to someone else, but the probability of it being Father Yohan's was high.

'I'm sure he passed through here...'

Rather than joy, a sense of urgency was his first reaction to this clue. If Father Yohan had dropped the rosary, it meant the situation was dire. In addition, Father Yohan hadn't returned to retrieve it. As Seo Gangrim examined the room, he found it filled with traces of bullets, arrows, and knife marks.

'In which direction did he flee?'

It was difficult to distinguish the remaining footprints on the floor. He went in the direction where the clearest footprints led and opened the next door.

Upon entering, he noticed a large bookshelf. Something was moving behind it.

"Could they be from Zone Two?"

Hurriedly stepping inside, Seo Gangrim's hope was shattered as soon as he saw what had appeared behind the bookshelf. It was a black shadow. Moreover, it wasn't just one.


Shadows emerged from between the bookshelves endlessly. It wasn't just one or two, but there seemed to be over twenty at a glance.

【There are too many of them.】

【There are more than twice as many as the ones we encountered in Sura Hall, right?】

【Poor Gangrim, his luck has run out.】

As they said, this time, there were even more of the demons. Seo Gangrim didn't care, it's bad luck, and it happens all the time to him. Instead of lamenting, he had to take down one.


One shadow lunged at him head-on. With his right arm hanging loosely, the shadow brandished a spear with his left hand. Seo Gangrim drew his sword, simultaneously sending flames at the shadow behind him that was attempting to ambush him.


The head was severed, and black ashes burst forth. As Seo Gangrim defeated the shadow, he shouted, "Linnie, guard the rear!"


[Ability 'Water Manipulation' has been activated!]

Moisture from the surroundings gathered, forming a massive water droplet. The water droplet gently but firmly engulfed the shadows, trapping them inside. The shadows struggled within the water, but they didn't die. Nevertheless, with their numbers reduced, Seo Gangrim found it much easier to move.

"Good. At this rate, even though it might take some time, I can defeat them..."


Seo Gangrim heard the gunshot, prompting him to turn around. Blood was oozing from his side. When he looked back, a small shadow was aiming a rifle at him.