Chapter 82:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 82:

Chapter 82

He could see why Shin Sooah had to weaken her own shadow. The shadow was stronger and more ruthless than her.

When Seo Gangrim stepped back, a vine that had grown from the ground pierced through his thigh.


Blood flowed, and the vine greedily absorbed it, and a red aura began to circulate around the shadow.

Seo Gangrim felt chills running through his entire body.

[Ability 'Bloodlust' activated!]

"Everyone, retreat!"

They couldn't afford to make Shin Sooah's shadow any stronger. After throwing 'Radiant Flame' toward the shadow, Seo Gangrim rushed toward the nearest door below. There, too, tree vines were reaching out, and he could barely open the door.

"Both of you, go downstairs!"

Seo Gangrim blocked the shadow to allow Jang Taeheon and Yoon Bom to quickly retreat. Once he confirmed that the two had retreated, Seo Gangrim grabbed Linnie and rappelled downwards with her in his arms. They managed to retreat, but the expressions on the faces of the three were filled with confusion.

"Could... could the shadow be able to heal itself?"

"It seems that way, with its ability..."

Seo Gangrim wiped the flowing blood with his hand and spoke. Shin Sooah's shadow was stronger than expected.

Yoon Bom, not knowing what to do, said, "What should we do? Sooah-unnie's plaque is up there...!"

The shadow didn't pursue them into the next room. That had been considered an advantage until now, but the situation had changed. Until they could eliminate Shin Sooah's shadow, it would remain in that room since they couldn't lure it to another room.

"...Let's go back to the prison for now."

Seo Gangrim stood up with determination. He applied hemostatic agents, but the uneasiness remained.

"Oh, Brother! Sister! Are you... injured?"

Father Yohan, who had been waiting in the prison, rushed over frantically to treat their wounds. While watching the wounds heal quickly, Seo Gangrim gave a bitter smile.

'He was fine when we were on the same side, but it's troublesome now that we're enemies.'

The English-speaking Father John still looked worried. Yoon Geoul, who was behind him, wore a similar expression.

Seo Gangrim turned to the two remaining men and asked, "Where is Dokgo Jun?"

"He... went out alone for a search..."

"I see."

He had wanted to explain everything at once, but it seemed that he would have to talk to him separately later.

Seo Gangrim asked Father Yohan, "For now, please heal Shin Sooah-ssi. I have something to discuss."

Father Yohan nodded and turned to the inner part of the prison.

After healing Shin Sooah, Seo Gangrim explained what had just happened. When the story ended, Father Yohan spoke with a frightened expression.

"Y-You mean my shadow did such a thing? What should I do? Should I... self-harm like Sister Shin Sooah, or...?"


Seo Gangrim had killed Father Yohan's shadow, but another demon could replicate Father Yohan's abilities. When Seo Gangrim hesitated, Father Yohan fell into contemplation. Fortunately, Seo Gangrim soon shook his head.

"No. It's better for you to leave as soon as possible. Have you found your plaque?"

"Yes, I have."

"Before you leave, please heal us."

"Yes, of course."

Even though he had been exhausted for a week, Father Yohan used all his magic power to heal them. The one who received the most of his effort was Shin Sooah. Fresh flesh began to grow over her tattered body, and the scars started to fade away. When Shin Sooah's hand reached for the dagger again, Seo Gangrim hurriedly spoke. "Stop it. There's no need for that."

As Seo Gangrim entered, vine-like stems began to reach out from all directions. While cutting through them and dodging, Seo Gangrim activated Linnie's ability.

[Ability 'Water Manipulation' activated!]

From Linnie's horn, a blue light sparkled, and then, rain began to fall within the garden. The sudden rain caused the shadow and the plants to tremble.

[The energy of 'Water' inside the magical circle is increasing!]

[Due to the logic of 'Aquatic Wood,' the growth rate of plants accelerates!]

With the infusion of moisture, the vine-like stems grew even more vigorously, and the once spacious garden was quickly filled with trees and vines. The shadow, which had been rushing forward with a sword, suddenly stopped in its tracks and poured even more power into 'Way of the Forest.'

【Seo Gangrim, why is that lunatic acting like that?】

【Why is he making the trees grow even more?】

【Did he suddenly want to commit suicide?】

The room had now become as dense as a forest. It was nearly impossible to find the ground anymore, and countless tree stems had grown around the shadow, creating a protective barrier. Meanwhile, as a result of him dodging the tree stems, Seo Gangrim eventually found himself cornered.


The shadow had no face, but it seemed to be smiling. There was nowhere else for Seo Gangrim to escape.

Just as Shin Sooah's shadow was approaching Seo Gangrim...

"Yorn!" The cornered Seo Gangrim shouted loudly.

Yorn, as if he had been waiting for his name, took a deep breath. His mouth began to emit sparks.

[Ability 'Fire Radiance' activated!]

[Ability 'Blazing Inferno' activated!]

Both Seo Gangrim's hands and Yorn's mouth erupted in flames simultaneously. The shadow didn't react immediately.


The flames began to spread to the tree stems. The tree stems in front of Seo Gangrim wriggled like snakes, trying to extinguish the fire.

'My ability has a lower rank, so I'm not sure if I can control it, but...'

Seo Gangrim glanced briefly in Yorn's direction. Yorn, as if having discovered a whole new world, was setting fires here and there.

'High ranked fired won't be easy to put out.'

The trees that had been threatening Seo Gangrim just a moment ago had turned into stacks of firewood in no time. As the entire room began to burn, the shadow seemed lost. The tree stems that had protected it moments ago were now transformed into shackles.

【Wow, what's happening?】

【Are you crazy? Are you planning to burn down the garden?】

【No way, is the goal really suicide?】

【You idiot, that's impossible! Seo Gangrim can just run away, but the shadow can't!】

This was the plan Seo Gangrim had proposed: turn the garden into a sea of flames, leaving only the shadow behind and then escape. The shadow couldn't move to another room, so it was almost certain it would burn to death. However, if there were too few logs and the fire didn't grow big enough before the shadow extinguished it, there was a possibility it could survive. That's why he used 'Water manipulation' to quickly grow the plants and fill the garden with trees.

The shadow had also likely realized that it was now more vulnerable to the flames than Seo Gangrim or the others. Watching the burning tree stems, Seo Gangrim stepped back.

'I should get out of here quickly.'

Unlike 'Flame Radiance,' which didn't harm allies, Yorn's flames had no distinction between friend and foe. Now, he just had to escape to another room and wait until everything here burned down.

"Both of you, return to the spirit realm!"

To ensure they didn't get harmed by the flames, Seo Gangrim quickly sent Yorn and Linnie away. Now, he just had to get out of here while the shadow was busy dealing with the burning trees and couldn't pay attention to him.

Just as he was about to hurry out of the room where Shin Sooah was...


Amidst the burning scene, the sound of a door opening could be heard.