Chapter 102:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 102:

Chapter 102

Shin Ara, she's the head of Sura Sect and the older sister of Shin Sooah.

Shin Sooah was glaring at her sister as if she was an enemy. Meanwhile, Shin Ara had a pleasant face.

"I came to see Seo Gangrim-ssi, and to see you too since we only talked briefly at the hospital after you got out."

Shin Ara quietly approached Shin Sooah and tried to grab her arm but all she could grasp was an empty shirt sleeve.

"...Looks like the treatment didn't work in the end."

Shin Ara's voice trembled weakly. She looked like an ordinary person worrying about family.

For a moment, Shin Sooah seemed startled by the sight of her sister like that.

"It's no use. Come home, Sooah."

"I'm not going back."

"Everyone's worried about you. Losing your arm like this and not even coming home..." Shin Ara spoke in a mournful voice.

Just looking at this, they seemed nothing more than a caring older sister and a rebellious younger sister.

Nevertheless, even as Shin Ara clung to her desperately, Shin Sooah remained unmoved.

"I'm not going home. And why did you come to see Seo Gangrim-ssi other than me?"

"To recruit him into our sect."

"No. He said he'd join the same sect as me."

"Then you can both come to me, right?"

Shin Ara kept clinging to her younger sister but Shin Sooah coldly pushed her away.

"I have nothing more to say to you. Leave."

"Sooah, please. Let's talk. Father wants to see you too. He hasn't been well lately. He might pass away soon."

At those words, Shin Sooah seemed to waver for a moment. She seemed shaken by the talk of her parents dying.

Shin Ara carefully said, "I know you hate me. But... if you change your mind, please contact me. Okay?"

Just a moment ago, Shin Sooah was resolute, but this time, she couldn't respond.

Shin Ara patted her sister on the shoulder before quietly leaving the room. With her departure, the atmosphere felt gloomy, like a storm had just passed. Even Yoon Bom seemed bewildered.

She glanced around before quietly saying to Shin Sooah, "Is she really the head of Sura Sect?"


"Amazing! It's a really powerful sect now!"

"Well, they're just gangsters." Shin Sooah spat out. Her tone seemed contemptuous.

Yoon Bom was surprised and said, "I'd heard rumors Sura Sect were gangsters but didn't know it was true... She didn't seem like a gangster earlier though..."

"To be precise, the Sura clan's boss is my father. My sister probably took the head position just as a public face..."

As she spoke, Shin Sooah's expression grew progressively darker. Of course, she disliked her family.

In Seo Gangrim's past life, he didn't understand Shin Sooah well. She was born into a rich and powerful family, yet abandoned it all because of her convictions. If she had remained at Sura clan, she could have lived without worries.

When asked why she cut ties with her family, Shin Sooah said regretfully, [Every bit of power and money my father gained was through killing and harming others.]

She even demanded her father to dismantle Sura clan, but of course he would not accept such a demand. In the end, the least she could do was leave that house. She made that foolish choice all because of her principles.

"And now they've set up a sect and are actively expanding... There's no guessing how much bigger the organization will grow." Shin Sooah muttered weakly.

She wiped her face with one hand before saying, "Bom-ah, sorry but could you give us some space? I need to talk to Seo Gangrim-ssi."

"Ah, yes! Call me if you need anything!"

Yoon Bom looked worriedly at Shin Sooah before leaving her seat. Meanwhile, Seo Gangrim just stood stiffly in place.

'What does she want to talk to me about?'


"Then I'll get going first. Don't call me for talks like this anymore."

Shin Sooah flung open the door. As Seo Gangrim moved to follow her out, Shin Ara grabbed me.

She spoke desperately, "Um, Seo Gangrim-ssi. You're friends with Sooah, right?"

"...Well, I guess so."

"Then I'll speak plainly. Gangrim-ssi, could you spare some time?"

'A talk?'

When he glanced at Shin Sooah, she hesitated briefly before nodding slightly and leaving first. Seo Gangrim could guess what Shin Ara wanted to talk about, but still... He sat back down and looked at her.

"So what did you want to discuss?"

"I have a favor to ask... If anything happens to Sooah in the future, could you let me know?"

It seemed like an ordinary request on the surface. Family worrying about family. But this was clearly surveillance.

"I don't intend to monitor Shin Sooah."

"No, not monitor! I'm just worried about her as her sister..."

She had a slightly shocked expression. Just looking at her face, it seemed like an innocent request out of genuine concern.

Shin Ara looked at him with faintly tearful eyes.

"It would all be resolved if Sooah joined our sect... And it would be good if you joined too, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

She slowly raised her head, then gripped his hand tightly.

"Our sect is really great. We'll support you completely. Ah, I prepared a gift for you!"

Saying that, Shin Ara went to get a suitcase she had left in one corner of the room. Next to it was a large carrier bag.

Shin Ara flung open the bag and slid it towards me, saying, "When you join our sect, I'll give this to you. It's small but..."

The bag was full of cash. Around 500 million won, Seo Gangrim guessed. It was definitely a large amount, but...

"No, I'll pass."

With his knowledge from his past life, 500 million is easy to earn. So it was too cheap a price to betray Shin Sooah.

Seeing Seo Gangrim refuse, Shin Ara had a contemplative expression before saying, "Hmm, I guess this gift was too half-hearted... Then what about this? I prepared one more thing."

Saying so, she dragged over the large carrier bag this time. It was an enormous bag, like she was going on a long trip.

Shin Ara spoke shyly, "I prepared something I thought you'd like, but you might not."

'More cash stuffed in this?'

Given the size, there was probably several tens of millions inside.

"Open it, go on."

Shin Ara kept urging him from the side. She's like an excited child giving a gift.

Seo Gangrim had no interest in whatever gift it was, but if he just left, she'd likely cling to him. So he grabbed the zipper of the carrier bag.

As the zipper opened with a ziiip sound, Shin Ara fidgeted happily.

"I heard you have the talent of stealing Destiny, so I prepared this specially."

The zipper opened fully, revealing the 'gift' inside. Seeing it, Seo Gangrim froze up for a moment.

Inside the carrier bag was not money or items. A terrified person with their mouth taped shut was looking at Seo Gangrim.

From the side, Shin Ara said in a shy voice, "He's one of our clan members who betrayed us, and we were about to dispose of him, then I heard about your talent and set him aside separately."

Shin Ara crouched next to Seo Gangrim, meeting his eyes.

She smiled gently and said, "I hope you like it."

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