Chapter 108:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 108:

Chapter 108


Instead of flesh and bone, blue flames flickered within the Frostfire spirit's armor. Despite being a spirit, it burned with vitality and fighting spirit more intense than the living. And the moment Seo Gangrim took a step forward, the Spirit's sword clashed against his.


Seo Gangrim couldn't understand how it had such power without flesh or bone. While the Frostfire spirit's strength was remarkable, Seo Gangrim hadn't retreated a single step back.

The Frostfire spirit itself was a strong demon. However, the demons he had faced in the training facility were much stronger.

-Swish, swish!

With every clash of their swords, the Frostfire spirit was pushed back. Seo Gangrim planned to sever its neck in the moment it let its guard down.

Realizing the difference in strength, the Frostfire spirit hastily retreated. And the air around us chilled sharply.

[Unique Skill 'Frostflame' has been activated!]

Flames ignited on the Frostfire spirit's sword, burning fiercely. The raging flames were a pale blue. The moment the flames blazed, the Frostfire spirit swung its sword widely.


Rather than taking the blow head on, Seo Gangrim lowered his body to evade the attack. His nape was instantly chilled. Looking around, the surrounding trees that had blocked the sword in my stead were left in terrible condition. Where the sword's aura touched, they burned and froze over at the same time. The trees crumbled black as if reduced to ashes, frozen in the wake of the blue flames.

Frostflame was a unique skill possessing both fire and water attributes. At a glance it looked similar to ice-elemental skills, but the difference was that the ice spread like flames. Even a graze would leave one frozen by the frostfire, of that Seo Gangrim was certain.


As he paused briefly, the Frostfire spirit crackled and strode towards him. The flames still burned an icy blue. If he engaged in close combat, he would be at a disadvantage.

While Seo Gangrim inherently had bad luck, he didn't expect to end up like this. If even just one of his party members had come along, it would have been easy to take it down, with the Frostfire spirit being weak to ranged attacks. And excluding Seo Gangrim, all four of them had ranged attack abilities. Seo Gangrim could try summoning Yorn or Linnie but...

'I didn't think there was any need to go that far.'

[Unique Skill 'Radiant Flame' has been activated!]

Like the Frostfire spirit, he ignited flames on my sword. Unlike its icy blue, mine burned a fiery red. Thanks to his training, Radiant Flame had risen to the Human Third-class.


Seeing his flames, the Frostfire spirit hesitated briefly but did not retreat because the size of their flames was different. Obviously, its firepower was greater.

As if to intimidate him, the Frostfire spirit poured out mana to enlarge its frostflame. The temperature around them dropped further.

Compared to the Frostfire spirit's, Seo Gangrim's flames looked insignificant.

'Then all I had to do was make my fire bigger.'

[Spending experience points to raise the grade of the ability 'Radiant Flame'!]

[The ability 'Radiant Flame' has evolved to Human Second-class!]

[The ability 'Radiant Flame' has evolved to Human First-class!]

[The ability 'Radiant Flame' has evolved to Spirit Third-class!]

The more experience points he spent, the more the flames grew as if fueled by oil. In an instant, the massive blaze made the Frostfire spirit flinch. Now, his Radiant Flame was almost on par with its frostflame.


Their swords clashed, their flames collided. The frostflame raged fiercely as if trying to swallow Seo Gangrim's Radiant Flame. Searing heat and piercing cold assailed his face.


As the swords ground against each other, sparks burst out everywhere. The flames shrieked as if maddened, trying to destroy one another. The air around them flickered red and blue.

-Boom, boom!

Seo Gangrim continued his fiery sword dance. The flames raged as if to consume both the enemy and himself. Seo Gangrim's heart pounded hotly, screaming out.

Despite being the first Great Demon realm, all sorts of riffraff had gathered, but strong players were lying low among them. They wouldn't clear it but could probably reach the boss area. If others snuck in when they shut the devices down, it would be troublesome.

For now, leaving the devices on, he headed back towards the passage to assess the situation.

"Ugh, uwaa..."


Groans of pain echoed here and there. Members of the Moyung Sect and others lay strewn about. Since they were low-level demons, it seemed none had died yet.

Glancing around, Seo Gangrim didn't see any trainees, and everyone's stamina seemed depleted. They'd likely retreat around here. They were halfway in, and a portal for escape was also nearby.

Just then the Moyung Sect leader noticed Seo Gangrim. He shot up and shouted at me.

"You, you bastard! You ditched us and ran?!"

"I just went the same direction as you, didn't I?"

"Th-this is...!"

"Come to think of it, the exit is over there right? Wouldn't it be better to head out?"

At Seo Gangrim's words, the Moyung Sect members visibly winced. They seemed hesitant at the mention of the exit. But their leader stubbornly yelled.

"We're not leaving! We'll clear the boss and then...!"

- Kugung...!

But at that moment, a loud vibration was felt nearby. Seo Gangrim checked the message that appeared before him.

[Boss area unlocked!]

Someone had entered the boss zone. Despite the distance, he could feel the air thrum as if charged with electricity, making his skin tingle. At this point, the only ones capable of entering the boss room were...trainees from the facility.

'Who opened the door?'

The names and faces of powerful players Seo Gangrim knew flashed through his mind. But no matter who it was, everyone would be defeated on their first try.

Just as he was waiting for the boss room to seal itself again, the people around him abruptly stood up.

"W-what's that?"

"Is that...the boss?"

The collapsed people were startled awake and got to their feet. The high walls enclosing the boss zone opened, and something slipped out from the gap.

[Dragon Third-class 'Diamond Guard' has appeared!]

It was an odd sight, like seeing a giant statue move. Amidst everyone's panic at the Diamond Guard's appearance, Seo Gangrim was also taken aback.

'Why did it leave the boss zone?'

The first Gread Demon realm's boss, Diamond Guard, was supposed to be sealed in its designated area until the gates opened for it to become active. For it to come out like this was unprecedented.

-Thud, thud...!

Moreover, the Diamond Guard seemed to be chasing something as it charged out.

'Who pulled aggro from the Diamond Guard?'

Just then, the Diamond Guard's head whirled around and its eyes met Seo Gangrim's. He thought it might be a mistake but the following message told me it was real.

[Diamond Guard has recognized you as its enemy!]

[Diamond Guard has set you as its primary target!]

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