Chapter 121:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 121:

Chapter 121

Seo Gangrim didn't take the business card that Yang Euseong handed him.

A model. In Seo Gangrim's past life, there were many hunters and manshins who debuted as celebrities or models, so it wasn't anything unusual. He looked at the business card hesitantly and said, "I'm not someone who suits being a model."

Yang Euseong didn't bat an eye at his rebuttal; he simply smiled and responded, "I think differently. You're over 180cm tall, and your face is more than decent. No, saying it's decent is an understatement."

Despite Yang Euseong's praises, Seo Gangrim didn't feel flattered. Seo Gangrim knew his compliments were merely empty words.

Yang Euseong continued with a relaxed demeanor, "Isn't this a good opportunity for you, Gangrim-ssi? If your face appears here and there, your recognition will increase. I think your figure is also good. How about taking off your jacket?"

"I refuse. I'll take my leave first."

Seo Gangrim would have accepted the request if it was to fetch an item rather than becoming a model or celebrity, since it's not a bad thing to be connected with Yang Euseong. However, he had no intention of becoming Yang Euseong's slave under the pretext of being a model.

Seo Gangrim was trying to get up from his seat when, out of nowhere, Yang Euseong approached and firmly grabbed his arm.

"Is there something you don't like? Is the contract fee not sufficient?"

"I never had any intention of becoming a model in the first place, regardless of the contract fee."

Seo Gangrim quietly shook off Yang Euseong's hand and walked outside. Even without turning back, Seo Gangrim could feel Yang Euseong observing, no, glaring at him.

As Seo Gangrim walked, the secretary quietly followed him.

"I'll see you off on your way out," she said.

He didn't respond and just walked in silence. The hallway seemed unnecessarily long. The secretary, walking silently beside him, spoke up, "The CEO's offer would be a great benefit for you, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

It seemed like she was trying to persuade Seo Gangrim until the end. He continued to stare straight ahead.

"I'm not interested."

"It's none other than Eusung Group. There won't be better conditions elsewhere. Isn't it regrettable?"

ES Entertainment is a massive conglomerate belonging to one of the five major sects, but Seo Gangrim didn't feel any regret. That's because he know who Yang Euseong is.

In Seo Gangrim's previous life, Yang Euseong established ES Entertainment, turning various Manshins into celebrities. The plan itself wasn't bad. Celebrities with Manshin backgrounds quickly gained popularity, spreading the name of their patron god far and wide. However, the contract had its downsides, and even its supposed advantages were fatally flawed.

The critical issue was the clause on "Hunter Activity Restrictions." It stipulated that one should only go to the Demon realm if the company approved, to avoid any accidents or injuries. At first glance, it seemed like a measure to protect the hunters, but in reality, it was a leash.

If someone fell out of Yang Euseong's favor, he could use this clause to prevent hunters from going to the Demon realm. Hunters who were unable to appear on TV and forbidden from entering the Demon realm would faced a dismal fate. The end for these hunters, bound hand and foot, was truly tragic. A manshin who had left Flying Tiger Sect for ES Entertainment ended up being unable to recover.

If Seo Gangrim were to join ES Entertainment, there was a possibility of him facing a similar fate. While the sum of 3 billion was significant, taking the money meant putting himself in shackles. Seo Gangrim spoke to the secretary awaiting his response.

"No matter how many times you ask, my answer remains the same. I have no intention of becoming a model for Eusung Group."

Leaving the secretary behind, Seo Gangrim exited the Eusung Group building. He had no regrets about rejecting Yang Euseong's offer, but the fact remained that he needed money. Since the Great Demon realm would eventually begin begin, he had to start preparing.

After some contemplation, Seo Gangrim took out his phone and made a call. The signal beeped, and soon the other person answered.

"Dohyeon-hyung, can you talk?"

[Busy. Just tell me what you need.]

Kang Dohyeon's voice on the other end was curt.

Without using formal language, Seo Gangrim immediately got to the point, "Do you have Seonsan and the house documents? Can you lend them to me?"

There was a moment of silence. After a few seconds, Kang Dohyeon's composed voice came through.

[I don't have a younger brother.]

At that moment, someone passed by and forcefully hit Seo Gangrim's shoulder. He turned around to see an unfamiliar face standing there. Seo Gangrim didn't feel any pain, but the person seemed to be scowling at him.

"What's up? Why are you standing there like an idiot?"

The person who hit his shoulder was squinting at him with a defiant look. Given the deliberate approach and the intentional shoulder bump, it was clear that the person was trying to pick a fight.

"Who the heck are you? You bumped into hyung first and now you're starting trouble?"

Jang Taeheon, who was standing nearby, stepped forward. The other person seemed startled and tried to flee. As Jang Taeheon moved to pursue him, Seo Gangrim quickly stopped Jang Taeheon .

"Enough, Jang Taeheon. Just ignore him."

"Damn, these guys...! They've been openly provoking hyung since earlier."

In reality, the person who bumped into Seo Gangrim's shoulder wasn't the only one. Some others had come blatantly provoked him.

Jang Taeheon gritted his teeth in frustration.

"This is all because of that article. It's full of nonsense...!"

Two days after Seo Gangrim rejected Yang Euseong's offer, news articles about him began to appear again. Quite a lot, to be honest.

[Hunter Seo Gangrim, caught cheating in an educational facility.]

[First Demon realm, Seo Gangrim deceives and claims the conquest reward.]

[Disappearance of Seong Eui-gyeol, is there a connection with Seo Gangrim?]

It was an article that maliciously schemed against Seo Gangrim. Upon examining the content, it was composed of speculations, editing, incitement, and fabrication rather than accurate facts. Nevertheless, it was resonating well with the public.

Looking around, Seo Gangrim noticed a few people giving him disdainful looks, as if they were looking at trash.

Jang Taeheon furrowed his brow and muttered, "Why are these articles suddenly popping up?"

It was probably because of Yang Euseong. It seemed he harbored a grudge after Seo Gangrim rejected the contract and was resorting to such tactics.

In the end, what mattered most to hunters and Manshins was publicity. If it was possible to gain public favor by becoming a celebrity, it was also possible to manipulate public opinion and bring about a downfall of someone.

Yoon Geoul, with a determined expression, said, "Isn't Master unjustly treated? We should give them a taste of their own medicine!"

Seo Gangrim remained silent in response to his words. Then, light began to emanate from the floor, signaling the impending activation and movement.

[The door of the Great Demon realm has been activated. The door is opening!]

- Wooooong!

Simultaneously with the notification window, Seo Gangrim felt his body vibrating. Hundreds of people were simultaneously transported.

Those who entered the Great Demon realm looked around nervously, but soon their faces turned astounded.

One person expressed in disbelief, "What on earth is this...?"

The scenery that unfolded before them was quite different from any Demon realm they had seen before. It resembled the entrance of an amusement park, adorned with colorful garlands, and paper-made pollen fluttering in the air. A rainbow-colored, pastel-shaded Demon realm.

Then, a booming voice echoed through the speakers.

[―Welcome, everyone, to the Twelve Zodiac Race in the Second Great Demon realm!]

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