Chapter 123:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 123:

Chapter 123

The trap or opportunity mechanism on Course 1, the 'Fate Card.' Along with a notification window, a massive pile of cards appeared in front. As soon as Yu Harang drew a card, a notification window appeared in front of her.

[Acquired 'Wings of Swiftness'! Flight ability is activated for 30 minutes!]

Transparent wings instantly appeared on Yu Harang's back. It was an item that could swiftly traverse Course 1. From a nearby speaker, the excited voice of the emcee echoed.

[Players are acquiring their respective items! Yu Harang, the current leader, has obtained the flight ability. And Seo Gangrim...!]

Seo Gangrim looked at the single card in front of me. Seeing it, he chuckled inwardly. Of course, he has no luck.

[Acquired 'Deserted Island' card!]

Of all things, it had to be a deserted island card. Just before the card activated, Seo Gangrim urgently shouted towards Yu Harang.

"Yu Harang, join Shin Sooah immediately!"

"What? Seo Gang...!"

Yu Harang's voice was abruptly cut off, and a different scene unfolded before Seo Gangrim's eyes. As he landed on the ground, the sand lightly crunched beneath his feet. Looking around, the place he was in was a small sandy island surrounded by the sea. Of course, it wasn't a real island; both the sandy beach and the sea were merely part of the set. Ending up in a different area alone was a significant penalty.

[Seo Gangrim, the favourite to win, is now on a deserted island, and his future is in doubt!]

[Every 10 minutes, a die is rolled, and if it comes up with a certain number, you can get off the desert island, so trust your luck!]

As the emcee said, it might was possible to escape in just 10 minutes with a stroke of luck. However, Seo Gangrim knew better. The thing he trust the least in his life is his luck. Moreover, he couldn't afford to wait for 10 minutes. He stepped out of the small sandy island and onto the sea.

The moment he stepped on the shallow water, a sharp warning sound rang out.

[Left the designated area!]

[Wait on the deserted island for the specified time!]

Ignoring the loud warning, he moved forward. His reflection appeared in the blue sea, and suddenly, his image reflected on the water turned red.

[Confirmation of the target leaving the designated area!]

[Penalty will be applied!]

The sea turned a deep red as if it were blood, and Seo Gangrim began to shiver. Something beneath the surface revealed its form as if expelling something.

-Kuluk, kuluk

Suddenly, enormous figures blocked my his like underwater rocks. They were translucent demons with their insides clearly visible, radiating an intimidating presence.

The warning message echoed once again.

[Return to the designated area!]

[Return to the designated area!]

[Return to the designated area...]


The sea was split by the Chiljido. The demons, which had stood still for a moment, soon collapsed, pouring out liquid from their bodies like blood pouring out.

Blood splattered over his face like a fountain. Regardless of penalties, if he cleared them all, it would be over.

The emcee shouted with an excited voice.

[Seo Gangrim! Forcibly escaping from the deserted island!]

Seo Gangrim ran across the sea like a madman. Demons were appeared in front of him, as if waiting. Since it was for the broadcast, it wasn't created with the intention of actually killing participants.


After defeating the last demon, Seo Gangrim opened the door and jumped inside. When he emerged on the other side, a pastel-toned, colorful landscape spread out before him.

It seemed like he had returned to the original course. Seo Gangrim wondered how the current situation was unfolding so he looked up at the monitor drones flying nearby.

There, he saw Shin Sooah, racing with full power, leading the pack.

[Currently, Shin Sooah is in the lead! Shin Ara is chasing right behind!]

Seo Gangrim had expected Sinara to participate, and now it was turning into a close competition. Since Seo Gangrim couldn't see either Shin Sooah or Shin Ara, he assumed he was in the middle ranks. Fierce battles were raging in the top ranks, but it wasn't exclusive to them.

"Weren't you planning to make me win? I should save my magical energy for later."

"W-Well, you're right. Then, I'll inject it."

He approached the magical energy injection device with a slightly nervous expression. After he placed his hand on the device and infused magical energy, the boat's speed increased a bit.

He withdrew his hand with a tired expression. "It's quite faster now. This should be enough..."


Seo Gangrim grabbed his hand, and fixed it onto the magical energy absorption device.

"W-What is this..."

"Still feeling energetic, aren't you? It seems like we can charge a bit more magical energy."

Checking the Destiny window, the other man had still plenty of remaining magical energy. If he was going to help, he had to do it properly.

[Magical energy recharge is starting!]


The man froze in astonishment, unable to pull his hand away. Seo Gangrim drained all of the man's magical energy before finally releasing his hand.

Although the speed increased, it was still insufficient. Seo Gangrim looked at the remaining people.

"Everyone, inject your magical energy."

"Us too?"

"You said you would help me win, right?"

In the end, they reluctantly placed their hands on the magical energy absorption device.

With all four of them putting in all their magical energy, the boat began to surge forward like the motor was on fire.

"Thanks to you, the speed has increased."

The group whose magical energy had been depleted looked at Seo Gangrim resentfully as if blaming him for their plight. Ignoring their gaze, Seo Gangrim focused on the path ahead.

The other boats that were ahead of them gradually came into view. It seemed that the race was about to start soon.

Seo Gangrim helped up a person who had fallen and looked at him with a bewildered expression.

"Thank you for your help. But I think it's time for us to part ways."




Seo Gangrim pushed him overboard without giving him a chance to finish his sentence. In an instant, he was swept away by the current.

The remaining people were shocked and quickly got up.

"S-Seo Gangrim! What on earth..."

"What are you doing! We were trying to help you!"

They poured out their resentment towards him.

In response, Seo Gangrim grabbed another person nearby, lifted them up, and said, "But you lied, didn't you?"

"What lie did we...!"

"You guys aren't Rat Zodiac, right?"

Before he could respond, Seo Gangrim didn't wait and threw him overboard.

The remaining two were startled and said, "Yes, we're from the Rat Zodiac! H-Here are our badges...!"

"That badge was stolen from someone else. I remember it's different from the one you originally received."


A common trick in the Twelve Zodiacs Race from Seo Gangrim's previous life. Many participants used deceit, stealing others' badges and disguising themselves as members of the Twelve Zodiacs to ambush unsuspecting contestants. However, they probably didn't expect to be deceived themselves.

Seo Gangrim grinned at them. "Thanks for the magical energy charge."