Chapter 153:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 153:

Chapter 153

Fame isn't confined to exploits or positive deeds alone. Just as evil entities like demons exist as patron gods, infamy also translates into fame. Choi Pilyoung's most significant mistake was that the more people read his articles, the more it affected Seo Gangrim, the subject of those articles. In fact, Seo Gangrim's name was becoming even more prominent than Choi Pilyoung's, as people usually prioritize the figure portrayed in the article rather than the journalist.

Choi Pilyoung winced for a moment at Seo Gangrim's words. "Did you think I wrote the article without knowing that? You were too confident; I almost fell for it."

Choi Pilyoung twisted his mouth, mocking Seo Gangrim. "You don't have a patron god! Fame is useless for you!"

It was common knowledge among awakened individuals that those without a patron god were less affected by increased fame. Nevertheless, Seo Gangrim's expression remained unaffected because an alert window was currently in front of him.

[Fame of 'Seo Gangrim' has exceeded the target value!]

['Deification' is in progress!]

Hunters who hadn't received a god were not significantly influenced by increased fame. This was the common understanding among both hunters and the manshins. However, the revelation that fame could affect awakened individuals without a patron god has come to light in recent years.

When a certain threshold of fame has been accumulated, awakened individuals undergo a divine transformation. Usually, it took several years for a hunter to accumulate enough fame. However, the circumstances were different for those who hadn't received a patron god.

[Confirms that the 'Awakened' has no intervening patron god!]

[Fame is not being dispersed!]

While receiving a patron god had numerous benefits, most of the fame gained by the manshin was taken away by his patron god. However, for individuals walking their path without relying on gods, proper honors were bestowed upon them.

Seo Gangrim knew that his fame wasn't being dispersed, and he cleverly turned the dire situations he faced to his advantage. He encouraged Dokgo Jun to write a novel about him and purposely provoked Choi Pilyoung to induce criticism against him.

As a result, the public gave attention to Seo Gangrim as he desired, spreading his name far and wide, even if it was infamy.

[People are talking about you!]

[Countless humans are discussing your cunning, strength, and achievements.]

[The divine title 'Deceitful Victor' is bestowed upon you!]

The content didn't matter. If people were interested in his story, whether driven by malice or goodwill, Seo Gangrim could absorb that attention, nurture it, and turn it into his own sustenance.

Meanwhile, Choi Pilyoung seemed bewildered by Seo Gangrim's attitude.

'Seo Gangrim is undoubtedly an ordinary hunter. Increased fame should be useless to him...'

Choi Pilyoung, as if recalling something, anxiously tightened his grip on the sword. Confusion flickered in his eyes.

'Could it be that he received a patron god during this time?'

Choi Pilyoung seemed to mistake that Seo Gangrim had gained a patron god. If that were true, the current situation would still be unfavorable to Seo Gangrim.

With a sinister grin, Choi Pilyoung stared at Seo Gangrim. 'Yes, he must have received a patron god recently. I'm still in a much more advantageous position!'


Choi Pilyoung's clones simultaneously rushed toward Seo Gangrim. Dozens of swords sliced through the darkness.

Amidst the chaotic onslaught, Choi Pilyoung shouted malevolently.

"No matter how strong you are, you won't be able to defeat these people when you're blind and exhausted...!"


Then, an icy chill descended upon the battlefield. Frost flames blossomed from Seo Gangrim's hands, illuminating the darkness faintly. The clones, frozen like ice statues, became visible in the falling snow. The surroundings were now filled with ice.

It looked more akin to a force of nature than just a supernatural ability. In a way, it was expected. The person standing before Choi Pilyoung had stepped beyond the boundaries of human capability.

[Deification is activating!]

[Divine power is infusing into the body!]

Just like gods growing stronger with increased fame, Seo Gangrim was also getting more powerful. He rushed towards Choi Pilyoung in a flash.

【Is it a fake? Yeah, it seems fake. Why don't you try to kill it?】

It was a voice testing Seo Gangrim. The whispers in his ears were dizzying. Accompanied by the voices, footsteps were rushing towards him.

【If that voice is fake, you're a dead man.】

The voices imitated by Choi Pilyoung and the ones currently speaking were almost identical. However, Seo Gangrim could tell the difference. He couldn't mistake the voice he had longed for so much.

Seo Gangrim walked towards the source of the voice. Suddenly, warm and gentle hands grabbed him.

"Gangrim-ssi, are you okay? Why are you so injured? Can't you see?"

Shin Sooah's voice made him feel relieved like a thorn being pulled out.

"Temporary blindness, it'll be lifted soon."

He had no more hallucinations, and clear-headed sobriety returned to him.

Seo Gangrim spoke to Shin Sooah, "You didn't have to come. Moreover, why are you here when there's not much time left until the reset..."

"We were waiting just for you, Gangrim-ssi. Besides, there's not much time left, and we were worried."

Shin Sooah said so and embraced Seo Gangrim tightly. Not only Jang Taeheon and Yoon Bom but even Seo Gangrim himself was bewildered. He tried to break free, but Shin Sooah didn't let go.

"Shin Sooah-ssi? I'm okay. If you let me down, I can walk with my own feet."

"We don't have time. Considering your condition, running is impossible, and this might be faster. Let's escape right away!"

Due to the effect of deification, his body was a mess, and he couldn't see. Shin Sooah's judgment was correct in this situation. Besides, it seemed like Shin Sooah didn't want to see him in such a state any longer. Eventually, he entrusted his body to Shin Sooah.

"...I leave it to you."

"Alright. Hold on tight. We don't have much time; I'll hurry."

After Shin Sooah embraced Seo Gangrim, she immediately started running towards the exit. Both of her arms were holding him firmly.


[30 Minutes Left Until the End of the Demon Realm]

"Everyone out! The Demon Realm is closing soon!"

As the end of the Demon Realm approached, the awakened who remained until the last hurriedly began to exit. Nevertheless, there were still a handful of people left.

As the awakened came out, journalists who had been waiting rushed in.

"What's the situation inside Demon Realm? Are there any survivors?"

"Have you seen Hunter Seo Gangrim inside?"

"We understand that there are still people inside; do you know the situation of Hunter Seo Gangrim?"

Most journalists were curious about Seo Gangrim's situation. He and his colleagues returning had not been confirmed yet. While journalists anxiously waited for Seo Gangrim, the time limit was steadily ticking away.

[Five minutes left until the end of Demon Realm!]

As the closing time approached, everyone seemed to be in confusion. Gradually, the door of the Demon Realm was preparing to close.

Seeing this, the journalists quickly started preparing for a breaking news report.

"Post the article right away. Declare Hunter Seo Gangrim dead."

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