Chapter 156:

Name:F-Class Destiny Hunter Author:
Chapter 156:

Chapter 156

[Sorry. I've come near the building, but there are too many people at the main entrance, so I can't get in.]

Well, even Seo Gangrim would hesitate to push through that crowd. Hence, he went to greet her and guided her to the back entrance. A face he hadn't seen in a while stood there.

"Hello. Han Roya-ssi, it's been a while."

"Hello, it has indeed been a while."

The person was Han Roya, the granddaughter of the blacksmith, Han Cheol. It was the first time he had seen her in person since the time he dug Han Cheol's grave.

He became acquainted with her because of Han Cheol. Han Cheol had asked him to awaken Han Roya's Destiny for him. Seo Gangrim agreed to his request, but it wasn't without its price. Without revealing that it was Han'cheol's request, he awakened her, but with one condition.

[I'm willing to awaken Destiny for you now for nothing, but there is a condition].

[The condition is......?]

[Work for me in the future. In exchange, I'll support you in everything you do until then, and I'll even reward you.]

With that agreement in place, he kept supporting Han Roya with money, spirit pearls, and items.

Now, she had grown into an accomplished craftswoman, and Seo Gangrim was of the opinion that he could now trust her with the job.

Smiling with excitement, Han Roya said, "Wow, I'm really surprised. The client who visited that day was Seo Gangrim-ssi... I had no idea you are such a famous person, Seo Gangrim-ssi!"

She was looking at him with bright eyes, a reaction similar to seeing a celebrity, unlike their first meeting.

It was a reaction Seo Gangrim was happy to see.

"There are other people staying here; I'll introduce them later. Let me show you where you'll be staying for now."

When the building was constructed, he had prepared a workshop anticipating Han Roya's arrival.

While he guided her to her private room and the workshop, Han Roya spoke to him.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for being late. On the way up, the road near Cheonggyesan Mountain was blocked due to the appearance of a demon."

"Cheonggyesan Mountain?"

"Yes, quite a large demon appeared this time. It seems like demons have been showing up frequently lately."

Memories of a formidable demon appearing in the vicinity of Cheonggyesan Mountain in Seo Gangrim's past life came to his mind.

Cheonggyesan Mountain...

During his brief contemplation, they arrived at the workshop. Han Roya was looking around the facilities and seemed so pleased.

"Wow, such excellent facilities...! Everything here is top-notch! I love it!"

"I'm glad. And this is the compensation I'm offering."

Seo Gangrim handed her the employment contract. Han Roya's eyes widened as if she couldn't believe the amount.

"Do you really pay this much...?!"


Money was abundant anyway, and it would be too regrettable to let someone like Han Roya slip away for a mere bag of coins. It was better to tie her down with money so that she couldn't easily escape. He also had some immediate tasks to entrust her with.

"Also, I'm sorry for this on your first day, but there's something I urgently need you to start working on. Is that okay?"

"Oh, of course!"

With a smile on her face, Shin Sooah said, "I should go and greet her later."

"Yes. And there's another matter to discuss. Are you free in two days?"

"In two days? The time is fine, but what's going on?"

"Please go to the amusement park with me."


There was a moment of silence. She blinked, looking at him with confusion.

Seo Gangrim could sense that she didn't understand what he was saying.

Then, Yoon Bom, who was beside her, with surprise in her voice, exclaimed, "Master, is this... are you asking unni out on a date?!"

A date?

Upon hearing the word 'date,' Seo Gangrim could understand why Shin Sooah was bewildered.

With an excited expression, Yoon Bom said, "Wow, you must be serious!"

"It's not like that."

Rather than a date, it was more business-oriented. After all, it wouldn't be just the two of them going.

Seo Gangrim quickly spoke to clarify the misunderstanding.

"You too, Yoon Bom, come along in two days."

"Me? Why?"

"Don't worry, it's not what you think. Just come along with everyone else."

Yoon Bom looked even more puzzled at Seo Gangrim's words. Their trip to the amusement park wasn't for leisure or entertainment, but rather to increase their fame. Whether it was Seo Gangrim, Shin Sooah, or anyone else, they needed to become famous even if by force. So, he had to go to the amusement park with her.


[Welcome to the Land of Happiness, Ai-land! To celebrate our 10th anniversary, various events are prepared...]

An announcement was blaring with a pleasant melody. Although it was usually crowded, it seemed especially crowded now due to the ongoing 10th-anniversary event.

Outside the amusement park area, where there were no rides, numerous flower trees and flower beds were arranged. This season's flowers were camellias, with vibrant red flowers blossoming profusely. It was quite a beautiful scene.

Large flower petals, like fruits, and fallen petals adorned the ground like red silk. Amidst this, many groups of friends, lovers, and families were walking around, taking pictures and sharing stories.

Seo Gangrim, meanwhile, stood by the roadside, avoiding the crowd. Typically, people would have flocked to him, but now he wore a hat and a mask, concealing his face. Seo Gangrim then whispered softly into the earpiece.

"Is everything okay with everyone?"

"Yeah. So far, nothing unusual, Master!"

Yoon Geoul's response was followed by responses from other members. Currently, the Flying Tiger sect members are waiting in this amusement park. Of course, they hadn't come here for fun.

Seo Gangrim had memories from before regression, but he couldn't remember every detail. However, he recalled several specific cases, and today was one of them. Two days after the appearance of a demon in Cheonggyesan Mountain, demons appeared in the amusement park. The incident was memorable because it had the highest number of casualties ever recorded. After explaining to the members that his prophecy item had foretold the demons' appearance, they came to this place.

As powerful as a hunter was, it was difficult for one person to cover the entire amusement park as the demons appeared simultaneously. Therefore, they were divided into pairs and were strategically positioned throughout the amusement park. Seo Gangrim's partner for this mission was Shin Sooah.

'We didn't originally plan to act alone.'

Seo Gangrim glanced at Shin Sooah standing beside him. Although other members had plans to accompany them, strangely, Yoon Geoul opposed it.

[Master, we know what's going on, and we don't want to come between you two and interfere.]Alll latest novels at
