Over the last two days, Arc watches how the Army and Shadow unit made their preparation, the more he watched the more excited he felt. but today he was worried for another matter, Lisa the liaison for the Human Federation Alliance "HFA" navy supply office come by with disturbing news, HFA 23rd squadron was annihilated 24 hours ago with no survivor, the news hasn't been announced to the public yet, it was a dreadful news the casualties is too much to say...
Arc face paled when he heard it from Lisa who clearly hasn't rested for quite some time, Judging from the darkness under her eyes.
According to Lisa when the reinforcement arrived at the scene, the battle is already over, the only consolation is that the number of destroyed enemies ship is more than what we have lost, even as we speak retrieval operation are still underway to look and find the black box of the 23rd command battleship as well as retrieval of our fallen heroes. this news was only known to the higher up for now.
- then why are you telling me this, this is all top secret after all are you not afraid I leak this out - ask Arc
"why? yeah, why indeed, to be honest, I don't know I just felt like you have to know, sigh maybe I'm just too overworked and not thinking straight," replied Lisa who was slumped in the chair
- Tiffa can you give Lisa one of our G solutions -
"Sure boss," replies Tiffa
"don't bother I already took SSS solutions a few hours ago, but even a SSS grade solution has its limit." said, Lisa
"exactly when was the last time you rested?" ask Dianna
"I don't remember a few days ago? there are just too many things to do for the supply office the moment the war started." reply Lisa still slumped in her chair
Tiffa arrive with a solution in her hand, that looks golden in color, Lisa notice it right away and ask new products?
"no, it's only for internal use" reply Dianna.
Lisa look at the solution given to her by Tiffa it looks very beautiful, "it's like there is a countless mini sun in there," Lisa said while looking at the solution in her hand
- stop looking at it and drink it while it's still cold - said Arc while smiling at her
Lisa didn't bother to reply and immediately drank the solution, and immediately she felt hot and in just a few second her tired feeling completely disappeared she was so shocked.
"wh what is that? how.. when did you develop his solutions?" Lisa immediately ask
-does it matter? this won't be sold or given to anyone outside our company- said Arc
"then why did you give me one?" asked Lisa
- maybe the same reason you told me the confidential information, or maybe because I felt like you needed it - Arc said while grinning at here
Tiffa and Dianna also had a smile on their face, because Arc just returned the exact same words Lisa said earlier...
"Haha fair enough but really that solution is amazing I felt like I came from a long relaxing vacation can I have more?" please. Lisa said with a pleading face
-I can give you one more it's not easy to make after all- said Arc
"Thank you so much I really need that right now especially in the next few days when the news of the destruction of the 23rd squadron was public"
said Lisa
Arc really felt sorry for Lisa he can only imagine the workload she will have when the news about the 23rd squadron was announced to the public.
"sigh, ill give you 2 more that's all we have at this moment," said Arc
in reality, he can make it anytime he wants and he actually has a lot of it, it is a standard solution use by his army, after all, but he can't just make it public after all the decision to give Lisa a rank 5 solution is just a whim on his part or maybe it's like he said a payback for the top-secret information Lisa has given him.
after chatting for a bit eventually Lisa left energetically
"Eve, what do you think? is this news gonna affect us right now?" Arc asks Eve
"Not at the moment Boss but it might be in the future," said, Eve
- sigh our capability is limited at the moment even if we want to help there nothing we can do unless we gamble on our future, and I won't do that ever - said Arc
"I agree Boss said Eve, we can only do what we are capable of at the moment any more than that and we are risking our future said," Eve
Arc didn't notice that Eve said our future, not your future, But Dianna and Tiffa did, but they just keep quiet there was also a glint in their eyes when they heard it...
- yeah, I know said Arc, don't like the feelings of powerlessness it's like I was back in the market carrying produce for a couple of credits and keep doing it because there nothing a can do but that, sigh, whatever I'm not the same powerless guy as before I may not be able to do anything to those aliens but can do something about the criminal organization here in earth - said Arc
"that's the spirit Boss," said tiffa smiling at him
-alright, girls, I'm going back to my office you girls do what you can do whatever it is- Arc said as he smiles at them
"Will do Boss," said Dianna also smiling back
"I'm coming with you Boss I don't have anything to do at the moment anyway," said Tiffa