Chapter 27: Beautiful Danger.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 27: Beautiful Danger.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.

Also, the first public waifu poll is online, so vote! /polls/mpnboJO9Pg5


[Adam POV]

I spent roughly more than three weeks traveling towards Alakitasia, crossing the border with false documents to avoid any kind of suspicion from security personnel.

Luckily, finding someone willing to create the forgeries had been no challenge.

Now all that was left was keeping a low profile, and the rest would fall into place.

The hardest part of keeping that low profile was keeping my power sealed within me to avoid drawing any unwanted attention.

It hadn't been an easy feat to accomplish, I had to meditate a lot on my way, and visualize the complex network of barricades that I wanted to place around my power before putting them on, preventing it from leaking out into the world.

But, against all odds, I had managed to succeed.

But that's beyond the point now.

Right now time was of the essence,

Mavis leaned in and her voice dropped to a whisper as she said, "The Rod of Flesh if not something you will find in a common market, some if not most people consider the item a... taboo item, not enough to be considered black magic, but enough to be sold in the black market."

With a name like that? I can see why, honestly. It didn't sound like something you would find in your local grocery shop.

"Any idea where the market would be?" I asked, hoping for the answer not to be the capital.

"The Capital."


"We could find it somewhere else, but our best bet is the capital," Mavis added, reading my expression.

I chuckled, cracking my neck from side to side. "Let's go then."


It took me two days to arrive at the capital, via several modes of transportation.

And, the first thing I noticed as I approached was the sudden switch in the air. It didn't take me long to realize this change was due to an undeniable force that seemed to be emanating from the castle at the center of the city.

"I don't think so," I replied, there was no age to appreciate a good pair of tits, enemy or not. "Besides, you would need to take like... ten steps back if you want me to look at your face, have you seen the difference in our heights? It's kind of hard to see anything other than your... magnificent attributes when we are this close."

Irene chuckled softly, for a moment almost making me forget the delicate nature of my situation right now, being that one false move on my part could mean my end.

Meaning I had to tread carefully, very carefully.

"You are quite straightforward, I like that," Irene said, her gaze turning cold and indifferent, her voice loud and clear despite the noise of traffic and conversations swirling around us. "Now for your sake, keep that attitude and tell me - why are you here today, and why are you sealing away your magical powers?"

"This is bad..." Mavis muttered, and I could see in her eyes was trying to come up with a plan to help me.

But that wouldn't change a thing.

Irene was older than me.

Stronger than me.

And smarter than me.

The only way I could turn this around in a favorable manner, was by playing around with the truth. Meaning... Half-truths, no lies.

I cleared my throat and spoke in a low voice. "The reason why I'm here, it's because I need something from the black market, a Rod of Flesh." I held my breath, watching Irene's expression carefully, but there was no reaction from her, so I continued. "As for why I'm sealing my power... it was to avoid problems, more than not people around me tend to... react poorly to my power, I'm not exactly the best at controlling it."


I hadn't lied.

If I let my power roam freely, it would hurt others around me.

And the reason I was here was to get the Rod of Flesh.

Irene's gaze moved up and down my body, and I felt like she was staring right into my soul. "I see," she said slowly, her lips curling into a strange, menacing grin. She let out a low chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. "Such potential," she muttered. "If that's the case, then allow me to accompany you to the black market. I can't in good conscience leave a young one like you alone in such a dangerous environment."


She had left Erza alone, in a dangerous place as a newborn baby, so this altruistic shit wasn't her reason behind shit, the only reason why she wanted to help me was because she wanted to play with me for a bit before deciding what to do.

She was like a cat, playing with its prey before deciding whether to let it go, or kill it.

"She's playing with you," Mavis said, stating the obvious.

I didn't need to be a tactical genius to know that the lady with massive boobs was playing a game of cat and mouse with me for her own amusement.

I smiled nervously, feeling her gaze fixed on me like a hawk watching its prey. "I wouldn't like to impose," I smiled, trying to deter her from following me, but alas her eyes remained on me, not backing down an inch. "But, if you insist," I said reluctantly, "I would love the company, especially if said company is such a beautiful lady."

"Charming, you will be breaking hearts in no time it seems," Irene smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement, as her lips formed a slight smirk. "Come, I know the way. Oh, and that reminds me, what's your name, kid?"

I swallowed hard, hoping my name hadn't reached this continent yet, not even as a rumor. "Adam, just Adam, no last name, and yours?"

"Irene Belserion, a pleasure to meet you, just Adam."