Chapter 30: A Bout With A God.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 30: A Bout With A God.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.


[Adam POV]

"So, tell me, kid? What is it that you seek in my temple?"

I stared at the tall, broad-shouldered man in front of me. Mavis' reaction, and his introduction all but confirming that he was a god. Or someone with incredibly good timing.

Now the question was, what to do?

I didn't feel the same apprehensive presence I had felt from Irene from the man in front of me, the power I could feel from him was without a doubt great, but not on the level of that woman.

If I had to compare the strength I was feeling against someone, I would say the man was on Gildarts level.

That however, didn't make this any less hard than it already was, after all, being on Gildarts level was more than enough to deal with me as I was now, meaning the best possible approach was a political one.

"Well, I'm looking for a specific kind of gem, one known as the Gem of Apedemaks, if I'm not mistaken," I replied calmly.

The god in the bronze armor shifted his weight, the metal clinking with each step. He tilted his helmeted head to the side, and his grizzled beard shifted between the gaps in the leather straps of his armor as his lips turned upwards, a hint of understanding dawning in his eyes. "Ah," he said softly. "I see."

Well, ain't that ominous.

The god's eyes bored into mine, and he spoke with a heavy air of gravity. "Human transmutation? I suppose? More often than not most of them are that's always the case."

I... I don't really know if what we were attempting to do can be classified as Human transmutation. It didn't feel like it, but it didn't sound completely wrong to call it that.

"My friends and I are trying to create an artificial human body to host the soul of a woman who is on her deathbed," I replied, wondering where the conversation would go from this point forward.

Would it anger him that what I was trying to do that?

Or would he simply not care?

The god's eyes under the helmet sparkled and his lips curved into a broad smile as he threw back his head and released a thunderous laugh. Still laughing, he dropped his hand onto his knee and shook his head in amusement. "Well, I'll be damned! An honest human!"

"Don't do anything to anger him," Mavis whispered in my ear.

Then again, if he wasn't that way he wouldn't be Fairy Tail material, would he?

As I pondered on that, the god let out a deep hearty laugh that echoed through the temple. "It has been a while since I have faced someone as brave and determined as you, young one. Your attacks may not have harmed me, but they have proved your worthiness. The gems are yours." With a wave of his hand, a few gems began to float toward Adam, each one coming from a different chest.

"Thanks," Adam replied, sheathing his blade.

"Best luck in your quest young one," The god replied, his voice reverberating off of the cold walls around as Adam gave him one last grateful nod before taking his leave.

I guess we are finally going home.

"As for you little one," The god's voice was slow, gentle, and deep. His eyes were dark and seemed to be filled with a hint of sorrow and understanding before he looked away for a moment and then back at me with a small smile. "I hope you find a way to break out of your curse. Ankhseram is a cruel bastard, so I wish you the best of luck."

"Thanks," I replied, unsure how to react to his kind words.

His attitude didn't make any sense.

The air around was heavy and choking with the smell of old death, with skeletons scattered all around, showing the remnants of those who had fallen to the temple's cruel fate. Yet despite all of that, despite the evidence of his dark deeds all around us, he was sharing kind words with me.

Perhaps those we had seen were the skeletons of bandits. Or something similar?

Then again, perhaps it was best not to look too much into it. According to the tales of old, gods can be both kind and cruel in the blink of an eye.

The god smiled once again, as rays of golden light slowly radiated from his body, making his features appear to shimmer and blur. "Farewell, little one." As the last words left his lips, his form suddenly vanished into tiny sparkles of light, leaving no trace of him behind.


[Adam POV]

I finally had all the ingredients I had been sent to collect. Now, all that was left was making haste back to Magnolia, and hope that Gildarts and the guild had both finished their parts.

"Time to go back," I sighed in relief.

However, before I could take a single step Mavis materialized beside me, her arms crossed and her full lips pursed in a pout. Her eyes narrowed on me in disapproval, and her voice strained with frustration as she spoke. "What on earth possessed you to take on a challenge from a god so recklessly? And don't say because of the gems, or so help me I won't let you sleep!"

That is a good question and a good threat. Efficient combo there Mavis.

I hesitated before replying, letting out a small cough. "Well... it seemed fun," while I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise in my cheeks.

"You truly are Fairy Tail's material through and through," Mavis sighed at my answer, shaking her head as if that was exactly what she expected to hear. "Very well then, let's go back home!"

I smiled. "Lead the way Mavis Navigation System!"