Chapter 86: Gildarts Clive.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 86: Gildarts Clive.

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Remember, the higher we rank in the top 3, the more chaps you next week. With Love Corn.


[Important Events.]

Year x781.

January - Mystogan joined Fairy Tail, quickly establishing himself as one of the guild's most formidable members despite his clear lack of magical power.

February - Loke the celestial spirit of the Lion, disobeys Karen Lilica, and the latter is killed by Angel. Because of this, Loke is punished by the Celestial King, being unable to return to the Celestial World to recover his magical power leaving him to die whenever his reserves run out.

March - Adam successfully mastered Hakuda, the martial art style practiced by the Shinigami, further enhancing his fighting prowess and versatility.

April - Mirajane attained the rank of S-Class wizard. During her test, she was pitted against Laxus as her last trial, who effortlessly outmatched her at every turn, eventually being forced to surrender, admitting her own weakness, Laxus seeing this, granted her the rank in recognition of her determination, humility, and potential.

July - Macao's personal life took a devastating turn when he cheated on his wife. Hurt and angry at his actions, she subsequently filed for divorce, taking most of his possessions, their home, and a significant portion of his money.

August - While training, Adam is confronted by a mysterious woman with silver-blonde hair who without giving his reasons attacks him, forcing him into a fight. Alas, despite his best efforts, Adam was soundly defeated, his chest getting a large scar. Happy with Adam's performance, the enigmatic woman introduced herself, revealing her name to be Selene before cryptically offering Adam an escape from everything if he ever required one.

October - The Alvarez Empire launched an invasion of Ishgar, seeking to capture Lumen Histoire. However, their advance was halted by the powerful Etherion weapon.

November - Erza and Mirajane engaged in another intense duel, and while Erza ultimately claimed the victory, the closely matched battle demonstrated Mirajane's remarkable latent combat abilities, which had grown significantly since their previous encounter.

December - Adam reflects on his encounter with Selene. The scars adorning his body that the woman had left serving as a constant reminder of how she had toyed with him during their battle. He chuckled to himself, considering the experience yet another testament to the importance of his decision to train.


[Gildarts Clive POV.]

[Magnolia Town - Fairy Tail.]

[Year x782.]

I yawned, watching the sun rise over Magnolia as I lounged on a bench outside of the guild hall. It was another peaceful morning, one that could easily pass as unremarkable save for the fact today I was going on a mission with my sweet little princess!

"Gildarts," Makarov called out, interrupting my thoughts. "Ready to go?"

I stood up, stretching my arms. "Yeah, let's do this," I said, smiling at him.

Makarov nodded and gestured towards the door. "Hurry up then, the client is waiting for you, or rather has been waiting for you, ten hours..."

Well... he could wait, I was the best of the best! Besides, it's not every day you get to hire Gildarts Clive for a mission that is not S class or above, so they can wait.

As we made our way inside, I spotted Cana sitting at the bar, sipping on a glass of juice. She looked over and grinned when she saw me, waving excitedly.

I couldn't help but smile back at her, already feeling myself becoming overwhelmed with happiness just at the sight of her, she was JUST TOO DARN CUTE!!

"Morning daddy!" She called out, hopping off the barstool and bouncing over to me.

"Morning, princess," I said, bending down to give her a quick hug. "Are you ready for our father-daughter super ultra fun mission?"

Cana nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "Of course, I am, Dad! I can't wait to see what kind of adventure we'll have today! We will crush our enemies under our might!"

"Cana, close your eyes," Gildarts growled, his voice low and dangerous, "As for you, little worm, you'll regret having said those words for the rest of your miserable short life."

The bandit, sensing the danger in Gildarts' voice, takes a step back. But he quickly recovers, drawing his broken sword and pointing it at Gildarts. "I don't know who you are, old man, but you're about to regret picking a fight with me! Let's get him, boys! The day is young, and I wanna have some fun with the lady before the night arrives!"

Are they suicidal?!

Even if they didn't know about Gildarts, which on its own was pretty hard not to unless you lived under a rock, they had to sense how dangerous this man was.

He didn't want to kill me, I was afraid to even look in his general direction, or that of his daughter.

"Get behind me," Cana ordered me, throwing a card into the ground to create a dome around us. "This should protect us from what is about to happen."

I did as I was told, moving behind Cana, as I continued to watch.

Without a word, a powerful aura of magic surrounds Gildarts, bursting forth like a raging volcano. His hair and clothing begin to ripple in a gust of wind, and the ground beneath his feet cracks and shudders.

"Close your eyes, unless you want to see a pretty gory image," Cana warned me, her voice low and serious.

That was a piece of good advice.

However, I was frozen... I couldn't do anything... it felt as if I blinked I would die.

The leader of the bandit group opened his mouth to shout, "Get him boys, let's have som-" but before the next words could even exit his lips, a deafening crack filled the air and his body was ripped apart in an instant as blood and bits of flesh flew everywhere.

"Nobody threatens my daughter and gets away with it," Gildarts said, his voice cold and deadly.

The bandits looked at Gildarts, their eyes wide in surprise... shock.... and then slowly, finding themselves unable to move or make a sound as a sense of realization seemed to sink in.

Maybe this wasn't a fight they could win.

"We surrender-"

Before they could say another word, before they would surrender in the hopes of avoiding certain death, the ground under their feet erupted with a deafening boom, sending them flying into the air, before they descended back to the ground, where they were cut open by a terrible invisible force, meeting their end as their blood painted the ground of red.

Over twenty men... all dead.

It was over in the blink of an eye, they weren't even able to move or to fight back.

Cana patted me on the back, "Are you alright?"

I nodded, my mouth too dry to speak. I had seen death many times, but this... this gave a new meaning to the word, this would haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Are you sure?" Cana in turn asked.

"Yes, I'm alright, I'm sorry, I think I'm just in shock," I replied, trying to calm myself.

"Dad, you traumatized our client!" Cana exclaimed in exasperation, placing her hands on her waist.


Was a pretty accurate statement of what he had done.

Gildarts blinked, shuffling his feet as he looked at Cana with a sheepish smile; as if he hadn't just massacred over twenty humans. "Ah, sorry about that."

Cana rolled her eyes at him. "Come on, big guy, we have a long way to go, our destination is a good distance away, and we should get moving."

I nodded because that was all I could do.