Chapter 102: Author Note.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 102: Author Note.

This note won't be as long as the first one I had written, that got deleted in my typing rage, so I'll be brief.

Corn, why is Adam believing in what Jellal said?

Allow me to be a clear as possible, HE FUCKING DOESNT! BUT AS ANY DECENT PERSON, HE HAS TO MAKE SUREEE! IF YOU as a person, wouldn't try to at least confirm the words of a Terrorist with a weapon capable of destroying a country, then please do everyone a favor and don't work in any law enforcement job.

Shouldn't Adam know Makarov can block the blast?

He doesn't. He knows Makarov is strong, but he's not sure he has anything in his arsenal to block the attack. Unlike MC who has a vast array of options, like moving, creating a portal, or bending space to deal with the attack, so just to be safe, he's making sure shit goes smooth. The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

One. He's playing it safe, JUST IN CASE.

Like, you don't even wait for the next chapter, you just go straight to the part where you try to shit on me.

The worst part is, I MADE IMPOSSIBLY CLEAR THAT ADAM is confident in what he can do, and that this won't change the outcome in the end, but still, you see his human side, the part that cares, as a weakness.

Don't worry, the next MC I write, will be the perfect being you all say you don't want, but we all know you want, someone that excels at everything, someone with an IQ so big that there hasn't been a number invented to quantified.

Anyway, do as you please. I'm done for the day, had a rough fucking day, and thought the chapter had been clear enough for the egg shells of this site, but I guess I was wrong. I need to improve my writing to deal with that, EVEN MORE. Maybe a 500 word disclaimer before any chapter would do the trick, I don't know, I'm brainstorm this shit later.


Have a great day, one better than mine. I will try to calm down, maybe watch a movie or something. Take care everyone.

Updates will restart tomorrow, hopefully.