Chapter 127: Dangerous Fate.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 127: Dangerous Fate.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

If we reach top 3, I will post 2 chapters.

Trigger warning: Cuss I know some of you hate the idea of a MC getting injured or showing he's not op in any kind of way, I'm here to ask have patience, the next few chapters will have our boy struggling for a bit.

On other news, Marvel and DC will restart updates next month. I'm aiming for the 8th, but still working the date out.


[Adam C. POV]

I walked to the mill after my talk with Odin, his words had told me more than enough about my target, but at the same time too little.

I still didn't know what to make of his words.

Perhaps that was the point of it.

I wasn't sure.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I continued on my way.

The mill was a few miles away, and the forest around me seemed to stretch on forever.

I had sent Lilia and my familiar away to investigate the Town at the north, not that there was a need for that, I was simply keeping her safe. If my... target was strong enough to represent a threat to me, they would simply stand in the way, making them a liability I simply couldn't afford to have right now.

The handle of my Zanpakuto, held firmly in its sheath at my hip, thrummed with an energy that resonated through me. I felt a wave of confidence knowing that with her by my side, there was nothing we couldn't face.

"I know," I muttered, smiling at what Zanryuzuki was trying to do.

The trees towered above me, blocking out the moonlight and casting long, dark shadows. My steps were long and heavy as I walked through the thick underbrush and over craggy rocks.

Every now and then, I would pass an old road, or the ruins of a once small cottage, and each time, I felt... nothing. And I didn't mean anything like I didn't care, but more like... the entire forest was... empty, void of... every possible sign of life.

It was... unnerving.

An entire forest, empty of life, with the only thing reminding me of where I was, being thick air with the smell of pine and moss, and the occasional stream of water trickling somewhere in the distance.


After a few moments of walking through the forest, I finally came to the famous mill. And as the locals had described in the bar. It was an old, wooden structure, surrounded by a low stone wall that had been overtaken by moss.

Beyond the obvious lack of maintenance, there wasn't anything special about the place, no magic power, no killing intent, no presence of any kind.

All I could feel, and see, was an empty place.

"You're... strong..."

The voice startled me.

It was a whisper in my ear, yet it reverberated around me as if his voice was echoing in the nothingness.

"And... good looking... how unfair..."

As I turned around, I found a pale disfigured man staring at me, his face just inches away from mine to the point that if any of us moved even an inch forward, our noses would touch.

Wasting no time, I jumped back, my hand reaching instinctively for the hilt of my Zanpakuto. It was very troubling how this.... guy had managed to approach so silently, so stealthily, without me sensing him at all.

"Impressed? Lies, lies LIES!" The pale man screeched. "How can anyone be impressed by my curse?! How utterly ridiculous!"

I remained silent, sensing I had opened a can of worms, for better or for worse.

"My curse... makes everyone ignore me, everyone forgets me, it makes everyone incapable of perceiving my actions, my existence, I can only make them remember me for a bit.... but it's just a matter of time before they forget my existence, and any memories of me..." The Pale man muttered, his voice cracking at the end. "So, I make them pay... for trying to deny my existence, I take their lives to give mine a meaning..."

So that's his power.


That still doesn't explain how he dodged my first attack.

I feel like I only have one part of the puzzle.

"I..-" I started to speak, but as I opened my mouth a sharp pain seared through my right eye. Slowly, my hand flew up to my face and found a shard of glass embedded in my eye, as blood iced down my cheek and onto my chest.

Once again, nothing.

I didn't feel a thing until it had already happened.

No killing intent.

No movement in the area.


Just emptiness followed by pain.

If this continues... I will be in trouble.

I grinned; Odin wasn't lying when he said this would be a hard endeavor.

Perhaps I just had to fight like Natsu.

Bringing everything down with me.

Deciding to give that a try, I swung my blade down, shattering the entire area around me in a two-mile radius, sending slashes in every direction.

"I wonder if that--" Once again, another cut, this time in my Achilles tendons.

I gritted my teeth. I wasn't angry the pale bastard was cutting me; I was angry he was cutting me every time I tried to open my mouth.

Anywho... it seems that approach didn't work out as well.


I can't hit him, because I can't sense him at all.

And for the same reason, I can't block his attacks, at least not completely.


That gives me an idea.

If I can't hit him, then it's only fair to put him in the same situation.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my blade high, and as the pale bastard continued to cut my flesh relentlessly, I muttered. "Judge all things in this universe. Zanryuzuki."