Chapter 134: Counting the seconds.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 134: Counting the seconds.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

Unique sexy offer, from sexy corn trying to get some rizzing stones. If we reach top 3, I'll post 3 chapters. No waiting period, nothing. This offer is limited to this week. Corn awaits thy stones.


[Adam C. POV]

As I pushed open the heavy oak doors of Fairy Tail, the noise from the guild washed over me. I took in the scene before me with a hint of amusement.

Most of the guild had gathered around the bar, where Mirajane, with her white hair cascading down her shoulders, was ardently lecturing the guild about the Dark Guild alliance.

The tone of her voice, the expression of her face and the fact she was being completely serious drew everyone's attention like flies to a fire.

I listened intently as I walked through the crowd, hearing the words 'Balam Alliance', 'Grimoire Heart', 'Oración Seis', and 'Tartaros'.

Meaning the time was finally here.

Silently, I made my way to the second floor of the guild, my senses keen and my movements deliberate, feeling more tense than usual.

The air felt thick with anticipation, and my boots tapped rhythmically against the wooden steps. I had a lot going on in my mind right now.

Taking a deep breath, I found an empty table overlooking the guild hall and settled down.

From my vantage point, I could observe everything without being in the midst of the tumult, without being close enough for anyone to wonder if I was feeling okay.

I didn't need someone telling me I wasn't okay.

I knew I wasn't.

But that was okay.

I wasn't consumed by my hate towards Brain, but it was still there, burning fucking bright.

I would be okay when Brain died, I would be okay when I finally saw the light leaving his eyes.

Closing my eyes, I continued to listen to Mirajane's lecture, detailing the potential threat that the Balam Alliance posed, and other details about them.

Until the presence of Master Makarov, appeared from the back room. His furrowed brow and stern expression contrasted with his usually jovial demeanor.

I smiled, a cold, hungry smile.

"That's enough, Mirajane," Makarov began, his voice echoing through the walls of the guild. "Children, we are going to war, the actions of these monsters can no longer be tolerated. We must take action."

I grinned, my power fluctuating as my fingers drummed on the table over the excitement I was feeling.

Makarov raised his hand. "We won't face them alone," he continued. "To better deal with them, an alliance has been formed between Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Cait Shelter. Together, we shall face this threat and protect what we hold dear!"

As the old man's words sank in, a surge of energy rippled through the guild.

Gildarts turned to Natsu, grinning. "You gotta calm down, Natsu, before you crap your pants in front of everyone," he said with a chuckle.

Natsu frowned, but after a quick exchange of silent glances between him and Gildarts he simply nodded, before walking back to his table to sit with Happy.

It seemed Gildarts was just what Natsu needed to calm down.

"You should really go easy on the kid," Gildarts muttered.

I chuckled. I would, just not today, today I had more important things to take care of, Natsu and his feelings could wait.

Not like he can hold a grudge anyways.

Laxus's voice echoed up the stairwell as he leaned against the railing of the second floor. His hands were thrust in his pockets, and his gaze was fixed on the hustle and bustle below. "When are we leaving?" he asked.

Good question.

"I would like to know that as well," I added.

"Right now," Makarov replied after a moment.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Ten hours later.]

Under the cloak of a moonless night, the Worth Woodsea forest lay beneath an ocean of whispers, as if the ancient trees themselves were murmuring secrets to each other.

A sickly mist clung to the gnarled boughs and twisted trunks, its paleness illuminated by the eerie bluish light that seemed to emanate from the very soil.

Upon a cliff that overlooked the massive forest stood the members of the Guild known as Oración Seis, their dark silhouettes outlined against a turbulent sky. The air around them was heavy with magic; an arcane feeling that pulsated through the atmosphere, causing the leaves of the trees below to rustle even though there was no wind.

Cobra, with his crimson eyes glowing in the dark, broke the silence. "I can hear it, the magic we seek is here."

"Indeed," answered Brain, his voice as cold and calculated as his expression. He raised a hand and black thorns erupted from the ground, creeping out towards the forest below. "Nirvana will destroy this flawed world, to give answer to our prayers!"

Angel stood, her wings unfurling behind her, casting an even more sinister aura around the group. "But at what cost?" she whispered, her voice a haunting lullaby. "Look at what it does to the land." She gestured toward the forest below, where the trees appeared to be withering, their leaves turning black and crumbling to ash. "I mean, I don't know if I want to rule the world, if the world looks like a piece of crap."

The air shimmered, and Midnight appeared next to Angel. His voice, a whisper that seemed to echo through the night, said, "The land is a necessary sacrifice. When the Light is broken, a new world will be born from the ashes."

Racer's figure blurred as he moved to the edge of the cliff, looking down. "The's too fast even for me to comprehend. It's devouring everything," he muttered.

Hoteye's usually stoic face contorted in pain. "Brother... this magic, Nirvana, is it truly more powerful than money?" He looked at Brain, his eyes pleading for an answer.

Brain's face remained unmoved, but his eyes gleamed with a madness that made even the dark night seem bright in comparison. "Nirvana will reshape the world. But for that, the old one must die," he spoke in an ominous tone.

Suddenly, Brain raised his staff, and the ground shook violently as a massive pillar of blinding light erupted from the center of the Worth Woodsea. It shot into the sky, consuming the stars, and for a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath.

The Oración Seis stood on the precipice, looking down on the devastation below, as the magic of Nirvana continued to pulse through the air.

Knowing that soon, all of their prayers would be answered.