Chapter 136: Shattered Past.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 136: Shattered Past.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

Unique sexy offer, from sexy corn trying to get some rizzing stones. If we reach top 3, I'll post 3 chapters. No waiting period, nothing. This offer is limited to this week. Corn awaits thy stones.


[Adam C. POV]

After a short debriefing with Ichiya, who explained the situation with the help of the Trimens in detail, we embarked on our quest. Destroying Nirvana.

Though, if I had to be honest, I wasn't very interested in that.

I had a goal of my own to accomplish today.

Gildarts alone was more than enough to deal with the Nirvana situation.

Laxus was more than enough.

I knew the only reason the master had sent them was to keep me grounded.

I appreciated the sentiment.

I knew they cared.

I knew, because I cared.

I just needed to do this, more than anything else right now. It wasn't that hate was consuming me, it was that I needed this closure, I needed Zero to disappear from my life.

I needed my vengeance.

At one point of my life, all I ever wanted was to have my revenge.

That point of my life was behind me now.

Now, I wanted vengeance.

There was a subtle difference between the two.

Revenge is an act of passion, vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.

"Kid, are you sure you want to do this alone?" Gildarts asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I turned to him. "I do. Besides, you're here to knock some sense into me if I get too edgy, right?"

Gildarts' face lit up with a warm, full-bodied laugh as his eyes glinted. "Of course, kiddo. That's what dads are for." He beamed proudly.

I nodded and turned to leave, but Laxus stepped in front of me. "I'm coming with you," he said firmly.

I looked at him. "Laxus, I appreciate the offer, but I want to do this alone."

The ground beneath my boots feels both solid and fleeting, like the whispered echo of a thousand memories. Each step resonated with the weight of vengeance that has accumulated over the years.

I was finally here.

I was finally... here.

Leaving Laxus to deal with the trash, I made my advance, one step at a time, my eyes on Zero, noticing the smugness in his grin, the same wicked grin I remembered.

He had that same vile smirk that had haunted my dreams, that had been the ghost at the back of my eyelids, the embodiment of every nightmare, every tear, every helpless scream.

The object of my undying hate.

I chuckled dryly. The air felt pregnant with anticipation as a single crow took off in the distance, its wings beating against the deafening silence that had fallen over the room.

Taking a deep breath, my right hand reaches out and grips the hilt of my blade. I could feel Zanryuzuki vibrating, barely containing herself.

Begging me, demanding me to cut him, over and over... and over again, until there's nothing left to cut, until there's nothing left of him.

Smiling at the thought, I draw my Zanpakuto out. The metallic rasp tearing through the air, singing a dirge of retribution.

The world just melts away; it's just me, him, and this moment, this single fragment of eternity.

"It's been a while, slave, but it seems our time apart has led you to believe you are something you're not, so allow me to fix that!" Zero spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Ah, the sweet, misguided confidence of an ant believing it can topple a giant. I will enjoy this more than I will ever care to admit," I replied, holding my blade out, pointing its unforgiving edge at him.

Zero laughed, his voice echoing in the empty room. "Oh, you always did have a way with words. But let's see if you can back it up."

With that, he charged at me, releasing a series of energy beams in my direction.

I sidestepped his attack with ease, swinging my blade in a wide arc towards his torso. He managed to dodge it, but just barely, and in doing so, left himself open for a split second.

I took the opportunity and blasted him with Hado# 1 Sho, sending him flying across the room and crashing into a wall.

He hadn't gotten any stronger since the last time I saw him.

My ability to kill him was never in question, but now it has become painfully evident that I could end him in a single strike if I wanted to, but the thing is... I don't want that, not yet.

He needs to suffer a bit before he gets such mercy.

"Blame only yourself, for what is to come, Zero," I said, walking towards him.

I would enjoy every moment of this.

Perhaps this was wrong.

But I couldn't care less if it was.

I had earned this, every moment of this, I had paid in blood.