Chapter 138: Dolls.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 138: Dolls.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

Unique sexy offer, from sexy corn trying to get some rizzing stones. If we reach top 3, I'll post 3 chapters. No waiting period, nothing. This offer is limited to this week. Corn awaits thy stones.


[Adam C. POV.]

Blood still warm on my blade, I stand over the lifeless form of Zero, the man who had at one point, haunted my days, casting his shadow into the world.

His once imposing figure was now nothing more than a crumpled heap, cut in half.

I had finally done it.

I had finally killed him.

His breaths had finally ceased, and the twisted smirk that had adorned his face for as long as I've known him was now frozen in a perpetual mask of shock.

The final blow had ended his life; had been swift, just as I had imagined a thousand times in my dreams.

For years, the burden of his existence had weighed heavy on my shoulders, on my mind.

But as I stand here, staring at his lifeless form, at my handywork, my blade dripping with his blood, I felt... nothing.

There was no triumphant roar in my chest, no relief washing over me like the crashing waves of the sea. There was only a hollow space where I expected... something else.

"I imagined this moment a thousand times," I said aloud, my voice strangely calm, and devoid of any emotion. "But I never imagined that I would feel nothing."

What did I expect to feel?

Anger? I had been angry for years. Enraged at his very existence. And yet... I feel nothing. nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Relief? Surely, I would feel relieved to be finally free of his shadow. But there is no relief either.

I felt like I should be happy. After all, I had taken his life. But even that emotion eluded me.

As I stood there, contemplating my lack of emotions, I became aware of multiple presences behind me.

"I hope you don't think you've won," A familiar voice declared with a perverse glee.

It can't be.

I turned around to see the man I had killed, clad leathery garb, his long hair pulled back in a ponytail. He stood in a predatory crouch, his face twisted into a grimace.


But, how?

I had killed him.

Had I killed a fake?

No, that wasn't the case. I knew without a doubt my blade had cut the real deal, so... what in hell was happening.

"Surprised?" Zero sneered, standing tall as he looked down on me. His eyes, once lifeless, now glowed with a malicious glee.

But there was something different. An unnatural aura around him, a shimmering haze that was barely visible. It was unsettling.

"You're dead." I managed to get the words out, still processing the scene in front of me.

"Going insane so soon?" Zero, or at least one of them, chuckled with twisted glee. "Or are you too stupid to comprehend? I'm not dead, I am beyond such bindings!"

I shook with laughter, head thrown back, and mouth open wide. "Oh, but you are. None of you have a soul, he did, as surprising as that is."

Before any of them could reply, I moved forward, cutting through several lines of clones, dismembering each and every single one of them with a single strike in an effortless manner.

"Do your best, little dolls," I taunted, cracking my neck to the side. "I'll enjoy killing you all, it will be... therapeutic."


[Gildarts Clive. POV.]

Somewhere deep in the forest, I sensed the unnerving surge of dark magic, a prickling sensation like an icy hand brushing against the back of my head.

"Adam," I muttered, my eyes narrowing in concern. The presences seemed to be converging all around him, surrounding him.

A part of me wanted to rush to my son's aid. But at the same time, I knew how strong he was, he was a Clive after all, so I trusted him, trusted his strength, his resolve.

He was no longer the little boy who used to hide behind his emotions, behind his hate. He was a man. A powerful mage in his own right.

Besides, I had my own problems to handle, like Nirvana and Jellal.

"Gildarts Clive," Jellal's voice echoed in my ears. "We finally met."

"It seems you want a generational beatdown," I replied, cracking a grin. "First my son, now me, who's next? My daughter?"

Jellal's cold, piercing eyes bore into me. There was a sinister air about him, an aura that screamed, I need therapy!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I said, letting out a yawn.

"You don't seem to understand, Gildarts," Jellal sneered. "Your brute mind might not comprehend the situation but allow me to help you. This isn't a simple contest of strength. I can't lose, I am a harbinger of a new era."

Harbinger of a new era?

Fuck, kids nowadays sure are depressing as fuck.

"Well said, Jellal," A new voice spoke up from behind Jellal, a voice I didn't recognize at first, but as the person in question came into view, I instantly recognized him.


The man that had tortured my boy.

Or a clone of him at the very least.

"Are you ready to witness the beginning of a new era?" Zero asked, as more figures stepped out of the shadows into the light.

More clones.

More Zeros.

I chuckled.

"It seems your imminent demise has made you lose your mind," Jellal said, scowling.

"Oh, no, it's not that, I'm sorry, it's just... I'm very glad this happened," I replied, as my power broke free, bending the earth around me under an unfathomable amount of magical pressure. "It means I get to kill the man who tormented my boy, well, the copies of the bastard. But beggars can't be choosers, am I right?"

I'll admit.

I am about to enjoy this shit more than I should.

"Bring it on!" I roared, challenging the army of fakes, and Jellal to do their worst before I crushed them down!