Chapter 183: Overwhelming Power.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 183: Overwhelming Power.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

Discord Server: Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Goals and rewards of the week.

TOP 1 = Three double releases.

TOP 2 = Two double releases.

TOP 3 = One double release.


[Third Person. POV.]

A flying ship, surrounded by dark skies and heavy with rain clouds, slowly approached the Fairies Island, its flags waving defiantly as soldiers scramble around, fortifying their defenses for what they knew was coming.

The atmosphere was tense, as the soldiers looked up into the sky, their eyes widened in terror as a fiery silhouette shot down upon them like a meteor, its trajectory aimed straight at the heart of the enemy base.

The impact sends shockwaves throughout the land. A vast cloud of dust and debris rises, obscuring the vision of all those who look on. Moments later, the dust settles.

At the center of the newly formed crater, stood a man known by many as the newest Wizard Saint, Adam Clive. Dark energy pulsated around him. His blade clutched firmly in his hand. His normally playful demeanor, completely replaced with a cold, calculating look. His eyes, filled with cold rage, scanned the area.

"This is where it ends," Adam muttered, his voice chillingly calm.

The enemy soldiers, already on edge, began to panic. Each and every single one of them, taking several steps back, most of them visibly trembling.

It wasn't hard to see why.

The power Adam was emanating was beyond anything they had ever seen before.

"Is that... Adam?" One of the soldiers said, his voice shaking. "Master Hades never said he was this strong."

"The very same. I've heard stories... stories of how he decimated entire armies single-handedly," Another soldier replied, taking a step back, as if that would change a thing.

"Where is Hades?" Adam demanded, his voice carrying an aura of dominance that left no room for objections.

No one dared to answer him, the fear on their faces increasing at every passing moment. Adam's eyes darkened, his grip on his sword tightening, the metal creaking under the pressure.

Despite the palpable fear, however, a commander found his voice, trying despite all the odds to rally the troops against the invincible threat in front of them.

"Hold your ground! And give him all you got! WE ARE GRIMOIRE HEART!"

As the enemy prepared, a few brave souls attempted to confront Adam. Charging forward with swords, spears and axes drawn, pushing forward with fear in their eyes.

Adam stood motionless, watching as the soldiers ran towards him, their screams of false bravado piercing through the air. As they closed in on him, he unsheathed his sword and swung it in a wide arc, sending a blinding wave of dark energy towards them. The wave hit the soldiers, sending them flying back, their bodies disintegrating upon contact with the ground.

Adam stood there, looking at the destruction he had caused, his eyes empty of any emotion. "I'll ask again, where is Hades."

"Makarov is raising monsters, it seems," A voice spoke from the shadows. Adam's eyes immediately moved to the source of the voice, his calm demeanor intact.

"Hades," Adam said, a mocking smile on his face. "I was starting to think I would have to kill everyone on this ship to get you."

Hades stepped out of the shadows, his expression unruffled. "You have a high opinion of yourself, don't you think?"

Kain Hiraku, the voodoo puppeteer, watched in horror as his guildmate's head rolled on the ground. "I don't want to die!" At this, he ran away, frantically trying to escape the same fate his guildmates had met, however, before he could get any further, something pressed him down, exploding his body into a mush.

"Your weakness disgusts me," Bluenote, The Gravity Mage, sneered as he appeared behind Kain's remains.

Adam glanced at Bluenote.

"Bluenote, try not to kill any more of our allies," Hades warned him.

Bluenote merely grunted in response, his eyes fixed on Adam. He stepped forward, clenching his fists. "You think you're so powerful, don't you? Let's see how you fare against me."

Adam raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Sure, why not."

"Let's--" Bluenote began, but before he could finish his sentence, Adam disappeared. In the next moment, Adam appeared behind Bluenote, dismembering him.

Blood sprayed out of Bluenote, his body collapsing onto the ground. "So, who's next?"

Zoldeo stepped back, his eyes wide with fear, a stark contrast to the normally calm composure he would wear within Capricorn's body. "STAY AW-WAY! O-OR OR I... I'LL TAKE OVER YOUR BODY!"

"Will you now?" Adam asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well, you're welcome to try."

Zoldeo gritted his teeth and raised his hands, attempting to channel his magic into Adam's body.

"So?" Adam asked, his voice calm and collected as Zoldeo continued to try and take over his body. "Are you getting any closer?"

"SHUT UP!" Zoldeo screamed before moving forward, slamming his hand onto Adam's forehead, breaking his entire arm upon impact.

"I bet that hurt you more than it hurt me," Adam snorted, watching Zoldeo's arm, or was it Capricorn's, Adam wasn't entirely sure.

"AHHHHHHH!" Zoldeo stumbled back in pain, fear evident in his eyes. "W-what are you?"

"Goodbye," Adam smiled, driving his blade into Zoldeo's chest, destroying his soul, releasing Capricorn out of his control.

"Master Hades," Rustyrose muttered, looking at Hades.

"That's enough," Hades interrupted, stepping forward. "It seems I was wrong. You've proven your point, you're powerful enough to defeat anyone in this guild, perhaps even myself. But what do you hope to gain from all of this?"

Adam turned to face Hades, his expression unreadable. "To make sure Acnologia comes."

Hades' eyes widened. "What?"

Adam chuckled, moving behind Rustyrose, putting one finger on his head. "Hado #1. Shō." At this, Rustyrose's body fell to the ground, his eyes going white as blood pooled around his head.

"Very well then," Hades muttered before snapping his fingers, activating the Devil's Heart. "I'll admit, you're stronger than I thought. But that won't help you!"

Adam chuckled, tilting his head. "Oh, let me guess. Because of the magic generator at the center of the ship fueling you with power?"

"What," Hades murmured before taking a step back in realization.

"Word of advice, don't put your trump card in an easy to locate spot or a big ass target like this ship," Adam began, bringing his blade down on the ship, cutting it in half. "Especially when facing mages prone to destruct things."

"NOOO!" Hades roared, only to be kicked by Adam into the core of the ship, faster than the old master could see.

"Well," Adam said, looking at the two halves of the ship as they began to drop high from the sky into the see. "This was certainly fun. But I believe I'm going to leave now. I have a dragon to meet."

He paused, watching the bodies of Meredy and Ultear.

"I owe Ur one," Adam muttered before grabbing the two, quickly returning to Tenrou Island.