Chapter 185: Bankai Part 2.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 185: Bankai Part 2.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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Goals and rewards of the week.

TOP 1 = Three double releases.

TOP 2 = Two double releases.

TOP 3 = One double release.


[Third Person. POV.]

As Acnologia approached Tenrou Island, to destroy everything, and everyone.

Adam's voice cut through the noise of the sea like a sharp blade, "I had a good life."

At this, his stance in the middle of the air shifted, legs slightly apart with his Zanpakuto firmly grasped in his right hand. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes momentarily, a hint of sadness and resolve playing upon his features.

"Bankai," he whispered, and the world around them paused.

A palpable shift in the atmosphere was the first sign. And before anyone could blink, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and change. As an overwhelming pressure cascaded upon them, so potent that even the most seasoned warriors staggered back, in fear. The sky, previously a vivid blue, now brooded with swirling, tempestuous clouds and while the sea parted apart.

"Muryokusho," Adam declared, his voice echoing as if it came from the depths of time itself.

As the name left his lips, the outwordly nature of Zanryuzuki transformed. The translucent aura, which once danced around it wildly, disappeared, alongside the entire blade save for the handle. But that didn't signify a reduction in power, quite the opposite.

Not only that.

Adam's appearance had changed with his Bankai's as well.

His once short brown hair, was now white, cascading down his back in wild, untamed locks. His eyes were now a piercing shade of silver with blue and golden undertones, and his skin seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. His clothing had also transformed, now adorned in a long, flowing white robe with intricate golden and silver designs woven throughout.

The transformation Adam had endured was such, that even Black Dragon of the Apocalypse, a being not easily phased hesitated for a brief moment. Feeling perhaps for the first time in centuries, a force that could genuinely challenge its dominance.

"What are you?" Acnologia's voice rumbled, echoing with disdain. The dragon's eyes, filled with malevolence, bore into Adam with an intensity that would have petrified any other being.

Adam ignored the query and swung an arm towards the heavens, blasting the Dragon back by some unseen force. The force of the attack was so powerful that it shook the very foundations of the earth, causing mountains miles away to crumble and oceans to rise up in fury.

Roaring, Acnologia charged at me, its massive claws aimed to tear through my flesh, moving the empty handle of my blade down on the dragon.

Time seemed to stop, before suddenly, the tail of Acnologia was severed from its body, falling to the sea floor, leaving a trail of blood is dropped.

I grinned at the sight, then winced as I brought a hand to my mouth and coughed up a spray of blood into my hand.

The strain was bigger than I imagined.

Snapping me back to reality, Acnologia opened its mouth, letting out a deafening roar, unleashing a torrent of pure arcane power.


[Acnologia POV.]

I watched with pleasure as my power rained down on my opponent, the supposed God of Death. Or so I thought.

One moment, my attack was about to hit him, the next, he had disappeared only to reappear behind me, slicing through my scales and leaving a deep gash in my flesh.

This wasn't the first time it had happened.

He had cut through my flesh, not one, but twice.

And without any difficulties.

Not only that, but his movements.

I couldn't follow them.

And it wasn't because he was faster than me.

It was more like... his movements were instantaneous.

I grinned, amused by the challenge he presented.

It had been a long time since I had faced someone as skilled as him.

Not since I battled Igneel.

"I apologize for my performance so far. It seems you are truly worthy of my time, God of Death," I roared in approval, my eyes narrowing as I prepared to strike again.

With a thundering roar, I charged forward once again, extending my massive claws towards him. This would be fun, maybe just as fun as it was killing all those dragons!