Chapter 202: Training Match.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 202: Training Match.

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[Kisuke Urahara. POV.]

The tension in the underground training area was palpable. I could feel the waves of energy emanating from Adam, even as I tried to read the uncertainties playing across his face. He seemed both confident and anxious, a volatile mix that made him unpredictable.

"Are you ready?" I asked, breaking the silence. Adam turned to me, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine.

Adam nodded, trying to hide his excitement, terribly might I add.

"Feel free to start," I said, motioning for him to take the first move.

Without warning, he lunged at me, his movements a blur. But I'd anticipated this, sidestepping just in time as his fist slammed into the spot I'd just vacated, creating a crater.

'So, he can use Shunpo...' I thought, taking a few steps backs.

As I moved, weaving through his attacks, I could perceive every detail: the slight tremor of Adam's muscles, the tiny beads of sweat forming on his brow.

'He's strong, but uncontrolled' I thought, dodging another of his attacks.

He wasn't used to fighting as a soul.

I smiled wryly, drawing Benihime from its sheath. The crimson blade gleamed menacingly, its energy pulsating in response to the challenge. "Awaken, Benihime."

Let's see how he deals with an enemy capable of using his Shikai.

"Judge all things in this universe! Zanryuzuki!" Adam grinned, releasing his own Shikai before moving forward meeting my blade.

His advance was relentless, his every attack fueled by raw power and emotion. But for all his strength, he was still unbalanced, still coming to terms with this new version of himself.

Though he was undoubtedly stronger than when his body was holding him back, he was weaker without it. Because right now, he couldn't control his power as well as he did before.

Smiling, I danced around him, using Benihime to parry and counter his attacks, trying to guide him rather than overpower him.

It was.

Using his emotional pain to create an opening to end the fight, was quite possibly one of the lowest blows there were out there.

However, those were the kind of blows everyone needed to be ready for.

"My apologies," I replied, not sounding apologetic at all.

"I feel weird," Adam sighed, sheathing his blade. "I feel stronger, but somehow weaker..."

Oh, so he had noticed.

Perhaps there was more to him than I had thought.

"That's to be expected, you're not in sync with yourself, Adam," I said gently, sheathing Benihime. "You were used to using your power a certain way, and now that you don't have to, you're back to your training wheels."

Adam looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and determination. "I need your help."

It didn't take a genius to know what he was going to ask.

He wanted my help to go back home, wherever that was. As much as it pained me to admit it, from a scientific point of view, I didn't know where he had come from, but I knew he didn't belong here.

Perhaps his point of origin was the same that mysterious creature that had invaded the soul society had.

I wasn't sure.

Either way, I was more than glad to help. After all, he would help us as well. Against the very person that saved him from falling into the hands of Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Aizen.

I smiled, offering a hand to help him up. "To go back to them."

Adam frowned. "Do I talk that much when I'm sleeping?"

I chuckled, "You do. And you talk about them a lot. The people you left behind."

As he took my hand, pulling himself to his feet, I could feel the shift in his energy. The raw, uncontrolled power was still there, but there was something else now: a spark of understanding, a glimmer of hope.

It was a start.