Chapter 206: A New Dawn.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 206: A New Dawn.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

The chime of the closing bell reverberated in the quiet store. The faint, warm hue of the setting sun streamed through the windows, casting elongated shadows. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

It was already quite late.

So, I went about the usual ritual of tidying up and making sure everything was in place. Though it had only been a short while since my arrival in this world, there was a certain comfort in the mundane tasks of the store, a quiet calm after the storm of uncertainties.

I wasn't happy with my situation, but I was aware it could be worse.

"Well time to turn off the lights," I muttered, however, just as I was reaching to turn off the lights, a sudden sensation washed over me.

It was a tug on my senses, a ripple in the otherwise calm pool of spiritual energy that usually surrounded Karakura Town. This particular signature was familiar, Rukia.

We hadn't interacted much since our first meeting, beyond the usual greeting whenever she came at the store to talk with Kisuke, we never talked.

Despite that, I had grown accustomed to her spiritual presence.

Her spiritual power felt... fragmented, panicked, and most disturbingly, wavering, as if she was in pain. It didn't take me long to conclude she was fighting against a Hollow.

So, it had begun.

The moment that would set off a cascade of events in Karakura Town and this world as a whole. The day Ichigo Kurosaki would become a Shinigami.

I closed my eyes, letting the information sink in.

A feeling of déjà vu hit me. I was aware of the narrative of Bleach, the highs and lows, the battles, and the pivotal moments.

And this... this was where it all truly started.

I sighed.

Rukia felt afraid.

Normally that would've been enough to push me to action, however, this was not my fight. My place in this world was still ambiguous to say the least, but one thing was clear, I was not here to alter its destiny, not to such a fundamental level.

If I intervened now, there was no telling what would happen. Besides, there was no need for me to intervene. My instincts told me that Rukia would survive this, that Ichigo would rise, and events would proceed as they should.

Yet, curiosity tugged at me.

Not an urge to intervene but a wish to witness. To see with my own eyes the birth of a legend. That and well... I hadn't seen a Hollow yet, which pretty much felt like one of the few things you had to see in this world.

Decision taken, I swiftly made my way to the rooftop, the cool night air greeting me. From this vantage point, I could sense the energies more distinctly. Rukia's reiatsu was weakening rapidly, but another, stronger, more untamed energy began to emerge.

I wonder how's everyone doing.

I sighed, deciding to go back to my room to sleep. One day at a time.


[Kisuke Urahara. POV.]

A Glimpse beyond the veil.

The serenity of the underground training area was always a welcome solace for me. Here, amidst the stark, silent walls, I found clarity, sometimes at least.

I glanced at the series of papers spread out before me. Reports, readings, and data collected over the past months, all focused on one individual: Adam. Despite the vast amount of information, the core mystery surrounding him remained unsolved.

I picked up a spiritual reading, tracing the complex patterns of Adam's unique soul. It wasn't the sheer strength of his soul that intrigued me, but its unique composition.

I had never seen something like this.

There was something ancient about it, a whisper from epochs long past, resonating with an energy I had encountered only when I had been making the thing I now wanted to destroy. His soul held a key. A key to something monumental, something that could redefine the very fabric of our existence.

"Adam," I murmured, "What are you, truly?"

It wasn't just idle curiosity.

If Adam's soul held what I suspected, then its potential could be both a salvation and a curse. In the right hands, it could be the key to unlocking new realms of understanding, of bridging worlds and harmonizing the chaotic forces that govern them.

But in the wrong hands, it could become a weapon, a tool of unimaginable devastation.

And therein lay my greatest concern: Aizen.

Should he come to realize what Adam possessed, the balance of power would shift irrevocably. Aizen's insatiable thirst for supremacy, combined with this newfound knowledge, would be catastrophic.

The very thought sent shivers down my spine.

I couldn't let that happen.

Yet, keeping Adam in the dark was not a solution either. From our interactions, it was clear that he wasn't just a pawn in this intricate game. He was a player, aware of his surroundings, ever vigilant, always analyzing.

Sooner or later, he would seek answers, and I would have to decide how much to reveal.

For now, keeping him close, under the guise of training and camaraderie, was the best approach. He needed to be protected, not just for his sake but for the world's.

I sighed, feeling the weight of the decisions ahead. The road was fraught with uncertainties, but one thing was clear: Adam was central to the unfolding saga.

How we navigated the challenges ahead would determine not just our fates, but the fate of countless souls.

As I collected the papers, folding them neatly into a drawer, a determined resolve settled within me. Whatever lay ahead, I would be ready.

In the shadows of the underground chamber, I steeled myself for the trials to come, hoping that in this dance of destinies, we would find a way to harmony rather than destruction.