Chapter 216: Anger.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 216: Anger.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

The world greeted me with a gentle hum as consciousness seeped back into my mind. It took a few moments to shake off the weight of darkness that had gripped me, but as my senses sharpened, I became aware of the scent of tatami mats and incense, mingling with a faint aroma of medicinal herbs.

My first thought being, had I lost my consciousness?

Opening my eyes was a slow process. A dull pain throbbed at my side, the bandage taut against my skin. It seemed the cut had gone deeper than I had originally thought.

I will kill Aizen myself.

He messed with the wrong motherfucker.

Turning my head slightly, I spotted an unconscious Ichigo, lying not far from me. His brow was creased, his face painted with the vestiges of a battle fought with all his might. Bandages were wrapped around his torso and arm, suggesting the wounds he had suffered were not superficial.

His spiritual pressure was almost gone, leaving nothing but whispers of what I had once felt.

Sitting up, albeit with some difficulty, I tried to take in my surroundings. I was back at Urahara's, I guess better here than anywhere else.

Footsteps echoed, drawing nearer. The sliding door opened to reveal Urahara Kisuke, his ever-present fan in hand, and an inscrutable expression on his face.

"Ah, you're awake," he remarked, his voice as casual as if we were discussing the weather. "And quite resilient, I might add."

I've been told that. "It was Aizen, wasn't it?"

"Yes," Urahara replied, waving his fan.

I shot a glance at Ichigo, worry creeping into my thoughts. "Will he be alright?"

He was a good kid, a loud one, but a good kid nonetheless, heck, he would fit perfectly in Fairy Tail now that I think about it.

Urahara nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "He's tough, he's not one to be kept down easily. But he did face Byakuya Kuchiki, after all. It's a miracle he's still breathing."

There was a slight pause as I absorbed that information. Canon remained, despite my existence, but for how long?

"What about Rukia?" The words left my mouth, laden with concern.

And he needed me for something, what exactly, I wasn't sure.

"Fair enough," I sighed, leaning against the wall.For now, I had something to gain out of this, just for now.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Sosuke Aizen.]

The dimly lit chamber, hidden deep within Las Noches, was filled with a subtle, almost serene atmosphere. A single ornate table stood in its center, a tea set neatly arranged atop it. Seated at the head of the table was Aizen Sosuke, his face calm and contemplative.

The past events had played out almost to perfection, with the exception of Adam's interference, one he had been forced to deal with, after all, had he not interfered, Adam would've saved Rukia.

That being said, the bait had been taken, and now Rukia Kuchiki was back within the walls of the Seireitei, carrying the invaluable Hogyoku within her very soul.

Aizen poured himself a cup of tea, the soft clinking of porcelain resonating in the silence. The liquid's amber hue shimmered as steam danced upward, only to disappear into the dimness above.

'Everything is falling into place,' he mused.

"Aizen Taicho," came a voice from the entrance. Gin Ichimaru, his right-hand man and confidant, slid open the door and stepped in, the trademark smirk never leaving his face. "The preparations are complete."

Aizen nodded. "Very good, Gin. It's time to set the next phase of our plan in motion."

Gin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "It's amusing how easily they dance to your tune."

Aizen took a sip of his tea, savoring its flavor. "The time has finally come."

A brief silence followed, punctuated only by the quiet sounds of their breathing.

"What about Adam?" Gin inquired, tilting his head ever so slightly.

A slight frown creased Aizen's face. "Keep a close eye on him. His presence might prove useful, or a hindrance. It's still too early to say."

Gin chuckled. "Always one step ahead."

Aizen placed his tea cup down gently. "Indeed. With the Hogyoku within my grasp, the power to reshape both the world of the living and the world of souls will be mine. Nothing can stand in my way."

Standing up, Aizen looked out into the vast expanse of Hueco Mundo. The white sands stretched endlessly, bathed in the constant moonlight. "Soon, the balance will shift, and a new dawn will rise."

The stage was set, and the pieces were in motion. The next act of his grand play was about to begin.