Chapter 236: News.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 236: News.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 218 in Patreôn

Discord Server:

I apologize for the delay, webnovel wasn't working for me.


[Adam C. POV.]

The Seireitei was abuzz with activity. News had spread like wildfire about Captain Aizen's betrayal, and now the atmosphere was thick with tension so palpable you could cut with a spoon, yes, a spoon. Everywhere one looked, there were clusters of Shinigami, conversing in hushed tones, discussing the implications of the revelations.

As dawn broke, I found myself standing before the grand doors leading to the Captain's meeting hall, along with Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Uryu, and Chad.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

The doors swung open, revealing the vast chamber with a large round table in the center. Captains, in their distinct white haori, occupied the seats, their expressions grim. As we entered, there was a momentary lull, a collective inhale, before Captain-Commander Yamamoto rose.

"We have gathered here to address an unprecedented crisis," he began, his voice echoing through the hall. "But first, an acknowledgment is in order."

His piercing gaze swept over our group, and he bowed slightly, a gesture mirrored by the other captains. "We, the Gotei 13, apologize for our actions towards you. In our blinded pursuit, we failed to see the true enemy lurking amongst us."

Ichigo, ever the hothead, crossed his arms. "Apology accepted. But what now?"

Hahahaha, I love this kid. Can I kidnap him and take him to Fairy Tail?

No, no, don't.

Before Yamamoto could respond, Captain Kuchiki Byakuya spoke. "Our trust within has been shattered. Our defenses exploited. We need to rebuild, stronger and wiser."

Nodding, Yamamoto continued. "Indeed. And for that, we'll require every resource available. That includes the abilities and insights of all present."

As murmurs of agreement filled the room, the Captain-Commander's gaze settled on me. I met his eyes, trying to decipher the intent behind them.

I was down to fight if he wanted that.

[Third Person. POV.]

Urahara Kisuke had always been a man of many secrets, but the one he held now was possibly the most crucial he'd ever had in his possession. Sitting cross-legged in the dimly lit backroom of his shop, he inspected the small, intricately designed device in his hands. It was a gateway, a portal that led directly to Adam's world.

The mechanism hummed with a mysterious energy, and its creation had been no small feat. With the help of the Hogyoku's residual power, intricate Kido spells, and a sample of Adam's spiritual pressure and magical power, he had finally succeeded.

Making what Mayuri couldn't, a portal without the need of a soul to power it.

Yet, he hesitated. On the one hand, the right thing to do would be to inform Adam immediately, to give him the choice to return home, it was everything he wanted after all.

On the other hand, they were on the brink of chaos. And as much as he hated to admit it, Adam's strength was far too invaluable, it was an asset he couldn't afford to lose.

He had the power to surpass Aizen, and kill him, he was a better bet than Ichigo.

As Urahara pondered, Yoruichi silently entered the room, her eyes darting to the device in his hand. "You've done it then?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Urahara nodded. "Yes. But I haven't told him yet."

Yoruichi frowned, her golden eyes sharp. "Kisuke, you can't keep this from him. He has a right to know."

Urahara sighed, setting the device on the table. "I know, Yoruichi. But think about it. How long did the kid take to catch up to you? A few weeks? With the right training, even Aizen would find it difficult to fight against him, with the situation as it is, we can't afford to lose him."

Yoruichi crossed her arms, her expression stern. "This isn't about what 'we' can afford. This is about what's right. And deep down, you know that."

The room grew silent, the weight of the decision pressing down on both of them. Finally, Urahara spoke, "Give me time, I promise I'll tell him."

Yoruichi's gaze didn't waver. "Promise? Because if you don't I will."

Urahara nodded. "Promise."

As Yoruichi left the room, Urahara picked up the portal device once more, its glow reflecting in his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder if he was making the right choice.

The Kid had nothing to fight for in this world, was it right to force him to do so for reasons beyond his own?

"She's right and you know it," Urahara muttered, closing his eyes. "The kid deserves to know, he deserves to have a choice. This isn't his world, this isn't his fight, you can't force him to fight it."