Chapter 238: Become Stronger.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 238: Become Stronger.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 219 in Patreôn

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If we reach top 3, I'll post two more today.


[Adam C. POV.]

I had to kill Aizen.

Easier said than done though, the guy was by all means a beast.

He was smart, strong, and dangerous enough to warrant some caution from everybody's part.

If I had to gauge my strength against him, I would say without a doubt that he was stronger than me. His reiatsu was... staggeringly massive, and his use of it was beyond impeccable.

But, unlike Yamamoto, the gap between Aizen and me was considerably easier to close.

Yamamoto had thousands of years of experience, that made him the closest thing to a perfect warrior, he was beyond dangerous, in battle, he was death incarnated... but that was neither here nor there.

My goal right now was killing Aizen, and for that I needed to surpass him, and fast. Because if I allowed him to fuse with the Hogyoku, it would quickly become a battle I couldn't win.

The question now was, how to do that?

Training with Urahara would hardly close that gap fast enough, the man was smart, smarter than anyone in this world, and resourceful enough to wip out a good training regime, but even with all that I had more than reasonable doubt he could provide me with what I needed.

Besides, he had other things to worry about, like planning for plan B. In case we lose.



[The Shop.]

The bell above the door to Urahara's shop tinkled merrily as I stepped in... God, I fucking hated that bell. Anyhow, I was happy with how things were progressing.

For the first time in months, it felt like I was moving in the right direction.

As I walked inside the store, Urahara looked up from the counter where he seemed to be meticulously organizing... candy? When he saw me, his lips curled up into a wry smile, and there was a particular gleam in his eyes that I didn't quite like.

Something was... off.

"So, I heard about your little deal with the old man," he began, sounding far too cheerful for my liking.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Yeah? And?"

Urahara clapped a hand on my shoulder, almost making me drop the small item I had picked up. "Oh, Adam, oh, dear dear Adam," he chuckled, his voice dripping with false sympathy, "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

I frowned, not in the mood for his dramatics. "It's just training. How bad could it be?"

Urahara laughed heartily, his head thrown back in sheer amusement. "Oh, just training? With Yamamoto? You'd be better off facing a horde of Vasto Lordes by yourself. The old man's training is... legendary. And by that, I mean it's the stuff of nightmares."

Ha! Jokes on you, I'm into that shit! "Good, I like nightmarish training, the more it hurts the better! You're just a lazy ass, and everyone knows that."

He looked at me with a pitying expression, waving his fan in front of his face as if to cool himself down from his laughing fit. "Am I? Ask anyone who's had the 'pleasure' of being trained by him. They'll tell you tales that'll make your hair stand on end."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, it's too late now. Deal's been made."

Urahara winked, nudging me playfully. "You're a brave soul, Adam. Or perhaps a very foolish one. Either way, I wish you all the best. Remember, my shop is always here if you need some... respite, wait, no, forget that, the old man will come here to get you if you escape from his training, and he will burn everything, so no, don't come here, again, or ever."

I snorted, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips. "Thanks, Urahara. I'll keep that in mind."

As I walked out, I heard Urahara's voice trailing behind me. "And if you ever feel like working, my offer to be a candy shop assistant is still open! Without pay, of course!"

Despite the weight on my shoulders, I couldn't help but laugh. If nothing else, the days ahead promised to be interesting.