Chapter 247: The Visored.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 247: The Visored.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 221 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated. Will get on that today.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Kisuke Urahara.]

The warehouse district of Karakura Town had always been an eerie, silent place, but as night fell, that quietude became unsettling. The occasional howl of a stray cat or the distant clatter of metal made the environment all the more haunting. This was where the Visoreds had chosen to hide, in plain sight, within the derelict structures and the long shadows they cast, and a few seals to avoid being detected.

Urahara Kisuke cautiously navigated through the maze of containers and old storage units. Each step deliberate, his senses alert. He was well aware that his old friends did not like uninvited guests, especially from the past that they were trying to escape, even if said guest was him.

But this wasn't a casual visit; the stakes were much higher.

As Urahara approached the central warehouse, he felt a familiar spiritual pressure, one that was now tangled with a mix of both Hollow and Shinigami. The door to the warehouse creaked open slightly, and Hiyori Sarugaki's voice, as abrasive as ever, cut through the stillness.

"What the hell do you want, hat-and-clogs?"

If someone asked Urahara, he would say he missed her. It was fun having her around, teasing her, annoying her, it really was.

Urahara chuckled softly, lifting his wooden clogs slightly. "Just a friendly visit, Hiyori-chan. Can I come in?"

"Fuck off, cock-sucker!" Hiyori hissed, slamming the doors shut.

However, after what seemed like an eternity, the door opened once again, this time wider, revealing the dimly lit interior of the warehouse. The Visoreds, in their casual wear, sat in a loose circle, each one observing Urahara with a mix of curiosity and distrust.

As Urahara stepped inside, Shinji Hirako, the de-facto leader of the Visoreds, tilted his head, his hair swaying with the movement. "It's been a while, Urahara. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Urahara bowed slightly, adjusting his hat. "There have been... developments in the Soul Society. I thought it prudent to discuss them with you."

[Third Person. POV.]

[The Visored.]

As Urahara's steps grew distant, a heavy silence lingered in the warehouse. Each Visored was lost in their own thoughts, and the memories of betrayal were fresher than ever. The dimly lit space, filled with the weight of their shared past, echoed their collective apprehension.

It was Shinji who broke the silence first, as he often did. "Well, that was unexpected."

Lisa frowned, resting her Zanpakuto on her shoulder. "Urahara always has an agenda. We should be careful."

Love Aikawa sighed, scratching the back of his head. "He wasn't entirely wrong, though. Aizen's a threat we can't ignore."

Mashiro, who'd been unusually quiet, spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. "But the Shinigami... after what they did, after how they abandoned us... can we really work alongside them?"

Kensei Muguruma, sitting cross-legged on the floor, added, "It's not about the Shinigami, Mashiro. It's about Aizen. That bastard needs to pay."

Rose Otoribashi plucked a few strings on his guitar, the melancholic notes echoing in the room. "Revenge is a strong motivator, but let's not be blinded. This alliance, it's about more than just settling old scores."

Hiyori snorted, crossing her arms. "So, what, we're supposed to march into battle, led by some new guy? This Adam? Who even is he? He sounds like a pussy anyways, so my expectations are already low."

Shinji leaned back, his gaze contemplative. "No idea who he is, but considering Urahara speaks highly of him, we might be up for a surprise. I mean, if he's someone who can get Yamamoto to even consider working with us, then he's no ordinary soul, foolish without a doubt, but very convincing, the old bastard is the embodiment of what it means to be stubborn."

Hachi, adjusting his glasses, added thoughtfully, "We've been on the sidelines for too long. Perhaps this is an opportunity. An opportunity to reclaim some of what was taken from us."

Lisa looked around, gauging the reactions. "But are we ready to jump into this mess again? To face Aizen and whatever monstrosities he's concocted this time?"

Love looked sternly at the group. "We're the Visoreds. No matter what's thrown our way, we face it head-on. That's who we are, and if this is an opportunity to kill Aizen, I say we take it."

The group nodded in agreement, as much as they hated what the Gotei 13 had done to them, they hated Aizen a million times more.

Shinji stood up, letting out a sigh. "Fuck, then I guess it's settled. We'll align ourselves with the Gotei 13, with this Adam, but on our terms. We'll lend our strength, but we won't forget the past. Let's prepare. Aizen won't know what hit him."

"Fine," Hiyori grumbled. "But I won't follow the orders of a nobody I don't know."