Chapter 262: Slumbering God.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 262: Slumbering God.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel ends in two days in Patreeeeon, but will continue with daily updates here. That way I will work out some chapters for the next project.

Currently on chapter 241, novel will end on chapter 252-255

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.


[Adam C. POV.]

There's a certain agony in the realization that cherished moments, treasured memories, the very fabric of a life believed to be lived, were all a mirage. A cruel, painstakingly crafted illusion.

I stood there, in the endless white of Hueco Mundo, grappling with the weight of that revelation.

Every laughter shared with Erza, every proud moment as I watched my children grow, every stolen glance and shared secret, all gone, like a dream upon waking.

The depth of my fury was a chasm, endless and consuming.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

Every smile, every touch, every word that had meant something was now tainted. It was as if a part of my soul had been ripped out, leaving a void that echoed with rage and grief.

The idea that someone could, would, manipulate my reality in such a manner... it was unfathomable.

As these thoughts spiraled within me, my reiatsu surged, reaching out and rippling through Hueco Mundo, causing the sands to rise and dance in a frenzied whirlwind. The vast emptiness resonated with the rhythm of my heart, amplifying my anger.

[Sosuke Aizen. POV]

I jumped back, avoiding what would very well be a lethal blow following the cut in my right hand; the pain was evident, a deep burning sensation coursing through my veins, a stark contrast to the cold, desolate landscape of Hueco Mundo.

Every inch of my being screamed in defiance. The intensity of Adam's reiatsu, that overwhelming power, it was nothing short of catastrophic.

This was not the plan.

The Hogyoku was supposed to absorb his power, render him weak and defeated, a sacrificial offering to my ascension. Yet, here I lay, bloodied and battered, while he had evolved.

Not enough to transcend, but enough.

As I tried to ponder what to do, Urahara's figure came into view, his hat casting a shadow that obscured his eyes, yet, that ever-present, inscrutable smile was all too visible.

It was the smile of a man who had predicted this outcome, the smile of a man whose intricate planning surpassed my every expectation.

"I told you, didn't I?" Kisuke said, his voice barely above a whisper, yet the words were heavy, laden with the kind of foreboding that sends shivers down the spine. "The Hogyoku would side with him, if given the choice."

Anger coursed through me. It wasn't just Adam's renewed strength that shook me to my core, or the fact my plans seemed to be coming undone. It was the confirmation of what I had suspected, that the Hogyoku, my Hogyoku, had turned its back on me. It had not only protected Adam but had empowered him, given him the tools to mount this insurmountable offense.

I grunted, pushing myself up from the ground, blood seeping through my robes, painting the white sand red. In the distance, Adam stood like an avenging deity, his reiatsu a roaring inferno, eyes ablaze with a fire forged from anger.

"Impossible..." My words, laced with disbelief, escaped into the cold, unforgiving air of Hueco Mundo. Every hypothesis, every calculated move had pointed to this moment being my ultimate triumph.

Yet here we stood, roles reversed, power dynamics upended.

"It's far from impossible, Aizen," Urahara continued, his tone mirthful yet haunting. "You aimed to manipulate a power much greater, much older than any we've ever encountered. You sought to control the child of the Soul King, but you underestimated the will of the Hogyoku, its innate ability to discern where it belongs."