Chapter 271: Time and Space.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 271: Time and Space.

If you wanna read up 30 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.


[Third Person. POV.]

The guild's library, which was located in the only quiet corner of Fairy Tail's guild building, was a repository of countless tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts the guild masters had collected and stored over the years. In Mavis' words, it was a wonderful treasure full of knowledge and mysteries, and for Kisuke Urahara, well... It was the perfect place to dig deeper into the nuances of Earthland's magic.

As a scientist and inventor, understanding the fundamental workings of this world's magic was of paramount importance. Especially if he wanted to be of any help.

Seated at a sturdy wooden table, the former shopkeeper was engrossed in a massive tome titled "Ethernano: The Essence of Magic." His usual fan was replaced by a quill, which he used to jot down notes in a small journal. To the casual observer, he looked every inch the scholarly mage, save for his rather distinct green and white striped hat that was still very much a part of his ensemble.

After all, according to him, it was hard to improve on perfection.

As he continued his reading the day turning into night, the soft creak of the library's entrance door interrupted his study session. Yoruichi, her hair flowing gracefully down her back as stepped into the library, her eyes scanning the room before finally landing on Urahara.

"Well, look who it is," Urahara remarked with a comedic grin, his eyes not lifting from the book. "The dazzling princess graces the humble scholar with her divine presence! How can this mere mortal be of service?"

Yoruichi rolled her eyes, her trademark smirk evident. "Very funny, Kisuke. But if you must know, I was looking for you."The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Urahara feigned surprise, pressing a hand to his chest dramatically as he gasped in fake shock. "For me? Oh my, am I about to be swept off my feet? Should I prepare myself for a passionate, r-rated confession?"

Before Yoruichi could respond with a likely sarcastic retort, he waved her over, patting the seat next to him. "Come, sit. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Yoruichi took the offered seat, her eyes locking onto Urahara's. "I've been meaning to ask you something, and I think it's time we talked."

Urahara raised an eyebrow. "Sounds serious. Do tell."

She hesitated for a moment, choosing her words carefully. "Why did you give Adam the Hogyoku? I have known you for a long time, and well... It's not like you to just hand over something so powerful, especially not without a good reason."

Urahara paused, placing the quill on the table. He looked at her, his usually playful eyes carrying a hint of solemnity. "That's a good question, and to be honest... I had a feeling you'd ask that sooner or later."

He grinned, tipping his hat. "Trust me."


[Third Person. POV.]

Adam's new office as Guild Master was spacious, furnished with a large desk and plush chairs. The room was dimly lit, save for the light filtering through the slightly parted curtains. The place had an air of authority. On the wall behind the desk was the emblem of Fairy Tail, proudly watching over him.

Right now. Adam was going through some paperwork, his fingers tracing lines of text when a gentle knock on the door drew his attention.

The door creaked open to reveal Urahara, his ever-present hat casting a shadow over his eyes. His posture was relaxed, but there was a certain seriousness in his demeanor, something that didn't go unnoticed by Adam.

"We need to talk," Urahara began, entering the room and closing the door behind him. His tone was sober, devoid of his usual playful flair, another thing that Adam noticed almost right away.

Adam looked up, his brow furrowing in slight confusion. "What's this about?"

Urahara paused for a moment, his gaze drifting to the window before settling back on Adam. "Remember when you asked why I handed the Hokyoku over to you?"

Adam nodded, leaning back in his chair, "I do, and you said we would talk later."

Urahara sighed, removing his hat and setting it on the table, revealing his earnest expression. "Well, there's a reason beyond your character and potential. A truth that has been hidden from you, but you deserve to know."

Adam's eyes narrowed. "Go on."

"You are the son of the Soul King," Urahara finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Adam froze, his eyes spelling one single message. This didn't make any sense.

Urahara continued, taking his shock as a sign to continue, "Your essence, your very existence, resonates with the core of our universe. You possess a power and potential that very few can fathom."

Adam took a deep breath, "Why does it sound like there's a 'but' waiting to come?"

Urahara sighed. "Well, because you're not the only son our King has sired. Let me tell you the story of Yhwach, The King of the Quincy."