Chapter 274: Routine.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 274: Routine.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

[Adam C. POV]

And so, the months passed.

Not much to say about it, other than I had come to learn that being a Guild Master was quite the annoying endeavor. Paperwork alone was the bane of my existence.

As far as the progress in saving my friends. Well, things were going well all things considered, Urahara had taken the first few months in Earthland to familiarize himself with magic as a whole, you know, before trying to tamper with one of the most advanced spells around.

That being said, being the genius he is, it didn't take him long to fully grasp magic as a whole, it literally took him four months to go from a novice to Mavis level.

Dark criture.

Letter Magic.

And Rune Magic.

Were some of the few he had learned and mastered during this time.

Needless to say, he was fascinated with how things worked here, like a kid in a candy shop, he was enjoying himself to the fullest.


After Urahara had gotten a handle on the basics as he said, even though that was far more than just the basics, he began his research in order to shatter Mavis' spell.

He was confident that he could crack the spell soon enough, but for that he needed time and resources. So, I left him to it, trusting in his abilities and intelligence.

In the meantime, I focused on rebuilding the guild. With the help of my fellow guild members, we renovated the destroyed guild hall, did some marketing to recover some of the clients we lost, and reported to the Royal Family to let them know I was alive.

Beyond that, well, there was Yoruichi.

She was having a blast, taking on jobs and partying with the Guild, it was almost as if she had always been a part of the family.

As far as Magic goes, she had mastered two.




She's the embodiment of living paycheck to paycheck.

I still remember the day I promoted her, and Urahara to S class. It had been but a week since they had joined the Guild, so needless to say they hadn't passed any test, nevertheless, I decided to give them the rank.


Multiple reasons.

Most of the Guild reacted in a shocked manner to this. It took me saying that they were as strong as me to silence them.

A statement that was both accurate, and a lie.

I was stronger than them in terms of power, yes, but that was only true as an unbound soul. With a Gigai, the absolute maximum I could output was the same as they could.

The only difference was that for me that absolute maximum was a lower percentage to my overall power than it was to them.

As for my reasons to promote them. Well, one, it would've been pointless to test them. I knew how strong they were and capable they were.

Two, it would've been wasteful. At the time I had promoted them, the Guild had no S-Class mages, meaning the best jobs would go to waste.

And while I could've technically taken any S-Ranked job or higher and done it, it would've gotten in the way of restoring the Guild.

So, I took the best possible option I had. One that benefited me, the Guild, and Urahara and Yoruichi.

By promoting them, I would have members capable of dealing with the big jobs, which in turn would restore Fairy Tail's fallen fame.

What did Urahara and Yoruichi get out of this? Well, the chance to explore, and have some fun. They both wanted to do that in one way or another, I was just making sure to milk that for the Guild's benefit.


I blinked, snapping out of my train of thoughts as a tsunami of ravens entered the office.

Right, I had forgotten I had a familiar. I wonder what took him so long to find me.