Chapter 278: A Mad Genius.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 278: A Mad Genius.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

[Third Person. POV.]

[Kisuke Urahara.]

High above, the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the vast expanse of the calm ocean. In the midst of this scene, a lone figure stood on the deck of a small boat, bobbing gently on the waves. Kisuke Urahara, his hat casting a shadow over his thoughtful face as he gazed at the spot where Tenrou Island should have been.

When he had spoken with Adam the night before. He had purposely let out the fact he was going to try and free his friends the next day. Mostly because he wanted to surprise him, partly because he didn't want to give him any false hopes.

Around him, the sea was calm, betraying no sign of the powerful magic that had sealed away an entire island and those who had been inside the spell radius at the time. To anyone but him, it would appear as if there was nothing there but the endless ocean. But Urahara knew better. He could feel the subtle fluctuations in the Ethernano currents, the almost imperceptible distortions in the air that hinted at the presence of the time distortion sealed within a bubble.

He reached into his coat, pulling out a small, intricately designed device. It was a magical tool of his own creation, designed to detect and interact with complex enchantments, one he had made for this occasion.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

"Well, here goes nothing," Urahara activated the device, and it began to emit a low hum, its lights flickering in response to the hidden spell.

Carefully, he adjusted the dials, fine-tuning the device to resonate with the spell's frequency. As he worked, he could sense the barriers of time that were set around the spell beginning to respond, the magic that held Tenrou Island in its timeless grip wavering ever so slightly.

"As I thought, this spell operates like the Dangai; at least on a fundamental level," Urahara muttered to himself. "Which means, the key to unlocking the spell lies in understanding its rhythm, its changing pattern. And the amount of energy holding it together."

He closed his eyes, focusing on the task at hand. Magic, much like Spiritual Power, wasn't something you could see, in the way others saw things. For this, the device he had created, served as an extension of his own senses, allowing him to perceive the layers of the spell in a way that no one else could. He could see without really seeing, the intricate web of magic that wove through time and space, a complex equation that deserved in his eyes praise on its own.

"Who are you?" she asked, her gaze fixed intently on Urahara.

Urahara bowed slightly. "A pleasure to meet you, Mavis. My name is Kisuke Urahara. I am a member of Fairy Tail, and Adam's best friend, don't let him tell you otherwise. And to answer your next question, I came here to break the spell that had imprisoned this island and its inhabitants in time, one of yours at that, correct?"

Mavis studied him for a moment, her eyes reflecting the wisdom of someone who had seen far more than her youthful appearance would suggest. "You broke the spell, without altering the formula, or hurting anyone inside" she said, not as a question, but as a statement of fact. "I did not think it was possible for someone outside Ze nevermind."

Urahara chuckled softly. "Well, I must confess, it was quite an enjoyable puzzle. But in the end, like most things, no matter how complex it seems, it follows certain rules and patterns. Understanding those was the key, and once you understand them, it's all a matter of knocking."

Mavis seemed to ponder his words, then a small smile appeared on her lips. "So, you are the Guild Master of our Guild now?."

Urahara waved his hand dismissively. "Me? Oh God now, I'm far too handsome for that. That would be Adam."

Mavis's smile widened slightly, before her eyes widened as much as they could. "Adam?! As in Adam Clive?!"

Urahara blinked. "Yes did I forget to mention him earlier?" He had not, but Mavis' reaction was making him think he didn't say the best friend thing he had been planning to annoy Adam. "Did I mention we are BFFs."

"He's alive?" Mavis choked, her eyes filling with tears.

Urahara frowned in confusion. "Of course, he is. Why wouldn't he... right, I see it now." He had almost forgotten that when he met Adam the kid had been on the verge of true death. "I understand your shock, but he's fine, so much so, he's the new Guild Master."

Mavis let out a shaky breath, wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just... the last time I saw him, he... well, I thought he was gone forever."

Urahara's expression softened. "I understand. But he's here now, and he's doing great. And how could he not, we are BFFs."

Mavis smiled, a small frown dawning on her face as she glared at Urahara. "You must be confused, perhaps its too much sun, but the thing is... Adam is MY best friend."

Urahara raised an eyebrow, a playful grin spreading across his face, to think he would be able to annoy two people with this bit, coming to this world was a gift that just kept on giving. "Is that so? Well, I suppose there's nothing wrong with having more than one best friend, is there?" he teased. "Although, I must warn you, I am quite the charming fellow. Any friend of mine is sure to be the luckiest person in the world."