Chapter 289: My eyes.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 289: My eyes.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

The new novel: JJK Hourglass starts the 15th of march, if you wanna read ahead, ten chapters so far, go to my sexy patreoon.

Updating twice a day the novel in patreon, so,

In the desolate expanse within his inner soul, his inner hell, Adam continued to face hordes after hordes of demons, by now, his body was battered, covered in scars and blood, but despite this... his skill remained unshaken.

As he continued to fight, a subtle change began to manifest as the days went by. Little by little, after a year or two, the space around his attacks started to bend, giving path to the next step in his evolution.

His eyes.

Unbeknownst to him, his eyes had started to turn black, his once normal looking eyes, had become fathomless pools, encircled by the four irises that danced in their orbits like celestial bodies governed by an unfathomable gravity.

The transformation was not just physical but also metaphysical in more ways than one. The world around Adam began to unravel and weave itself anew before his eyes, as if responding to the esoteric power blooming within him. His mind expanded beyond the limits of his soul, touching the edges of something greater, a tapestry that stretched into his own infinity.

The All-Seeing Eyes.

Simultaneously, Urahara pierced her soul with the raw spiritual blade. The blade, infused with the power of two retired Captains, seamlessly passed through Erza's soul. Urahara had to admit, the transition was remarkably similar to the transformation Kurosaki Ichigo had undergone when becoming a Shinigami at the hands of Rukia.

Though now the difference was... the amount of power being given.

Erza's form wavered for an instant as the spiritual energy emanating from the blade began to merge with Erza's soul, awakening powers she shouldn't have, initiating a profound and irreversible metamorphosis within her soul.

The wind around them picked up, swirling into a tempest that seemed to echo the maelstrom of change raging within Erza. Her red scarlet hair whipped about her face like flames dancing in an updraft as her armor gleaming with an ethereal light, shattering as her new Shinigami clothes took place.

As the transformation completed, Urahara stepped back, his experienced eyes scanning Erza's new form for any signs of instability. To become a Shinigami was no simple matter; it was an alchemy of spirit and will, empowering yet perilous, more than not, weak souls would become Hollows. The consequences of failure could be disastrous, not only could it result in death... or Hollowfication, but Adam's wrath.

The raw spiritual power had settled, leaving Erza standing in the eye of the spiritual storm, her posture straight, eyes closed in concentration. Urahara's sharp gaze didn't miss the slight tremor that worked through her slender frame, a testament to the immense force she was now containing within herself.

She had potential, that much he could admit.

"Open your eyes," Urahara commanded softly, fanning his fan. "Let's see the world through the eyes of a Shinigami."

Erza's eyelids lifted slowly. "... It looks the same?"

Urahara chuckled. "I know, the only difference is you can now see the dead."

"I told you not to do that lame ass joke!" Yoruichi 's voice cut in, her form materializing from the shadows as she landed a kick on Urahara's head, before moving over to where Erza stood, a playful smirk on her face as her golden eyes flickered with amusement. "Don't pay attention to the moron, other than remaining sexy for longer, life is pretty much the same, we eat, we fight, we sleep, and we fuck."

"F-f-f-f-f-" Erza blushed like a radioactive tomato at Yoruichi's crude but honest words.

"Right, you are still in first base with Adam, right?" Yoruichi teased, her smirk widening at Erza's obvious discomfort. "Don't worry, Shinigami life will make you stronger in more ways than one. You'll catch up."