Chapter 291: Adaptation.

Name:Fairy Tail: Shinigami Author:
Chapter 291: Adaptation.

If you wanna read up 33 chapters go ahead go to /cornbringerThis chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

This novel is already done in Patreooon.

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.

The new novel: JJK Hourglass starts the 15th of march, if you wanna read ahead, ten chapters so far, go to my sexy patreoon

Two chapters a day in patreoon. So if you like my work, and want to see me supported, help a corn out, he needs to recover from his sick time.

You'll have +40 chapters by March. Which is not too bad if I do say so myself.

[Adam C. POV.]

Things felt different since my time in hell. More... clearer.

Whenever I channeled some spiritual energy into my eyes, things changed... what I saw... changed, drastically. I would gain insight about everything that was happening in the present, especially if it involved me. The strange thing was, I didn't feel overwhelmed by all this information, it felt natural, I could see everything, and still kept complete focus on whatever I wanted to focus on, without losing focus on the everything itself.

The ability was rather intoxicating, addictive even. I could spend hours just observing the world unfold before my newly empowered gaze, just seeing things happen without a real reason to.

"I would've loved to have this ability when I was facing Aizen," I chuckled, and just at that moment, a new perspective was added into my view. Hueco Mundo. "I... can see Hueco Mundo from here?"

I had never considered the possibility of such thing, granted, it had been a little less than a month since my awakening, but still... to see into another reality all together, felt... a bit overpowered. Not that I was complaining though, just stating the facts.

I wonder if... "Jujutsu Kaisen?"



"I do admire your spirit," Urahara's lips curled into a wry smile. "And for what its worth, you're not wrong," he conceded, tugging the brim of his hat down. "Action is required, but unlike our battle with Aizen, Yhwach's foresight makes him far more dangerous. The last time he was defeated, during the first generation of Shinigami, most of his powers were sealed, and even then, he was a formidable foe... we don't have the luxury the first generation had."

"The more reason to strike now," I replied, crossing my arms. "If this guy is as powerful as you sell him out to be, then giving him time to prepare its the last thing we want to give him."

Urahara nodded in agreement, but his eyes held caution. "True, but rushing in blindly could lead us to playing right into his hands. I say we move into the Soul Society, and plan from there, this is a War... we won't be able to win alone."

I could agree with that. "Works for me. So, how do we return to the Soul Society?"

Urahara's lips quirked upward in a mischievous smirk, the fan fluttering to a close as he stood and walked to a corner of my office. He crouched down and began drawing a complicated symbol on the floor with what appeared to be a chalk of shimmering dust that glinted with spiritual. "You're in luck, I've been working on stabilizing the fairy senkaimon 2.1, using your office as a gateway."

I... when did he got the time to create a portal inside my office?

"I will ignore the breach of privacy," I replied, letting out a sigh. "Let's go."

"Not so fast, we need to bring the others," Urahara replied.

I glared at him. "Over my dead body, I won't let my family fight in this war."

Urahara's expression softened, and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand your sentiment, but this isn't your decision to take. They already knew about this upcoming war, just like you, and some of them have been training in order to help you carry this burden."

Right, its been a month since I last saw them. Erza, Gray, Laxus, Natsu, Cana... Gildarts, it's been quite some time. Sure, I had my All-Seeing eyes now, but for the sake of avoiding watching Erza naked before she was comfortable with that, I had decided to avoid using my sight on them.

"I don't care if they want to help or not," I replied, letting out a sigh. "Its my duty to protect them, and as long as I live, I will do so."

Urahara tilted his head slightly, examining me with a gaze that seemed to pierce through to my very soul. "Yes, it is your duty to protect them," he agreed, his voice taking on a tone of resolve. "But it's also their right to choose to stand beside you. They're not children."

"We are wasting time," I growled out.

"We are," Urahara nodded, opening the portal into the Soul Society. A part of me wanted to believe Urahara had conceded to my point, but somehow I felt... he was simply letting be, because one way or another, my decision wouldn't affect his desired outcome.

I wished I was wrong.