"I'm very proud to stay in my present post," Feng Jichuan said with his head held high. His mother slapped him in the back of his head.

"You are proud, but your father and I are afraid. Do you know that I nearly fainted when I heard that you were shot this time. There is Nian Xi. You promised her that she would be a policeman for you. Now you say you want to stay in the army, and I will take care of you for her first."

Fengfu was also furious, "tune, must be transferred back to me, or I will not be your son."

"Dad, didn't you tell me that since you were a soldier, you would be ready to dedicate to the motherland," Feng Jichuan frowned.

Feng father opened his mouth and did not speak, Nian Xi suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "dedication to the motherland does not necessarily require you to rush to the front line. I will be a police officer. If you are dedicated to the motherland and serve the people, even if you are transferred back, you can still train more soldiers for the motherland in Xiacheng military region. Jichuan, do you not like me any more?"

Feng Jichuan a Zheng, looked up, saw her tiny red eyes, heart micro pain, "no, Xiao Xi, you don't want to too much."

"If you don't like me anymore, it doesn't matter. You can tell me that I'm not a person who's dogged."

"It's just that many things were agreed by us at the beginning, and I respect you. But after waiting for you for so many years, you said you wanted to stay there. Do you want me to sacrifice for you every time?

to tell you the truth, if you told me at the beginning that you didn't want to be transferred back to Xiacheng, maybe I wouldn't look forward to your coming back every day. Now, you and me I don't think you want to marry me at all

She turned her head and left.

Nian Qingyun also said coldly, "laofeng, you and Ji Chuan have a good chat. What Nian Xi said is not unreasonable. If you really don't want to get married, even if you don't want to get married, the marriage will be dissolved. Don't waste so many years on my daughter. I admit that Jichuan is excellent, but I've got a lot of matches last year. But to be honest, Ji Chuan, I'm very disappointed with you. You're quite selfish."

When he finished speaking, he turned and walked to the door, and said to the annual Ting, "you come out for me."

He frowned and walked out with Lausanne's hand.

Nian Qingyun stared at Lausanne with a cold face, "don't say you really want to marry this woman. Talk about it, but if you want to get married, I tell you, it's impossible."

Lausanne frowned. Didn't she just want to be with him? It was a lot of obstacles.

"In what capacity did you tell me?" The annual calm question.

"Of course it's your father," Nian Qingyun was quite angry at his unreasonable attitude.

"You're not good at it. It's good to let me listen to you," he sneered. "If I want to learn from you, I shouldn't find a girlfriend. I should go to my brother's wife for the night."

"You Nian Qingyun looks at Lausanne and blushes.

"If my mother comes to stop me, I will listen to it, but I never pay attention to what you say," he said faintly. "For so many years, I can recognize you. It's just in the face of my grandparents. Don't take yourself seriously. Besides, Lausanne is approved by my mother, and my grandparents have recognized it. Don't look for trouble."

"Is your mother getting more confused as she gets older?" Nian Qingyun was angry.

"I think, she has been very confused, after all, to find you, but the only wise thing to do in her life is to give birth to such a good me," he said, pulling up Lausanne and leaving.

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