Chapter 375 375: Ashen Cloak

Name:Fallen Chronicles Author:
Chapter 375 Chapter 375: Ashen Cloak

"Can you sense where your sister is now?"

Renji asked Lilith, who initially did not react, but then realized that Renji was referring to the real Miyuki.

Lilith didn't know much more about Miyuki's secret than Renji did. She thought she had corrupted and revived an elf, only to later find out that she was actually the one being actively revived by someone else.

Lilith couldn't actively sense Miyuki; she didn't have that ability.

Seeing that Lilith was of no help, Renji pondered for a moment and quickly came up with a new idea.

"Follow me."

Renji, with a confused Lilith in tow, arrived at the base of the World Tree. Recalling the memory of the path to the World Tree's lower levels from Zero and Lena, Renji asked Lilith to try and see if she could also open an underground passage here.

Lilith was unaware of the World Tree's underground space, a first for her. Following Renji's instructions, to her surprise, the World Tree's branches and leaves parted to either side, revealing a secluded passage like a tree hollow.

Lilith hesitated, but seeing Renji enter without any hesitation, she bit the bullet, deciding she couldn't lose her spirit, regardless of what was inside, and followed him deeper.

After a few minutes, Renji finally reached the deepest part of the World Tree's underground. Here, he first showed disappointment, as the expected Miyuki were not present.

However, Renji quickly looked deeper into the underground space. On the ground there, there was a complex pattern resembling a magic circle.

The pattern and lines were intricate, but its working principle was quite simple, and Renji could understand it at a glance.

The formation consisted of three parts: two auxiliary formations and one main formation.

At the main formation's location, there was a cloak draped quietly on a stone platform.

Even Lilith could recognize this cloak at a glance, as it was the same cloak worn by the person who defeated and killed her five hundred years ago.

This is the Ashen Cloak!

When Renji picked it up, the corresponding item description immediately caught his eye.


[Type: Special Item] Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

[Rarity: Unique]

[Item Effect 1: Return to the "Origin"]

[Item Effect 2: Forces the user into a "Silence" state, "Silence" entry - unable to release any abilities]

[Equipment Effect 3: Adds a "Mist" state to the user, "Mist" entry - loses sight of friendly units]

After donning the cloak, the "door" connecting the two worlds that he imagined did not open.

Instead, it was as if nothing had happened.


[Teleportation failed, reason: Insufficient energy]

[Teleportation failed, reason: Unknown coordinates]

After some time, two notifications appeared before his eyes.

Renji, eager to return, had almost forgotten the principles of the teleportation array. The first issue, insufficient energy, he understood well; this was why he brought Lilith down here, indeed expecting the Mother of Miasma to be of use at this time.

However, the meaning of "unknown coordinates" was...

Renji suddenly realized that the premise for him to perfectly inherit the power of Emperor Ashen was for Lena to replace him, exchanging him out of "Blue Star."

That is to say, he was no longer a person of Blue Star; there was no "existence" of him on Blue Star anymore, naturally, he could not serve as a coordinate.

What do I do now?

Teleportation definitely requires coordinates, meaning, I need to find a "Blue Star person" currently in this world. But where could I find someone at this time...


Among them, right by my side, there indeed was another "Blue Star person."


The girl who harbors Lena's remnant soul, now that Lena is on "Blue Star", she should be able to provide me with coordinates, even allowing me to descend directly to an area very close to her on Earth!

Renji immediately activated his contractual ability, bringing Eileen to this underground space as well.

However, Renji hid the truth from Eileen, not telling the girl about the remnant soul of Lena within her, or even the possibility that she might just be an incarnation of Lena's will.

This approach of Renji's could be seen in his treatment of Zero and 86.

In Renji's view, no matter who contains whom, as long as one has independent consciousness, then she is an independent entity. Just as 86 is not Zero, Eileen will always be Eileen.

After Eileen and Lilith took their places on either side of the teleportation array.

Renji donned the [Ashen] cloak once again.

Just as described on the cloak.

[Once served as the beginning of a story, and now, it may also become the end of it]