Chapter 200 Wildness

Name:Fallen Fate Online Author:

Every day man sees thousands of different things, most of which he forgets. This is logical because the human brain conserves resources and sees no point in storing all the memories. However, some things people remember for a lifetime, even if they saw it only once and for only a moment.

Alex, Alice, Luke, and Galahan, eyes wide and shivers spreading through their bodies, stared at the blood that ran in a long stream from Elein's wound right up to Zayne's jaw.

His teeth were sharp, especially his fangs, easily grinding through a small chunk of flesh like a real beast in a frenzy.

"Get out..." Elein shouted in panic, swinging her katana sharply, forcing Zayne to retreat to avoid another long cut to his body.

Elein clutched at her neck with a great grimace, trying to stop the bleeding. She had expected her opponent to have some serious fighting ability, but even in her creepiest nightmare, she couldn't imagine it.

"What the fuck is this...?" Elein muttered, staring intently at Zayne's hands. 

His nails were much longer and denser, almost like claws only in the human version. The same was true of his eyes, which didn't just turn red, but narrowed slightly and stretched out sideways like a wolf's.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Zayne swallowed the piece of flesh without question and licked his bloodied lips with genuine pleasure.

"Get out of here... This is my territory now..." Zayne growled, keeping his sanity, but his voice didn't sound human at all.

Elein looked at her bloody palm, nodded slightly, and stood in a fighting stance, pointing the tip of her katana directly at Zayne.

"What was that? Some kind of skill...? Or was it an effect of one of your Titles?" Elein asked, taking what had just happened as the first phase of the fight she had lost. However, this did not mean that she was going to stop. Her main goal was to win, or at worst, to find out everything that someone stronger than her was capable of.


Alice frowned, "Alex... Did you know about this?"

Alex slowly shook his head, "I assure you I'm in shock myself. You shouldn't think I know everything about him. After all, in Fallen Fate Online, we haven't even met yet. I mean, we've mostly just had a business relationship so far."

"Hehehe." Luke chuckled slyly, "That's incredible! Now I'm pretty sure that coming here was not a mistake! A show like this is not to be missed! Never!"

Galahan remained silent. Unlike the others, he was not consumed with a sense of elation and was thinking about what the consequences of all this would be.

'Argh... I hope Elein will keep it a secret. Even though I hardly know her, I'll have to talk to her. It wouldn't be good for a lot of people to see such a Zayne.'

Galahan took a deep breath as he looked away, then his eyes went wide. He stared at the reporter standing on the roof of one of the buildings, carefully watching everything that was going on.


Galahan's broad palm fell on Alex's shoulder.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Alex was puzzled.

"We have a problem." Galahan said with deadly serious expression, "And we have to deal with it right now. Immediately!"

A second later, at Galahan's gesture, he saw the reporter as well as the others. The reporter had picked the perfect spot for himself, so it was great luck that they were able to spot him so early.

"Get it. I'll do it now." Alex nodded deeply as his eyes became sharp as blades.

However, no sooner had he stepped out of the car than someone grabbed his arm.

Luke said with a sly smirk on his face, "Alex... I think you shouldn't be distracted from watching. Something this small I can deal with for you, you don't mind, do you?"

Alex remained silent until he smirked back, "Sure. Do what you have to do."


Luke quickly jumped out of the car, disappearing almost instantly, then a shadow appeared among the streets that quickly climbed onto the rooftops. It was heading toward the reporter, who didn't at all suggest that anyone had already spotted it.

"Hah, that's incredible!" The reporter exclaimed cheerfully, trying to do it as quietly as possible so as not to draw attention to himself, "Even though it looks creepy, it's also very impressive! I'm sure when I post this video, I'll be famous right away!"

"Are you sure...? I don't think ordinary people should see this..." His assistant muttered with obvious fear on his face.

The reporter frowned, "What kind of nonsense are you talking? People don't care if it's something creepy or scary, as long as it's interesting and generates vivid discussion!"

The assistant wanted to say something, but the reporter's stern gaze stopped him. He had no say here; moreover, he himself was not sure whether he was right or not.

"Hey, you know, I agree with him."

Suddenly there was a sly voice behind the reporter that could have easily sent shivers or chills down his back

The reporter tried to turn around, but the silhouette behind him prevented him from doing so. He grabbed the reporter's arms tightly, so much so that it began to hurt him.

"Who are you...?" The reporter flinched since he realized that this was no ordinary man but the Player.

"Well, that's not so important. What's more important is what I want you to do." Luke grinned, "You have two choices, try to fight me and then I'll slit your throat, or give me your camera."

The reporter frowned, he didn't like that at all, but after a short thought, he shrugged and said, "Fine. Take it. Something like that isn't worth my life."

Luke nodded, abruptly snatched the camera from the reporter's hands, and disappeared like a ghost. He acted quickly, so the reporter and his assistant couldn't understand anything. All they had to do was accept the end result.

"Phew..." The assistant breathed a sigh of relief. He was frightened as a menacing aura emanated from Luke, but deep inside he was glad no one would see it.

"I'm sorry... I guess we're really out of luck this time." The aide said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

The reporter smirked, "Hey, what are you apologizing for? What's more, I was ready for this! However, we need to find another place where they won't find us, go ahead! We don't have much time!"

The reporter quickly climbed off the roof, heading into a dark alleyway where not even Alex or Galahan could see him since they were in the other direction. The aide was confused, so he followed his boss, he didn't want to be alone in such a situation.

The reporter stood in the corner, showing his body slightly, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. A message appeared on the screen telling him to add a new file, but he quickly put it away and started filming what was happening.


Step. Step. Step.

Zayne slowly stepped forward, while red energy was emanating from his body, it was different from Chaos Energy since it belonged to him.

"Looks like you're not going to talk like you're going to answer my questions." Elein frowned, taking a deep breath, "Fine. In that case, let's fight. After all, that's what I came here for."


Powerful currents of wind headed toward Elein's katana, creating a vortex of hundreds of tiny blades around it, which she will, could lash out, right at her enemy.

Elein took a step forward, swinging her katana sharply, then her eyes went wide at the sight that appeared before her.

Wide scarlet wings, like the branches of a dry tree with blood drops, opened behind Zayne, while his arms and legs blazed brightly with blue flame. Then, he tilted his body as he turned into a blur, in a heartbeat shortening the distance between them.

Windblade was effortlessly destroyed by Zayne's long claws, which were now headed straight for Elein.

Elein's pupils narrowed, now she found herself in Zayne's shoes as her life was on the line. If she made a mistake right now, Zayne would just rip her head off, he definitely had the power to do it, and Elein understood that.


Elein's dark eyes sparkled brightly, turning pale green, while torrents of wind like her faithful ally covered her entire body in dense armor.

As Zayne's claws collided with each other, sparks appeared as two sharp swords collided with each other. Then, Elein's armor momentarily opened, unleashing a powerful current of wind that tossed Zayne aside with ease, leaving many tiny cuts on his chest.

Zayne landed effortlessly on his feet, regaining his balance and equilibrium. He was goth to continue the fight, immediately.

"Well, well... Looks like we're all behind these two..." Alex muttered with his eyes wide open. He was so surprised that he forgot all about his cookies.

"Yeah..." Galahan nodded deeply, "However, I doubt they know what's going on themselves."

Everyone saw the unbelievable, even the impossible.

Above Elein appeared a tall silhouette in eastern armor and an unusual helmet, who held tightly to the hilt of its long katana like a true samurai.