Chapter 2

As Na Muqi had just left, the originally dimmed small box lit up again.

The man casually tapped it, and the black little box surprisingly displayed a full screen of text.

The top line was written in large characters: "Mobile Phone User Manual".

So this little box was called a mobile phone.

It could actually be used to communicate and converse with people thousands of miles away - truly unbelievable.

After reading the user manual, the man tapped the only icon on the phone.

Once he entered, he saw the message sent by the person called "Qingyi".

Could this "Qingyi" be from Northern Qi, specially contacting him through this mobile phone to gather intelligence?

After pondering for a while, the man decided to probe a little.

[: Who are you?]

[Qingyi: You randomly appeared on my WeChat list and I can't delete you no matter what, and you dare ask me who I am?]

[: I don't know what you're talking about]

[Qingyi: Before asking for someone else's name, please introduce yourself first.]

[: Qin Yuchuan]

[Qingyi: ...]

That's quite a nice name, but I don't know him.

[: What do you mean?]

[Qingyi: Sorry, I don't think I know you. Are you a student at Jing University?]

Her social circle has always been simple. Apart from school classmates, no one else should have added her WeChat, unless it was leaked by one of her roommates.

[: Jing University is?]GEtt the latest novels at

Qin Yuchuan found the person he was messaging very strange, always sending weird things.

Like WeChat, Jing University, and strange symbols in every sentence.

He had already told them his name. If they were from Northern Qi, they should have known him.

He, the great general of Tianqi, was renowned across the entire continent. Yet the other party didn't know him.

It was highly likely they were pretending, so he had to continue probing.

[Qingyi: You don't even know Jing University!]

Jing University is one of the top universities in the country, you should at least give it some face!

[: Should I know that?]

[Qingyi: ...How can I put this, people from Hua Country should all know.]

Qin Yuchuan noticed the words "Hua Country". The person on the other end was from Hua Country.

Where was this Hua Country? He had never heard of it before.

After waiting for a long time without a reply, Qin Yuchuan decided to go and ask Na Muqi about Hua Country.

In all the years of studying history and various countries he knew of, there was no mention of Hua Country.

Na Muqi was the most knowledgeable in the Tianqi army, learned in astronomy and geography. Perhaps he would know something.

As Na Muqi had just returned to his tent, he heard Qin Yuchuan's voice.

"Na Mu, are you there?"

Na Muqi hurriedly stood up and lifted the tent flap.

"General, what brings you here at this hour?"

Qin Yuchuan cut to the chase, "Na Mu, have you heard of the country called Hua Country?"

"Hua Country, this subordinate has never heard of Hua Country. May I ask where the General learned of it?"

The General was acting rather strange today, first asking about a small battered box, and now inquiring about Hua Country.

Could the General have gone mad?

Qin Yuchuan stood in the tent for a while, "I see."

"..." Na Muqi looked puzzled, what did he see?

As Na Muqi was about to ask, Qin Yuchuan had already left.

Back in his own tent, Qin Yuchuan took off his armor and changed into casual attire.

At that moment, the phone made a sound.

Qin Yuchuan picked it up and saw that the person had replied.

[Qingyi: My name is Feng Qingyi.]

This seemed to be a lady's name.

[: Are you a young lady?]

[Qingyi: Is there a problem?]

[Qin Yuchuan: No]

[Qingyi: ...]

This person is really too difficult to communicate with. When asked for a name, he even asks for her honorable surname and given name, seeming like a wuxia fan.

[Qin Yuchuan: May I ask where does Miss Feng reside?]

Feng Qingyi looked at the message sent by Qin Yuchuan and sighed. This is going on and on.

Anyway, she could only earn 10 points a day, and she had earned that amount today. She'll talk more tomorrow.

[Qingyi: Sorry, I need to have lunch now. Let's chat another day.]

[Qin Yuchuan: Okay]

After replying, Qin Yuchuan put his phone aside.

Now he knew the person on the other end was a young lady and her name. It seemed she was not from Northern Qi.

However, he still needed to be cautious. The people of Northern Qi are known to be cunning and treacherous. He must be on guard.