Chapter 14

Yan Chi nodded, "But are you sure there won't be any danger?"

"The general has grown to this age, how could he have no sense of vigilance? You're underestimating him." Na Muqi patted Yan Chi's shoulder.

Yan Yang muttered softly from the side: "That food seems very fragrant, can I go and snatch a bit?"

"All you can think about every day is eating. Hurry up and do what you're supposed to do." Yan Chi gave Yan Yang a glance.

This guy was never enthusiastic about working, but he loved to be first when it came to eating.

Inside the command tent, after finishing his noon meal, Qin Yuchuan received a message from Feng Qingyi.

[Qingyi: We're out of bowls at home, so we had to use plates.]

[Qingyi: My brother thought a bowl thief had broken in and stolen them, it cracked me up!]

[Yuchuan: Sorry, I'm really troubling you too much.]

[Qingyi: No worries, bowls and chopsticks don't cost much. I'll go to the supermarket this afternoon and buy some.]

[Qingyi: If there's anything you'd like to eat, you can let me know. I can make whatever I can buy.]

[Yuchuan: Are the daily meals I'm sent made by you?]

[Qingyi: The first one was made by my brother, but after that they were all made by me. Is the taste not very good?]

[Yuchuan: Not at all, your cooking skills are excellent.]

[Qingyi: I think so too, since I've been independent from a young age.]

[Qingyi: I heard you say before that you're going back to the capital city.]

[Yuchuan: I'll be setting off tomorrow.]

[Qingyi: Oh, how long will it take you to get back?]

[Yuchuan: Around half a month.]

In ancient times, transportation was so inconvenient. By the time he got back, she would have already started school.

[Qingyi: Then I wish you a smooth journey.]

[Yuchuan: Mm.]

[Qingyi: When you return to the capital, I'll probably have started school. I usually eat at the cafeteria, so I won't be able to send you meals anymore. Of course, if you don't mind cafeteria food, I can buy you a portion as well.]

She had chosen to major in applied mathematics in university, and her schedule was almost fully packed. If she really had to find the time, she might have to stay up late and wake up early.

"Is there a problem?"

Feng Qingyi said, "Does this one shichen have to be continuous?"

"You can arrange the time yourself. I'm available at any time."

"Okay, then let's begin now!" Feng Qingyi felt a little excited.

However, since she had never learned anything related to martial arts before, by the end of the first day's lesson, she was completely exhausted.

If not for the Body Strengthening Pellet she had taken earlier, she felt like she might have collapsed.

Still, it was a course she had spent points to purchase, and the teacher was very professional too. Although she was quite tired, maybe the skills would come in handy someday in the future.

After the two-hour lesson ended, Feng Qingyi took a shower and lay on the bed.

But she didn't get to rest for long before it was time for her to go grocery shopping, since she had promised to video call Qin Yuchuan.

Although it was just a trip to the supermarket, Feng Qingyi still got a bit dressed up, putting on some simple makeup and carrying a small bag before heading out.

Once she reached the ground floor, Feng Qingyi gave Qin Yuchuan a video call while putting on her earphones.

"Hi! Good afternoon! I just got to the ground floor. It'll probably take around ten to fifteen minutes to get to the supermarket, about a quarter of an hour."

Qin Yuchuan held his phone, staring at the girl on the screen. Today, she was wearing a pink dress with a crystal hairband, looking especially gentle.

"Okay, watch your path."

Feng Qingyi switched to the rear camera. "Let me show you the streets around here. With this weather, there aren't many people out since it's so hot."

"If you have any questions, just ask me directly," Feng Qingyi said, seeing that Qin Yuchuan hadn't spoken for a while.

Qin Yuchuan looked at the vehicles on the road and asked, "What are those things running on the road?"

"Those are cars, equivalent to the horse carriages in ancient times, but much faster than horse carriages. It's not unusual for them to travel thousands of miles in a day."

Traveling thousands of miles in a day, what a speed that was, Qin Yuchuan was somewhat surprised.

Feng Qingyi didn't wait for Qin Yuchuan to continue asking questions and began introducing on her own.

"These are shops lining the street, selling all kinds of things, but clothing stores are more common in this area. There's a breakfast place here, their pulled noodles taste quite good, and I'd like to eat breakfast here tomorrow morning."

"The weather outside is too hot, it feels like being in a steamer. Summer is almost over, yet the temperature is still in the 30s..."