Chapter 20

When Feng Qingyi saw that there were villas for sale in the store, costing 2000 points, she was stunned. It seemed quite a bargain, but she only had 40 points left in her balance, so she couldn't think about it for the time being.

As soon as Feng Qingyi closed her phone, Qin Yuchuan called her for a video chat.

Feng Qingyi looked at her pajamas and felt they weren't quite appropriate for a video call with someone from ancient times, so she quickly wrapped herself up with the air conditioning blanket.

The moment the video connected, Feng Qingyi saw a man with disheveled hair, wearing a thin nightgown, gazing at her.

The most captivating part was that his clothes were not properly worn, revealing his sexy collarbone, and she could vaguely see his abs, as if he had just taken a shower.

Feng Qingyi's face turned red, and she quickly averted her gaze.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yuchuan asked, puzzled by Feng Qingyi's lowered head.

Feng Qingyi felt helpless. He was dressed like that, yet he still asked her what was wrong!

"No, nothing, can you... can you put on your clothes properly?"

Hearing Feng Qingyi's words, Qin Yuchuan finally realized why she was acting that way. She was just being shy.

After adjusting his clothes, Qin Yuchuan looked at the tightly wrapped Feng Qingyi, who resembled a little bunny.

"I'm back in Shengjing."

Feng Qingyi waited for him to continue speaking, but after saying he was back in Shengjing, he just froze, not speaking or moving.

"You're back, aren't you happy? I heard you say earlier that you haven't been back for three years."

Qin Yuchuan gripped his phone tightly, "It's not about being happy or not. But I did see my mother, and her health, which has always been poor, seems to have improved a lot recently, which is something worth being happy about."

"But I feel like you're not happy. Did you encounter some problem? You can tell me about it. I may not be able to help you, but talking about it might make you feel a little better. After all, we're not in the same world, so you don't have to worry about me leaking any secrets."

"Of course, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine too. I respect your choice."

The young girl was just trying to comfort him. His tone might have been a bit heavy earlier, which was why she didn't dare look at him now.

"Yes, I've packed my things. The flight is at 8 AM tomorrow, so I should arrive around 11 AM," Feng Qingyi said.

Qin Yuchuan thought for a moment, "Study hard at school, and let me know if you need any help from me."

"Okay, sure." Before, only her father would remind her to study hard before she went to school. Now she had Qin Yuchuan too, which felt quite strange.

Qin Yuchuan looked at Feng Qingyi, "It's late today, so get some rest early."

"Okay, good night." After hanging up, Feng Qingyi put her phone aside.

Did she really make him angry earlier?

Rebellion seemed to be a very serious matter in ancient times. Hopefully, no one overheard their call and accused him of plotting something sinister!

If that really happened, then the Emperor would have a reason to kill him. If he died, she would be the culprit, and she wouldn't be able to live with herself!

Feng Qingyi let her imagination run wild for a while before finally falling asleep in a daze.

On the other side, Qin Yuchuan carried a jug of wine and sat on the steps outside his bedchamber, slowly drinking it.

The rain had stopped, but the moon was obscured by dark clouds, leaving the surroundings dimly lit, with only faint light visible in the distance.

From the darkness, Yan Yang asked, "Yan Chi, why is the Marshal not sleeping and drinking alone outside in the middle of the night? Should we try to persuade him?"

"No need," Yan Chi replied. "The Marshal has a heavy heart. Let him drink a little, it might help."

Yan Chi and Yan Yang had followed Qin Yuchuan for many years and were well aware of his predicament. Once Yan Chi spoke, Yan Yang understood.

"I think that Emperor is really going too far," Yan Yang said. "In my opinion, Qin Yuchuan should rebel against the Xuanyuan Family's rule and establish a new dynasty under the name Qin. There's nothing wrong with that."

Over the years, Qin Yuchuan had been battling on the battlefield, while the Emperor stayed in the palace enjoying songs and dances. Yan Yang truly felt it was unfair to Qin Yuchuan.

Yan Chi glared at him. "You should know what to say and what not to say. This is Shengjing, not the desert. Mind your words and actions, don't cause trouble for Qin Yuchuan."