Chapter 22

"Just a friend." Feng Qingyi was evasive.Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

Feng Qingci wasn't quite convinced. "You seem so happy chatting with them. Did you perhaps start a romance?"

"But judging by your demeanor, you don't seem like someone who could find a boyfriend. Don't tell me you've been deceived."

What did she mean by "someone who couldn't find a boyfriend"? Feng Qingyi felt insulted.

"...Feng Qingci, how dare you say that about me? You've been pursuing Lou Xi for half a year. If it weren't for her being my roommate and me putting in a good word for you with her, she probably wouldn't even know your name."

Mention of Lou Xi made Feng Qingci feel a bit helpless. "So what kind of guy does she like?"

"How would I know? But my guess is that the typical aloof goddess type would probably like the puppy dog type. You don't seem to quite fit the bill."

Feng Qingci said, "How do I not fit the bill? I'm definitely going to win her over this year. I'm warning you, don't ruin my reputation in front of her."

Feng Qingyi rolled her eyes. "Your reputation needs ruining? Do you even know what your reputation is like at school?"

"What about my reputation at school?" Feng Qingci truly wasn't aware. Apart from occasionally gaming, he was quite well-behaved most of the time.

Seeing that he really didn't know, Feng Qingyi said, "Look at the school forum and search for your name. You'll find out."

Feng Qingci hurriedly logged onto the school forum. He was shocked by what he saw - when did he have so many alleged ex-girlfriends? Their accounts sounded quite believable, with pictures and all.

"Where did all this come from? How did I not know about it?"

Feng Qingyi waved her hand dismissively. "Why are you asking me? It wasn't me who posted it."

Feng Qingci stopped gaming and went through all the posts about him one by one, reporting the inappropriate ones. Wasn't this ruining his reputation?

At the General's Mansion, Qin Yuchuan sat in his study, casually flipping through a book.

Xuanyuan Xi brought in a plate of pastries. "Yuchuan, you just got back. Don't hole up in the study all day. It wouldn't hurt to go out with your friends."

Qin Yuchuan took the plate. "Mother, don't trouble yourself. Rest well."

"According to the General, this object can transmit sounds and objects over great distances. The General has made acquaintance with a young lady through this box."

"From my observations, the General seems to have taken an interest in her. However, this box does not belong to our world, nor does the young lady. I fear the General may become entangled, so I wish to destroy the box. But the General does not permit it."

"I have come today hoping the Princess can persuade the General to destroy the box. All things in this world have their ordained place. Fixating on illusions only brings harm."

"With the General's talents and abilities, he could have his pick of Shengjing's most eligible young ladies. Why pursue something so distant when he may never even meet this person?"

After hearing Na Muqi's account, Xuanyuan Xi fell into contemplation.

Had it not been Na Muqi reporting this sincerely with such evident concern, she would have dismissed it as someone's tall tale - for where in this world could such a wondrous object exist?

But Na Muqi spoke with conviction, so Xuanyuan Xi had to believe him.

"I am already aware of this matter. I will discuss it with Yuchuan. Thank you for going to such lengths to inform me."

Na Muqi rose to take his leave. "Since I have reported the matter to the Princess, I shall depart."

After Na Muqi left, Xuanyuan Xi took a sip of tea.

A strange little box that could transmit across worlds, a girl from another realm - objects and people not of this world.

Yuchuan had always been mature and levelheaded. Why would he keep such an obscure object by his side? Did he have other intentions, or was it as Na Muqi suggested - that he had developed feelings for the girl in the box?

If so, should she intervene?

Bai Wei came to clear away Na Muqi's tea utensils. "Did the General discuss something with you, Princess? You seem quite troubled!"

"Bai Wei, if Yuchuan took a fancy to a young lady, but was uncertain if he could ever meet her, should I stop him?" Xuanyuan Xi asked.

Bai Wei said, "Princess, Qin Yuchuan has had his own thoughts since he was young. If he truly falls in love with a girl, even you, Princess, would be unable to stop him. So why should you worry about such things?"

Xuanyuan Xi: "I was foolish. Qin Yuchuan has always been resolute; no one can change what he has decided. Since he likes her, let him be. Why must I be the villain?"

"However, I am quite interested in the girl Qin Yuchuan likes. I wonder what she looks like."

Bai Wei lowered her eyes, concealing her sadness. "The girl Qin Yuchuan likes must be the best in this world..."