Chapter 24

Qu Jingqiu: "I saw some information about this Song Jingyuan on the forum. He's a physics prodigy, seems quite upright and self-disciplined. Feng Qingyi, you could chat with him and get to know him better."

"To be honest, I don't have any plans to get into a relationship for now." She would be busy starting this semester, with no time for dating.

Shen Hanyue said, "That's the wrong way to think about it. It's easier to find a partner while in school. After graduation, you might have to resort to matchmaking."

"Do you know about my brother? He's twenty-eight this year, with a decent career, a house, and a car, but no girlfriend. My parents are almost dying of anxiety."

"Now whenever it's the weekend, he goes to matchmaking events, but he still hasn't found a suitable one after such a long time. So my parents hope I can find a reliable partner in university."

Qu Jingqiu: "I think finding a partner and getting into a relationship is better left to chance. No need to rush – you'll meet the right one eventually. And if you don't, there's nothing wrong with being single."

Shen Hanyue sighed, "No wonder you're both single! Lou Xi, what do you think? Isn't Feng Qingyi's brother still pursuing you?"

"I rejected him," Lou Xi replied succinctly.

Shen Hanyue: "Alright! Looks like there's no hope of getting into relationships in our dorm. I'll just go back and pursue my idols."

Back in the dorm, Feng Qingyi saw a message from Qin Yuchuan.

[Yuchuan: Have you arrived at the academy?]

[Qingyi: Yes, I arrived at noon. I just got back to the dorm after having dinner with my roommates.]

[Yuchuan: Roommates?]

[Qingyi: At our school, four people share a room, so we call them roommates.]

[Yuchuan: Are you free now?]

[Qingyi: Yes, why?]

[Yuchuan: Then I'll video call you and show you the General's Mansion.]

[Qingyi: Okay, wait a moment, I'll go to the rooftop.]

[Yuchuan: Okay.]

"I'm going to take a call," Feng Qingyi told her roommates and left with her phone.

Feng Qingyi's dorm was on the ninth floor. She climbed up to the rooftop where people would hang clothes and air bedding.

It wasn't dark yet when Feng Qingyi reached the rooftop and received Qin Yuchuan's video call.

In the video, Qin Yuchuan wore a purple brocade robe, exuding a noble aura.

Not far from Qin Yuchuan, Xuanyuan Xi and Bai Wei secretly observed him, accompanied by Yan Yang.

"Yan Yang, do you know what the General is doing?" Bai Wei found it strange.

Yan Yang pondered, "He should be talking to the person in the box."

"The box? You mean the one the General is holding?" Bai Wei asked.

Yan Yang nodded. "Previously, I saw the General holding a small box and talking to himself. Later, I heard from Wood that there's someone in the box, so I understand a bit."

Bai Wei: "Someone is in the box? How did they get in there, and can they get out?"

Yan Yang shook his head. "I'm not sure about those details."

Xuanyuan Xi's focus was different. "Ah Chuan seems in a good mood, smiling even."

"The General seems to really like the person in the box," Bai Wei inched closer.

Yan Yang pulled her back. "Don't go too close or you'll be noticed."

Bai Wei had to retreat. "I wonder who's in the box?"

"It must be a very beautiful lady," Xuanyuan Xi replied.

Yan Yang agreed, "I think so too. When we were in the military camp, that lady would bring the General meals every day and delicacies I've never tasted before. The General even gave me some – they were incredibly delicious."

"Really? Then she must be a very virtuous lady," Xuanyuan Xi guessed.

Yan Yang suggested, "Princess, you could ask him."

"Ah Chuan probably doesn't want us to know. I'll ask another day," Xuanyuan Xi said.

Qin Yuchuan, who was chatting with Feng Qingyi, seemed to have noticed something and glanced towards the place where the three stood.

Yan Yang swiftly retreated, and seeing Yan Yang running so fast, Bai Wei said, "You're really disloyal. Princess, let's go back too!"

Xuanyuan Xi led Bai Wei back to his courtyard.

Qin Yuchuan, seeing that the people spying from the shadows had left, continued his casual conversation with Feng Qingyi.

"What happened just now? Did you see something?"

Feng Qingyi saw Qin Yuchuan suddenly turn around and look towards the back hallway, thinking that something had happened.

"Nothing, just a few cats."