Chapter 31

Yan Chi had just returned to the General's Mansion when Qin Yuchuan summoned him for questioning.

"Where did you go?"

Qin Yuchuan's tone was casual, but Yan Chi felt a chill in the air.

"I went to Guanyuan Temple."

Qin Yuchuan tapped his fingers lightly on the desk, "Why did you go to Guanyuan Temple?"

"...Namu asked me to accompany him." Yan Chi said with his head lowered.

Qin Yuchuan's voice was cold, "Do you remember whose guard you are?"

"I live as the General's man, and I'll die as the General's ghost."

"Heh, I think you seem to be the military advisor's guard."Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

Qin Yuchuan knew that Yan Chi had always been close to Namu in the military camp, but that was because they all lived together, so it wasn't an issue.

But now they had returned to Shengjing, and his guard had followed the military advisor, which was unacceptable.

Upon hearing Qin Yuchuan's words, Yan Chi knelt down with a thud, "I admit my mistake, please punish me, General."

"What did you and the military advisor do at Guanyuan Temple?" Qin Yuchuan repeated the question.

Yan Chi said, "I went with the military advisor to see Master Guang'an. The military advisor intended to destroy your small box, General."

"What did Master Guang'an say?" Qin Yuchuan had heard of the capable Master Guang'an of Guanyuan Temple.

Yan Chi replied, "The Master said that all existence in this world is reasonable, and we shouldn't disturb ourselves unnecessarily. The Master also told the military advisor not to meddle in other people's affairs."

Master Guang'an, quite an interesting character.

"I hope you remember your identity. Dismissed!"

Yan Chi retreated trembling, as the General was usually easygoing, but when angered, he was truly formidable.

Today, he hadn't been punished, which was a show of the General's kindness. In the future, he should maintain his distance from Namu.

After all, this was Shengjing, and one's words and actions required discretion. He had overstepped his bounds.


In the kitchen of the General's Mansion, Qin Yuchuan was learning to make guihua cakes with two kitchen ladies.

Bai Wei helped explain for Qin Yuchuan, "Princess, it's the General's first time making them, so it's natural that they may not turn out well. He might think the taste isn't quite right, so he needs to try again. Let's wait a little longer."

Meanwhile, Qin Yuchuan had already arranged the guihua cakes he had made into the shape of a flower and brought them to his study.

The young lady didn't have much concept of the time in their world and could only roughly estimate the hour.

Later, she told him they could check the time on their phones, and they both looked at that time.

It was now 11:50 AM, and she would be out of class in ten minutes. Once she was out, he would send the guihua cakes to her, so she could have them while they were still hot.

Qin Yuchuan timed it perfectly and sent the guihua cakes to Feng Qingyi just as she got out of class. Feng Qingyi felt her phone vibrate as soon as she finished class.

[Qingyi: I'm out of class. What did you send me this time? Not another valuable item, I hope!]

[Yuchuan: No, today I'm sending you guihua cakes that I made myself.]

[Qingyi: I love guihua cakes the most, but it's been so long since I've had them.]

[Yuchuan: Try them first and let me know if the taste is acceptable. I can make them for you again if you like them.]

Today, since the other girls in the dorm had club activities, Feng Qingyi went to the dining hall alone.

Thinking about the guihua cakes Qin Yuchuan had made, she didn't want to receive them and carry a plate around the dining hall, so she packed a meal to take back to the dorm.

Back in her dorm room, Feng Qingyi received the guihua cakes that Qin Yuchuan had made. On an exquisite plate, the cakes were arranged in the shape of a flower.

Feng Qingyi took a bite of one of the cakes, and it was absolutely delicious! The sweetness was just right, not too dry, and even better than her grandmother's.

Feng Qingyi couldn't believe that a great General would be so skilled at making pastries. Was this the talent of a remarkable person, being exceptional at whatever they did?

[Qingyi: You're too amazing! The guihua cakes taste fantastic!]

[Feng Qingyi: The flower you arranged looks beautiful too!]

Feng Qingyi took out her phone and took a rare photo, posting it on her social media circle.

[Qin Yuchuan: I'm glad you like it. If you have time tomorrow, I can make some more for you.]

[Feng Qingyi: Won't that be too much trouble for you?]

Qin Yuchuan felt a sense of déjà vu from her words.

[Qin Yuchuan: It's no trouble at all. I have nothing to do all day, making pastries is just a way to pass the time.]

If she enjoys them, then all his efforts have meaning.