Chapter 35

From Feng Qingyi's words, Qin Yuchuan also realized what she meant by "taking advantage."

However, seeing her pitiful appearance, he didn't want to pursue the matter further. Her so-called "taking advantage" didn't cause him any harm. Moreover, he now had designs on her, and if she was contacting him for the sake of obtaining items from the mysterious shop, he wouldn't have to worry about her suddenly disappearing from his world one day.

After all, she had always been the dominant one in their relationship.

"Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Feng Qingyi looked at Qin Yuchuan helplessly, "I'm really sorry."

"Actually, you didn't have to tell me all this. After all, I was unaware, so why tell me?"

Qin Yuchuan looked at the girl on the screen seriously and spoke slowly.

Feng Qingyi lowered her head, "These past few days, you've been cooking for me every day. I know you truly care for me, but I..."

Qin Yuchuan sighed. He had never seen such a girl before.

Others, or even himself, would likely prioritize maximizing their own interests first.

Just because he made her snacks for a few days, she felt guilty and confessed everything.

"When I was cooking for you in the army, did you also feel guilty?"

Feng Qingyi answered softly, "A little, but not entirely."

"Why don't you dare look at me? Are you afraid I'll blame you?" Qin Yuchuan's voice was low and gentle.

Feng Qingyi was bewitched by his voice and looked up at him, "Aren't you angry?"

She had actually prepared herself for the possibility of them breaking off their friendship. Whether he got angry or scolded her, she could accept it.Follow the latest novels at

But his calm demeanor made her truly unsure of what to do.

Qin Yuchuan: "What do I have to be angry about? Your taking advantage hasn't caused me any harm."

"Moreover, it seems like I've always been the one actively contacting you."

"You were just being polite by replying to me. Now that you've taken the initiative to inform me, how could I blame you?"

Feng Qingyi stared at him blankly, "But I..."

"Very free." Even if he did get busy, he would still have time to chat and video call with her.

Feng Qingyi wasn't ungrateful. "Okay then!"

Qin Yuchuan: "We can chat anytime, but for voice and video calls, we'll need to set a time."

"...Ah, do we have to be so formal?" She felt like something was off.

Qin Yuchuan's lips curled up slightly. "Your studies are demanding, so we should set an appropriate time."

Feng Qingyi thought about it. That did make sense.

"Okay, I'm quite busy from Monday to Thursday, so how about video calls at 9pm? Friday to Sunday, anytime works for me."

"Got it, I'll remember that." Qin Yuchuan concealed the emotion in his eyes.

Feng Qingyi: "I need to go study now, let's chat again tomorrow."

Qin Yuchuan: "Sure, but we haven't had a voice call today yet. I'll give you a call tonight."

"...Actually, there's no need for that. I'm not in a hurry to earn points. Most of the things in the shop are just courses anyway, and I haven't even learned the basic ones yet!"

Feng Qingyi couldn't figure it out. Why was Qin Yuchuan, a great general, being so insistent and generous? Did he have ulterior motives? But she had nothing for him to gain. It was all so confusing!

"Just focus on your studies. Leave the rest to me." She might not be in a hurry, but he was feeling somewhat rushed.

A few days ago, she had even been confessed to. As a girl like her, she would undoubtedly have many admirers wherever she went.

If he didn't meet her soon and express his feelings towards her, she might be snatched away by someone else.

It seemed he would need to pay a visit to Guanyuan Temple and hope that Master Guang'an really possessed the vast spiritual powers described in the legends.

After hanging up the video call, Feng Qingyi was still dazed.

Not only was he not angry about this, he even kindly helped her earn points, which seems rather illogical no matter how you think about it.

Could it be that his phone also has a mysterious shop? His phone should be the same as hers, otherwise an ordinary phone would definitely have no signal in ancient times.

Ah, forget it, her brain capacity is not suited for pondering such profound questions!

The fact that he was willing to help her earn points is a good thing for her.

For now, she should just focus on studying martial arts and music, and worry about the future when it comes!