Chapter 39

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qingyi saw how long their video call lasted.

It was over an hour, she felt like she had never had such a long video call with anyone else before.

After the weekend passed, a new week arrived.

With school courses and mobile courses, Feng Qingyi was extremely busy every day.

During this period, Qin Yuchuan would always send her messages in the morning, voice messages at noon, and video calls in the evening.

Her point accumulation rate was much faster than before, and she would soon have enough for the villa.

Feng Qingyi's abnormal behavior during this time was noticed by Shen Hanyue, Qu Jingqiu, and Lou Xi.

One night, when Feng Qingyi returned to the dorm, she found that her roommates were all looking at her with scrutinizing eyes.

Feng Qingyi: "What's wrong with you all? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Qingyi, tell us honestly, are you dating someone?"

Shen Hanyue thought that she must be dating someone, which is why she disappeared right after class every day.

Feng Qingyi quickly shook her head, "Of course not, why would you think that?"

"Then tell us honestly, who have you been talking to on the phone every noon?" Qu Jingqiu asked.

Feng Qingyi explained, "Just a friend."

Shen Hanyue didn't believe her at all, "What kind of friend can you talk to so happily every noon?"

Lou Xi also joined the conversation, "Where do you go every day after lunch and dinner?"

Feng Qingyi felt helpless, this was the inconvenience of staying in the dorm, they knew everything she did.

"I was indeed chatting with a friend, after lunch I went to learn to play the guqin, and in the evening I went for exercise!"

Qu Jingqiu: "Learn to play the guqin? There doesn't seem to be any place nearby to learn that."

"Private lessons, if you don't believe me, I can play a tune for you some other day."

She had to hurry up and buy the villa, otherwise she wouldn't be able to explain herself clearly.

Shen Hanyue: "Then play us a tune another day, but who is this friend of yours? Where did you meet him, what's his name, and where does he live?"

Feng Qingyi: "Are you checking my household registration records?"

[Qingyi: Got it, you're really amazing!]

After reading Feng Qingyi's messages, Qin Yuchuan realized it wasn't that he was amazing, but rather that she was too naive, feeling uneasy even when telling a small lie.

After seeking advice from Qin Yuchuan, Feng Qingyi immediately found a private guqin tutor online.

After discussing with the tutor, Feng Qingyi decided to bring her roommates to see her lessons someday.

As for the evening exercise she mentioned, that was even easier to prove, she could just ask them to join her for running laps on the track.

Her stamina was now quite good, she could easily run 3,000 meters.

Last semester, she could barely run 800 meters, which they all knew about.

Seeing her improvement, wouldn't that prove that she was indeed exercising every evening?

As for the "neighbor brother" she mentioned, if she casually mentioned chatting with him in the dorm from time to time, they probably wouldn't suspect anything after a while.

Although these were just small things, if Qin Yuchuan hadn't pointed them out, she wouldn't have thought of them at all.

Afterwards, Feng Qingyi put these things into action. She took her three roommates to meet her guqin teacher, and she also took them to run laps together.

"Qingyi, what made you suddenly decide to exercise here every day?"

Shen Hanyue was very puzzled, she could barely run two laps, while Qingyi ran ten laps like it was nothing.

Qu Jingqiu: "Indeed impressive, you can participate in long-distance running during the school sports meet, you should be able to win honor for our class."

Lou Xi stood by silently, she had some doubts before, but now she was also very impressed by Feng Qingyi.

"I exercised every day at home during the summer vacation, so I probably just got used to it," Feng Qingyi said casually.

Shen Hanyue held onto Feng Qingyi, "From now on, you should just run here slowly by yourself! We won't accompany you anymore, you keep working hard!"

Feng Qingyi: "Exercising is good for the body, are you sure you don't want to join? I've lost weight recently!"

Shen Hanyue pinched Feng Qingyi's face, "I don't want to talk to you anymore, you're already so thin."

"Alright, let's go back to the dorm together!"

She understood her roommates well enough; they would definitely be unwilling to accompany her for a late-night run.

With this little incident, at least she managed to dispel their suspicions. For some time, she wouldn't need to worry.

As for voice or video calls with Qin Yuchuan, she could avoid her roommates a bit, which shouldn't be a big problem.