Chapter 41

Xuanyuan Xi nodded, "Okay, you read your book carefully. When Yuchuan wakes up, I'll have him contact you."

Taking his phone, Xuanyuan Xi returned to Qin Yuchuan's bedroom and sat on a chair. "Bai Wei, do you think Qingyi doesn't like me?"

Bai Wei inwardly muttered to herself, "You said so much to her the first time you met her, you may have scared her."

"Lady Qingyi may not dislike the Princess, but perhaps the Princess was too enthusiastic," Bai Wei explained.

Xuanyuan Xi didn't understand, "Isn't being enthusiastic a good thing?"

"...Perhaps Lady Qingyi is rather shy and doesn't like too much enthusiasm, especially since this was your first meeting with her, and you're not very familiar with each other," Bai Wei explained.

Xuanyuan Xi felt Bai Wei made some sense, "I'll be mindful of that next time. Did you see her face just now? She's so beautiful!"

"Lady Qingyi is indeed exquisitely beautiful, but her outfit seemed a bit revealing," said Bai Wei, who had seen Feng Qingyi's bare arms in her short sleeves.

Xuanyuan Xi hadn't paid attention to what Feng Qingyi was wearing.

"Every place has its own style of dress. Perhaps in her world, everyone dresses like that. We shouldn't judge others' clothing."

"This servant was wrong," Bai Wei lowered her head.

"I'm not blaming you. Just be mindful next time."

"I just don't know when I'll get to see Qingyi again. Yuchuan was making pastries for her every day recently."

"Perhaps we could send some to her. Let me think about what would be a good gift for her."

As Xuanyuan Xi pondered what gift to prepare for Feng Qingyi, Qin Yuchuan stirred awake on the bed.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Seeing Qin Yuchuan awake, Bai Wei was excited, "General, you're finally awake! The Princess has been keeping watch all night."

Qin Yuchuan immediately noticed the phone in Xuanyuan Xi's hand.

"Mother, please give me that phone."

Xuanyuan Xi then realized, "You're awake. Here, Qingyi said to contact her if you woke up."

Qin Yuchuan: "Qingyi, you saw her!"

"This little box rang earlier, so I just pressed it at random, and then I saw her."

"This little box is strange. The first time I pressed it, it stopped ringing. But the second time I pressed it, I suddenly saw Qingyi."

It seems this is truly a precious treasure, so miraculous.

Qin Yuchuan took the phone Xuanyuan Xi handed him, finding it strange.

[Qingyi: No no, the Lady was just too enthusiastic!]

So enthusiastic that Feng Qingyi was completely overwhelmed.

[Yuchuan: She really likes you.]

[Qingyi: Auntie is very interesting, I like her too.]

Feng Qingyi didn't see Qin Yuchuan's reply before putting down her phone.

As soon as she set it down, he video called her.

Unlike his usual appearance, Qin Yuchuan now looked pale, his hair untied and cascading over his shoulders in silky strands that seemed finer than Qingyi's own.

His handsome features were made gentler by his injuries.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" his low, raspy voice asked.

Feng Qingyi quickly averted her gaze, realizing she had been staring at him in a daze.

"Nothing, your voice sounds a bit hoarse. Want some water?"

Qin Yuchuan glanced at the table beside him, "Mm."

"It seems too dangerous where you are. Do you know who tried to assassinate you?" Feng Qingyi asked.

Qin Yuchuan drank some water, "Not yet, still investigating."

"Could it be your emperor trying to kill you?" she had heard him mention before that the emperor was wary of him and his towering achievements, so the emperor wanting him dead was very possible.

Qin Yuchuan shook his head, "He does harbor suspicion toward me, but I've received word of unrest in the south recently. He still needs me to guard his realm, so he wouldn't move against me at this time."

"...Then you must be very careful to protect yourself." The palace intrigues of ancient times were notoriously vicious.

Qin Yuchuan: "Are you worried about me?"

Worried? Of course she was worried after chatting with him for so long and developing a deep friendship.

"Yes, I am worried about you."

Qin Yuchuan joked, "Worried about me? Worried that I'll die, or that you won't earn points anymore?"

"...You! I can go without earning points, I just hope you stay alive and well."

Feng Qingyi truly felt this way; compared to someone's life, points were trivial.

Hope he stays alive and well?

Qin Yuchuan felt a bit dazed. From the day he went off to war, he had been prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

To simply stay alive and well was something he dared not hope for in his former life.