Chapter 48

General's Mansion, dining hall.

Xuanyuan Xi looked at the dishes served today and found them strange. They didn't seem to be made by the kitchen staff. The dishes prepared by the kitchen staff were much more exquisite than these, and there were even some ingredients that she had never seen before.

Qin Yuchuan had already started eating. After a moment's hesitation, Xuanyuan Xi picked up a piece of an unidentifiable dish with her chopsticks and took a bite.

"Who made these dishes today? I've never seen them before," she asked.

Qin Yuchuan replied, "Qingyi bought them."

"Qingyi? Are these dishes from their world then?"

Qin Yuchuan nodded. "There's milk and juice here. What would you like to drink?"

"Milk and juice, what are those?" Xuanyuan Xi looked puzzled.

Qin Yuchuan wasn't sure how to explain it either, since he had never tried them before. "They're similar to our tea."

"What's the difference between these two big bottles?" Xuanyuan Xi asked.

"You'll know once you taste them," Qin Yuchuan said as he opened the bottles and poured the milk and orange juice into separate cups for Xuanyuan Xi.

Xuanyuan Xi took a sip of the juice, then a sip of the milk.Ne/w novel chapters are published at

"I like this juice, it's sweet. But the milk has a strange taste."

Qin Yuchuan also tried them. The sweetness was overwhelming, and he didn't like it, but he thought young ladies might enjoy such a flavor.

After the meal, Xuanyuan Xi looked at Qin Yuchuan beside her.

"The food tasted really good. That lady has prepared dishes for you. Yuchuan, don't you have anything to express in return?"

Qin Yuchuan asked, "How should I express it?"

"Shouldn't you reciprocate and prepare something for her as well?"

"A few days ago, I had the kitchen staff prepare some food for her, but you didn't deliver any of it to her."

Ever since she saw Qingyi in person, Xuanyuan Xi had planned to give her some gifts. But Qin Yuchuan said Qingyi didn't like jewelry, so she asked the kitchen staff to make some food instead. However, he didn't give any of it to Qingyi and let Yan Yang eat it all.

Qin Yuchuan explained, "Mother, she's been busy these past few days, so I didn't want to disturb her."

"Alas, I don't know when you'll be able to win that lady over with this attitude."

"She's well-versed in poetry and literature, and beautiful too. She's certainly not someone you can easily seduce."

"I heard you went to Guanyuan Temple some time ago. What did the master there say?"

Na Muqi was perplexed. Everyone seemed so strange today.

He strode into the study room and sat down casually without waiting.

"I have some information regarding the matter you asked me to investigate. That group of people is located on Unnamed Street. According to my observations, they have been there for at least half a year."

"They must have had this planned before we returned to the capital," Na Muqi continued. "Unnamed Street is indeed a very suitable place for hiding."

Qin Yuchuan frowned. "Unnamed Street, it's certainly an ideal place for concealment. Don't stir up trouble. Just monitor them in the shadows for now."

"What are your plans, General?" Na Muqi asked.

Qin Yuchuan pondered for a moment. "Gather all the details about them. I'll go and meet them personally later."

"How are your injuries, General?" Na Muqi expressed concern for Qin Yuchuan's health.

Qin Yuchuan didn't seem too worried. "I'm fine now, and I haven't sustained any major injuries. There's no need for concern."

Na Muqi advised, "General, it's best to make plans after your injuries have fully recovered. For now, they don't seem to have any intention of leaving and appear to have arrangements in place."

Qin Yuchuan instructed, "Keep a close watch on them. Don't miss any clues or traces. Also, casually mention this to His Majesty."

"Understood, I will do so." Xuanyuan Sheng should be informed about these matters.

Qin Yuchuan held a book in one hand, and his other hand rested on the left side of the chair.

"If there's nothing else, you may leave."

Suddenly, Na Muqi recalled the strange behavior of Yan Yang and Yan Chi earlier.

"By the way, General, do you know what you gave Yan Yang that made him hold it so tightly, as if he was afraid I would snatch it from him?"

"It was just some fruits. If you want, I have more here," Qin Yuchuan said as he put down the book and selected some fruits from a cabinet behind him, handing them to Na Muqi.

Taking the fruits, Na Muqi asked, "Where did you get these fruits from, General?"

Could it be from that little box again?

"Since you already know, why bother asking?" Qin Yuchuan replied, clearly remembering Na Muqi's intention to destroy the phone.

Na Muqi: "General, I still hold to my previous view, but if you insist, I cannot stop you."

"I only advise you again that everything obtained must be paid for at a corresponding price. I hope you will make your decision carefully, or else you will regret it when it is too late."

Watching Na Muqi's departing back, Qin Yuchuan's expression remained calm as ever.

What did he have to regret? What he wanted, no matter the cost, he would obtain.