Chapter 52

"Since this is Miss Qingyi's home, where is Miss Qingyi currently?"

Yan Yang was initially a bit worried, but seeing Qin Yuchuan so calm, he too put his mind at ease.

Qin Yuchuan checked the time on his phone - it was already 7:30 AM, so she should have woken up by now.

She had told him yesterday that she would be staying at home for the next few days. Perhaps she had already gone out for breakfast.

Qin Yuchuan looked at his attire, which was presentable, though not as formal as what he wore at the General's Mansion.

Had he known he would suddenly end up here, he certainly would not have worn all black yesterday.

Yan Chi said, "General, it seems to be around 7 AM now, several hours after we were ambushed."

"I remember a white flash, then I couldn't feel anything after that."

"The next thing I knew, I woke up just now. Were we unconscious for several hours?"

This was something Qin Yuchuan was pondering as well - the reason behind their unconsciousness.

Yan Yang suddenly remembered something, "General, I smelled a strange scent in the wind while we were in the forest."

"Although it was faint, looking back, it might have been a agent."

Yan Yang had a keen sense of taste and smell due to his love for food, and there was a high chance that they were dru.gged in the forest.

The dru.g was dispersed into the wind, and with the darkness, they couldn't detect it.

Had they not been transported here, they might have been in grave danger by now.

All three of them realized the severity of the situation and felt a sense of lingering fear.

Qin Yuchuan recalled his hot phone, which must have sensed the danger and transported them here.

And due to the dru.g, they fell into a deep sleep, only waking up after the effects wore off.

Qin Yuchuan gripped his phone, not expecting it to have such an incredible function.

"General, you said this is Miss Qingyi's home, but why haven't we seen her around?" Yan Yang was curious about the Miss Qingyi mentioned by Bai Wei, eager to meet her in person and boast about it to Bai Wei later.

Qin Yuchuan checked the time again, "She might have gone out for breakfast."

Qin Yuchuan, Yan Chi, and Yan Yang waited in the living room for nearly an hour, but there was still no sign of Feng Qingyi.Finnd new chapters at

At this moment, Feng Qingyi had just crawled out of her warm bed and headed downstairs in her white house slippers.

She was going to the kitchen to boil some water, feeling a bit thirsty.

Qin Yuchuan heard footsteps coming from the spiral staircase and stood up from the couch.

As Feng Qingyi descended the last few steps, she felt a strong gaze fall upon her.

She looked towards the living room and upon seeing Qin Yuchuan, she was stunned.

Yan Chi and Yan Yang exchanged a glance with Qin Yuchuan, and after receiving a signal from him, they sat on the couch.

Although they had been chatting well online, meeting the real person face-to-face made Feng Qingyi feel a bit unbelieving.

She sat on a single couch some distance away from Qin Yuchuan, occasionally stealing glances at him.

She had to admit, he was truly handsome!

With sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a jade-like countenance, and a figure like a jade tree.

Those dark pupils, though cold, held a hint of warmth.

Dressed in black, his demeanor was noble, like a refined aristocrat from a novel.

The living room fell into silence for a long while, with no one speaking.

As Feng Qingyi stole another glance at Qin Yuchuan, their eyes met, and she quickly averted her gaze, pretending as if nothing had happened.

Qin Yuchuan initiated conversation, "Qingyi, have you had breakfast?"

"Breakfast, not yet. What about you all?"

She was so focused on looking at him that she almost forgot about breakfast.

Before Qin Yuchuan could respond, Yan Yang jumped in, "We haven't had breakfast either. We don't know if Miss Qingyi has anything to eat here?"

"You all wait here, I'll go out and buy breakfast."

Feng Qingyi quickly got up from the couch, grabbed her phone, and headed out.

For some reason, being in the same room as Qin Yuchuan made her nervous.

She felt she needed to calm down.

She didn't even get a chance to ask Qin Yuchuan how he ended up here!

Qin Yuchuan watched Feng Qingyi's hurried departure, deep in thought. Was he really that intimidating?

During their daily chats and video calls, he hadn't noticed the young lady being afraid of him. What was going on?

After Feng Qingyi left, Qin Yuchuan specifically instructed Yan Chi and Yan Yang to speak less.

Not far from the villa, there was a breakfast shop. Feng Qingyi bought steamed buns and soybean milk, then prepared to return home.

When she returned to the villa, Feng Qingyi found that the three of them were still sitting upright, as if they hadn't moved at all.

They were in the same posture when she left and when she returned.

"This is the breakfast I bought. Don't be so formal, let's go to the dining room to eat!"

Feng Qingyi led the three to the dining room, "Come, have a seat."

Qin Yuchuan sat down opposite Feng Qingyi, while Yan Chi and Yan Yang were still hesitating.