Chapter 55

In these days, Qin Yuchuan had given her assistance that she kept in her heart.

It would be false to say she wasn't grateful, but she didn't know how to interact with him.

After all, they had previously been separated by a screen, and his sudden appearance before her made it difficult for her to accept at first.

Furthermore, he seemed somewhat serious, giving an unapproachable impression that subconsciously made her want to keep her distance from him.

Now that he had taken the initiative to speak, she need not act coy.

"I need to put these books on this bookshelf, help me."

Seeing Feng Qingyi return to her usual demeanor, Qin Yuchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want their interactions to make her feel awkward or uneasy.

With Qin Yuchuan's help, the three boxes of books were quickly placed on the shelves.

"Haven't you read any of these books before?"

Feng Qingyi put away the cardboard boxes, "I haven't read most of them, and the others are ones I've read and found quite good, so I bought them to fill up the bookshelves."

Feng Qingyi liked the feeling of full bookshelves, but as it currently stood, there was still a long way to go.

The three boxes of books weren't enough to fill even one bookshelf, and this study was lined with bookshelves besides the desk and chairs.

She planned to read through these purchased books before acquiring new ones, or else they would just gather dust.

Qin Yuchuan looked at the books, "Could you gift me a few?"

"Of course, you can choose whichever ones you'd like!" Feng Qingyi said generously.

Qin Yuchuan: "Just give me a few that you've read."

"By the way, can you recognize our simplified Chinese characters here? They should be different from the ones in your era."

"Of course." Although they differed somewhat from the characters in his country, he could still recognize them, and he suspected it was an ability granted by the phone.

Feng Qingyi nodded, "That's good then. I'm not sure what kind of books you like, so I'll just pick out a few more of the ones I've read."

"I usually read a variety of genres, so I've explored quite a few. If you don't like them, I can pick others for you later."

As Qin Yuchuan watched Feng Qingyi slowly selecting books from the bookshelves, the sunlight shining on her face, he felt a sense of unreality.

If possible, he really wished he could stay here with her forever.

"General, Miss Qingyi, the food delivery has arrived," came Yan Chi's voice from outside the door.

Feng Qingyi placed the books she had selected on the desk, "Let's finish choosing after we eat!"

"Alright." Qin Yuchuan followed Feng Qingyi out of the study.

Yan Yang: "......" The General must want to spend some time alone with Miss Qingyi, so he wouldn't intrude.

"Yan Chi and Yan Yang, do you want to come out too?" Feng Qingyi asked for their opinions.

The two shook their heads in unison.

"Just Miss Qingyi and the General going is fine."

Feng Qingyi didn't think too much of it, "It's quite sunny today, so let's wait until the afternoon when it's not as hot before going out."

"We can also stop by the supermarket and buy some ingredients so I can cook dinner."

"Just your current outfit might not be very suitable."

Qin Yuchuan looked at his clothes, "Is there an issue?"

"No real issue, let's just go like this!"

These days, clothing was a personal choice. Even if he dressed like this, at most he would draw some extra looks from people around him, but it wouldn't be a major problem.

"Come with me to the study, we haven't finished selecting the books from before."

Qin Yuchuan and Feng Qingyi returned to the study once more.

Feng Qingyi continued picking out books, while Qin Yuchuan sat down in a chair, watching her.

Feng Qingyi took out all the books she had read from the bookshelves.

"These are the ones I've read, you can have them all. I'll give you others once I finish reading them too."

Qin Yuchuan picked up one of the books Feng Qingyi had placed on top of the desk and opened it at random.

"When you are by my side, even the night becomes the fresh morning."

"Besides you, I do not hope for any other companion in this world; besides you, I..."

Qin Yuchuan's voice slowly rose, and Feng Qingyi, who had been arranging the books, turned to meet his half-smiling gaze.

"You... don't recite it!" If she hadn't read this poem before, she would have thought this person was confessing his love to her.

Qin Yuchuan held the poetry collection, "Have you read this book before?"

"This... is there a problem?" Feng Qingyi asked.

"No, what do you think of this book?" So the young lady also reads these love poems in her spare time, perhaps he could be more direct.

"It's quite good!"

A renowned poet's collection, how could it not be good?

But why was he asking her this?