Chapter 58

After trying on over a dozen outfits, Feng Qingyi glanced at the time and decided it was about time to go to the supermarket.

"Pack up all the clothes he just tried on!"

The clerk promptly sprang into action, packing up all the clothes.

After Feng Qingyi paid, she looked at the many bags and said, "Excuse me, do you offer home delivery service here?"

"Sorry, miss, we don't provide home delivery, but you can leave the items here temporarily," the clerk apologized.

"Oh, then I'll leave them here for now and come back for them later. Thanks for the trouble."

After making the arrangement with the clerk, Feng Qingyi decided to take Qin Yuchuan to the supermarket.

After Feng Qingyi and Qin Yuchuan left, the staff at the clothing store began chattering.

"That lady is so rich, she bought her boyfriend so many clothes without batting an eye, spending over a hundred thousand!"

"Her boyfriend is really handsome! If not for my professionalism, I'd have asked for his WeChat."

"What's the point of just being handsome if he's spending the girl's money?"

"I think that guy earlier doesn't seem like the kind to mooch. It's probably just a couple's fun."


Feng Qingyi took Qin Yuchuan into a large supermarket, recalling that they had browsed supermarkets together before.

However, back then they had only browsed virtually through video, while this time they were there in person.

Feng Qingyi pushed over a large shopping cart, "You're in charge of pushing the cart, and I'll do the shopping."

Qin Yuchuan took the cart and walked behind Feng Qingyi.

The colorful array of goods in the supermarket was a bit overwhelming for Qin Yuchuan.

"Let's go over there first and get the ingredients for dinner. This time, you can pick whatever you'd like to eat."

In the vegetable section, Qin Yuchuan scrutinized the produce, but he still didn't know what to choose.

Feng Qingyi walked ahead, picking up two cabbages, "Do you eat cabbage?"

"Yes, you can pick whatever you like."

"If there are any vegetables you particularly like, just put them in the cart."

After instructing him, Feng Qingyi slowly made her selections, from leafy greens to meats and seafood, picking out some of each.

Qin Yuchuan silently pushed the cart behind Feng Qingyi, receiving the items she handed to him.

After buying the produce, Feng Qingyi decided to get some snacks and drinks for home, so she headed to the snack aisle.

"I'm really not upset. There's nothing else we need to buy now, so let's check out and go home." Feng Qingyi led the way.

After paying, Feng Qingyi carried one bag in each hand as she walked toward the exit.

Qin Yuchuan caught up and said, "Let me carry them."

Feng Qingyi handed him one bag. "Okay, let's go!"

Qin Yuchuan eyed the bag in Feng Qingyi's right hand and extended his hand, "Give me that one too."

"I can manage. I'm pretty strong," she said.

She could carry a bucket of water up nine floors, so these few bags were no problem.

Qin Yuchuan took the bag from Feng Qingyi's hand. "I know you're capable, but sometimes you don't need to push yourself so hard."

Feng Qingyi suddenly recalled going shopping with her brother, Feng Qingci. If there was only one bag, she would carry it. If there were two, they would each take one. She had never seen an issue with that.

But now, compared to Qin Yuchuan, she felt a bit embarrassed about her brother's behavior.

Qin Yuchuan was truly a very gentle person!

As they passed the clothing store, Feng Qingyi carried the bags of clothes she had bought for Qin Yuchuan.

Seeing this, Qin Yuchuan said, "Let me carry those too."

Before Feng Qingyi could react, Qin Yuchuan had already taken the bags from her hands.

Carrying two large shopping bags in one hand and five or six bags of clothes in the other, he appeared completely unburdened.

"Qin Yuchuan, let me take some! Aren't they too heavy?" Feng Qingyi asked with concern.

"Not at all. If you're shopping alone, just buy less so you don't overexert yourself."

If he was with her, he didn't mind if she bought more.

"Carrying a few things won't exhaust me. I'm not as frail as Lin Daiyu," Feng Qingyi said.

Did she really seem that delicate to him?

Qin Yuchuan: "Mmm, you're the best."

Feng Qingyi: "I always feel like you're just humoring a child. I'm already an adult."

"My twentieth birthday is in three months. Don't treat me like a child anymore."

"When is your birthday?" Qin Yuchuan asked.

Feng Qingyi: "January first."

"January first, I'll remember that."

He should prepare a birthday gift for the young lady in advance.