Chapter 63

It was fortunate that the teacher of this class did not like calling on students to answer questions, otherwise one or two would definitely have been doomed.

After the agonizing wait until the end of the class, Shen Hanyue's head was already resting on Feng Qingyi's shoulder, with her hand still clutching Feng Qingyi's clothes.

"Qingyi, take me back to the dorm to sleep."

Feng Qingyi had no choice, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Shen Hanyue: "I'm not hungry, I won't eat, I want to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Lou Xi saw this and said, "I'll also go back to the dorm, I'll take care of her."

So Feng Qingyi and Qu Jingqiu watched as Lou Xi dragged Shen Hanyue away.

Qu Jingqiu: "Those two didn't drink any fake alcohol, did they?"

"Let's not worry about them, let's go to the cafeteria to eat!" Feng Qingyi walked alongside Qu Jingqiu.

After buying their meals, they found a random spot to sit down.

After just a couple bites, a gentle male voice came from beside them, "Is this seat taken?"

Feng Qingyi looked to her right, shook her head, "No."

Song Jingyuan then sat down in the seat to the right of Feng Qingyi.

Qu Jingqiu looked at Feng Qingyi across from her, then at Song Jingyuan beside her, and felt a little inclined to pick up her bowl and chopsticks and leave.

Feng Qingyi calmly ate her meal, not at all affected by Song Jingyuan's presence.

After she finished eating, Feng Qingyi looked at Qu Jingqiu, who was still chewing slowly.

So Feng Qingyi took out her phone and decided to chat with Qin Yuchuan.

[Qingyi: Have you eaten lunch?]

[Yuchuan: I've eaten.]

[Qingyi: I have class again.]

[Yuchuan: Yeah, study hard.]

[Qingyi: My dad also often tells me to study hard, you sound a bit like him.]

[Yuchuan: ...]

[Qingyi: Haha, I'm just kidding with you!]

[Qingyi: I'm going to go back to the dorm with my roommate, talk to you later tonight.]

Feng Qingyi saw that Qu Jingqiu had finished eating, then looked at Song Jingyuan to her right.

Qu Jingqiu also opened her phone to check the forum posts, "It was clearly a story about the three of us, yet I wasn't even deemed worthy of having a name."

Shen Hanyue: "Jingqiu, you were there too?"

"Yeah, I was sitting across from Qingyi." But the person who took the photo had even edited out her silhouette.

Shen Hanyue smiled mischievously, "Haha, that's too cruel for you. But Qingyi, do you have any thoughts about him? If so, you should make a move quickly."

"A high-quality campus god like him doesn't come around often."

"If you also have feelings for him, be a little more proactive. As the old saying goes, a woman pursuing a man has a veil in between."

"Maybe before long, you'll successfully find a partner and can experience the sweetness of love."

Feng Qingyi was a little confused as to why everyone was encouraging her to find a boyfriend.

"I don't have any such intentions for the time being. He and I have only met a few times, we're not close."

Shen Hanyue and Qu Jingqiu exchanged a glance, not continuing that topic further.

"Qingyi, can we visit your house this weekend?"

Shen Hanyue was interested in seeing Feng Qingyi's house.

Feng Qingyi nodded, "Of course, I'll make a big meal for you all at that time."

"Qingyi, you can even cook? You're too incredible!" Qu Jingqiu had zero talent when it came to cooking and was practically a kitchen killer.

Shen Hanyue: "I can help you out."

"I'll wash the dishes," Lou Xi also joined the conversation.

Feng Qingyi agreed, "Saturday or Sunday, you all choose, I'm free either day."

After some discussion, they settled on Sunday afternoon.

Due to the posts about Feng Qingyi and Song Jingyuan on the school forum, some unfriendly comments towards her started to surface.

Feng Qingyi didn't care much about these, since she rarely visited the forums. But trouble inevitably still found its way to her.

After finishing her last class, Feng Qingyi was about to head home when she was stopped by Nan Wei at the school gate.

"May I ask what business the senior has with me?" Feng Qingyi said.

Nan Wei was accompanied by a few of her friends whom Feng Qingyi did not recognize.

One of them spoke up, "Feng Qingyi, are you dating Song Jingyuan?"

"Whether I'm dating him or not, what does it have to do with you?" Feng Qingyi retorted.

These few girls were behaving bizarrely. Did they want to pick a fight or something?